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Yes, it can get very pricy, my wife pays I think 120 per month at her box. But I know other boxes in the area are upwards of $200 witch is crazy. The benefit of going to a cross fit box is you have your own personal trainer every single day. If you think your in shape now wait tell you do your first wod. A crossfit warm-up is as intence if not more than a regular gym goers workout...no offence to anyone who works out at a regular gym.

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Be careful if you start crossfit. It is in its fad stage right now and it doesn't take much to become a Level 1 trainer. Something like a two day class. Gyms are popping up every where and the program itself is becoming a little watered down in some cases. There are extreme cases of muscle over use but that is rare but kind of unique to crossfit. Just look for a trainer that has experience and you will be ok.


I would probably have done this 20 years ago but at my age with two bad shoulders and a bad wrist my body can't take the beating that it used too. I'm sticking with my personal trainer that tailors my workout to my needs.

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Yes this is a fad right now. But it's a fad to stay. The key is form, form is everything. Yes you want to beat your time, but not if your going to hurt your self. And the only people That complain about it and say it's bad for you, or your garanteed to hurt your self are the people that have not tryed it. Beleive me when I say, once you drink that cool-aid your going to be addicted.


So my advice is to take your time make sure you work on your form before your speed, I also found out how un flexable I am.

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In a couple years there will be fewer crossfit gyms then there are today. The lack of qualified trainers is going to kill it. Think about it. If you really want to get in shape would you rather listen to some one who has drank the cool aid and earned there teaching certificate in two days or a personal trainer that has spent years in school learning about the human body. Sure crossfit is fun but when the novelty wares off people will stop going.


There is no real goal to it either. You are out to beat your time or reps to what end? Crossfit is exercise and not training, probably why athletes aren't in to it.

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Ugh, Crossfit. Where they brag about doing 100 pull ups, but can't do more than 10 real ones. Where it's more about using your momentum than actually working your muscles. And don't get me started on the tube socks. A bunch of 30 and 40 somethings dressed like middle school girls. Never, never, never.

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All I can say are the people that knock crossfit are the ones who never gave it a fair shot. And who ever thinks it's not there to make you stronger is dead wrong. Yes we do "kipping" pullups, but not all the time. Only in compititions. When I first got into it, about 9 months ago I was bearly able to get 150 lbs over my head I just hit a 200 lbs squat snatch...so please try it before you judge it. And bro The socks are so we don't kill our shins trying to jump up 30" boxes...safety first

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Yes, I follow the paleo diet. But not strict. Like I allow my self to eat like peanuts and plain popcorn, and spices to season my meat, stuff like that. The paleo diet is honestly one the easiest diets to follow.


Basicly it's, no grains, so sugars no processed food. The main thing I like about it is there no calorie counting or worring about how much you have to eat.


I have friends that want nothing to do with crossfit but still believe in the paleo diet.

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I was a varsity high school swimmer (I actually swam my last race last night in San Antonio), and before Christmas we followed a M/W/F crossfit/swim schedule. T/Th were full two hour swim practices and after Christmas we do full two hour practices M-F. Anyways . . . Crossfit. My coach is an avid 'crossfitter' and goes every morning. So, when we would go to practice, we would do her workout from that day.


I hate it. Absolutely hate it. I personally haven't seen many results from it on land or in the water but my coach (who by the way just turned 52) can do some pretty marvelous things with crossfit. She's got me beat in pretty much everything.


In short, I should just stick to the water but I really don't have the option.

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