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Coastermania 2014...A short photo report

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This year I was finally able to get back to a coastermania after a 4 year absence. The event has always been a favorite of mine, as the park really knows how to throw an event. Not only was the ERT a blast, but the food and gifts were over the top. We were treated to a buffet with peel and eat shrimp, muscles, sausage, chicken, and several other items. They also had some really cool 50'th Blue streak cookies and ice sculpture/luge.


The gift boxes included a coastermania pullover, a glass coastermania cup, wacky sunglasses, eyeglass straps, and a 1025 cp shirt. This was much more than what I expected to receive. I cannot thank the park enough for putting on such a great event.


I took a few shots, but had to take off by 3pm so was not around for the entire day to get a whole lot.




You know your at a coaster event when coaster nuts will wait in a mile long line for a donut.


And there is this guy as well...


I love being in a park before it opens to the public, because you get to see random things you normaly do not get to see. The classic cars are recieving a new shipment of fuel.


ERT was in full swing.


My first stop of the day was gatekeeper


Always a fun ride


Next up I was able to snag 4 rides on the force


They also had several other rides open for ERT. I chose to seek the wind.


No dragster today.


In case you forgot what this report was about......


Lunch time


The park went above and beyond with this even with some amazing food.


They even had muscles.


It only got better with the treats...


These Blue streak cookies were killer.


Cup cakes as well


This is not only an ice sculpture.....


But it was also a luge...


They were all out of jagermeister though


Tony being.........Well....Tony


Plenty of gift boxes to go around


Ever wonder how they cook so many sausages at once? Well wonder no more....


After a great lunch, it was back to the midway to search for more things....Like this.


This must be new.


Sky ride


Random picture of a bird


Magnum was running as good as ever.


No more storage bins on the platform.


And the lockers were replaced by benches. I'm not sure where they expect people to put there items. No bins and no lockers? The nearest lockers were over by dragster.


Is it just me, or does mantis look like an eagle?


I believe this is new this year.


Power tower is still a fun ride


Took one last ride on gatekeeper before heading out.


Thank you cedarpoint for putting up with us crazy coaster nerds and putting on an awsome event as always.

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Great pictures! I have my beefs with CP, but it's still a great park. I miss it sometimes. You don't ever have to worry about operations and rides being open, either!


As for lockers on Magnum... maybe they're going back to the "hold your own crap" days. Cedar Point always had a preference for easy things that work. I'm not sure how well it will work these days, but hold on to your stuff! Hold tight!

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Great photos! My favorite by far is the second to last photo of Gatekeeper. Its so photogenic! And thats cool how they cook all that food. Never thought of it that way. Wish I could've seen that ice sculpture in person! It looks cool!

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The event was AMAZING. Had a great time, and plan on returning next year for the 25th annual CoasterMania


Was that you that I talked with on the way out of the park?


Thank's for the compliments, can't wait for next years event. Just hope I can spend an entire day at the park.

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The event was AMAZING. Had a great time, and plan on returning next year for the 25th annual CoasterMania


Was that you that I talked with on the way out of the park?

I'm pretty sure I was. It was cool to meet another TPR member at the event!

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Great pictures! I have my beefs with CP, but it's still a great park. I miss it sometimes. You don't ever have to worry about operations and rides being open, either!


As for fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo on Magnum... maybe they're going back to the "hold your own crap" days. Cedar Point always had a preference for easy things that work. I'm not sure how well it will work these days, but hold on to your stuff! Hold tight!


I have no problem with the no loose articles rule, but I also believe that they should offer lockers as well. I'm sure this rule is aimed at those who feel the need to bring half there house with them when they visit the park.


I think that they need to have some sort of storage racks like six flags does for the souvenir cups. Not only is this a convenience for the guests, but it would also promote drink sales.

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I always relate the lifthill of Mantis to a Seagull, from that side of the park. The park Mascot!


Great pictures! It was our first time attending, great event! We will be back! And to top it off, they refunded our room automatically at Breakers Friday night due to to water main break!

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