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Which of Wade Shows's 4 portable coasters would you prefer?

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After having rode all 4, here's my take from a couple of years ago at the Florida State Fair. Pulling into the parking lot, I was most excited to see Comet II. It looked great. The day was unusual for Fla, overcast and only a high of 60. First up, Super Cyclone. After waiting about 15 minutes to ride because of the 4 person per train requirement, (there was only 2 of us and we had to wait for 2 more riders) It is at best a glorified kiddy coaster, heavily trimmed. Next up was the spinning Mouse. Again, heavily trimmed and the short traveling version. (Kennywood's has it beat by a million times) Fun, just nothing remarkable. Next up was Comet II and what I was most looking forward too.I remembered riding the original Wildcat at CP, not the replacement one, and was hoping for somewhat of a wild ride. First off, the cars were not in the best of shape. Faded paint and the old headlight/taillight features were just a plain black painted plate. Maybe it was just the cold, but man was it disappointing. Slow and again, heavily trimmed. So that left us with RC48. We had heard bad things about it, so not too hopeful was our thought. Upon getting into the train, my first thought was, oh heck, Final Destination ! there was was so much duck tape all over the train, I almost backed out. Throwing my fate to the powers that be, I pulled down the OTS restraints thinking why in the heck? As I later discovered, it has to do with the very tight, we're talking inches of clearance. This turned out to be the best of the 4 coasters. Not too rough, and the only one that felt like a real coaster. (tho it did feel very temporary and Carny) Would I wait in a line if it was in a permanent park? No, but for a fair, it was a lot of fun and we tempted fate on it 5 times that day.

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