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Dubai Parks & Resorts Discussion Thread! Motiongate, Lego...

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  dubaidave said:
They take you from the car park to the parks


The buses are, actually, just temporary.


There is a very cool fleet of air conditioned trams already in testing at the resort to bring guests from the main (general) car park to the parks.

There are multiple stops on the tram route - depending on what is most convenient to the park you are visiting.


The VIP parking area (and Valet) are directly adjacent to Riverland - so no transport needed for this separate car park.

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And the busses have stunning staff that tell you which stop you are at and they play the cool dpr theme tune too! Honestly I can't praise the staff enough. Today I forgot my pass in my car so had to go back to the parking and they were so helpful!



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You enter Madagascar Mad Pursuit through a large circus tent. The que is very well themed and includes a walk through a railway car with assorted animals.


You board the 8 seater car and move slowly to a nice dark ride scene. There is a scene with the stars of the film it features a projection and several animatronics. A tunnel in front of you lights up with some great effects and you are launched form standstill into the main ride building. Straight after the launch is a hill with huge air time. This is followed by a few more airtime hills all the hills have animatronic figures that light up as you go past. They create a really good feeling that you might collide with them. There is a cool section with a giraffe in a canon that is shot out. There is a small section that goes out into the Madagascar area. It's quite a long ride with loads of airtime and a great launch. At the end there is another animatronic scene with a lion tamer. Overall it's easily the best ride in the park. I rode it before the effects were working and it was great. The addition of the animatronic and lighting scenes really improve it.


They don't allow any loose items on this ride. There are lockers outside that are free for the first hour. They do allow glasses with the correct securing straps.



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The fluffy bunnies has confused me! It's overwriting the key word!!!


So are "storage cabinets" available which are free for 1 hour for loose items?

Or do you pay?

Any other rides with no loose items? Do these also have free "cabinets"?


Thanks for all the advice!


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  Jakizle said:

Thanks for the review, sounds like the best coaster in Dubai and gives the Intamin's down the road a run for their money as the best in the UAE. Would love to see an official POV of this ride some day!


Sorry - but the privilege of shooting a POV is being "reserved" until our friends at Theme Park Review visit us in March!

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