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halloween project

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In the 1800's a wealthy man by the name of John A. Clayville built the house of his dreams in the Red Hills. He knew the hills where haunted but he refused to go anywhere else. two years later he was found brutally murdered in his cellar. The house was later left abandoned becase nobody wanted to live in such a haunted place.


In 1923 a group of young boys snuck into the old mansion for a halloween scare... they got more than the bargined for. out of the four children, only one survived. He said,


" We where in the old living room, when we heard a noise. Tim wanted to turn back and go home, but we told him to be a man and find out what it was. In a split second a loud bang came flashing through the halls and Alex crashed through the third floor window. I turn around and Tim was gone. David and i where alone. As we where running for dear life, the house came back to life. all the burnt out lights came on so strong most of them bursted. Then a loud boom rang through the house followed by every window shattering. Before I knew it david had disappeard."


When police came to the house, none of the windows where broken, none of the lightbulbs had bursted. the house was exactly the same.


the cellar:


The hall where the noise supposedly came from:


the gardens:

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Um as far as I know a tilt coaster uses the same equipment as the corkscrew coaster so you can't really tell the difference until you see the tilt lift.


BTW are you gonna make a scenery pack and stuff so we can actually use this when you are done because that can't all be standard...


I can't view the video period... Can you upload the original to a sending site?

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BTW are you gonna make a scenery pack and stuff so we can actually use this when you are done because that can't all be standard...


actually, i never use custom scenery. but I do layer, mix and everything else with scenery. and each vid will show a different part of the house.

Edited by sfmmFREAK
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Well can you post the original video at something like yousendit.com or something? I can't view the video you posted no matter what I try.


Oh and color me impressed... I can't wait for you to post the file because so far it looks pretty impressive. I've never been able to figure out how to build good indoors scenes because I can't get the camera to stay put... Grr...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before he died, Dr. Clayville built a secret getaway machine that only he knew about. It was built to give a speedy escape when the ghosts of the Red Hills came for him. Unfortunately, when he had gotten into his getaway machine, the ghosts twisted and mangled the track. the machine crashed in a matter of minutes. Still, nobody knows about the track... Until today. You have been specifically asked to spend a night in Clayville Manor. The ghosts that reside in the Red Hills lurk the halls...waititing. The very walls that hold together the callaboration of rooms and corridors are embedded with secrets. But remember, all secrets are kept behind closed doors.


final teaser (click the picture):

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