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Obscure Park New Coaster

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This just popped up on my news feed. It is all foreign language but the park is from Brazil. From what I can gather it is mostly a small waterpark with a very questionable homemade coaster. Anyone ever hear or see of this place?


credit rcdb/facebook

Edited by robbalvey
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While gathering data for my little spreadsheet, I ended up looking at every operating park with an entry on rcdb.com, and I remmeber this one. This is the one where the park made its own roller coaster with supports that look like used wood telephone poles with a metal track. It's officially a rare, one-of-a-kind credit.

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The new GIB: Giant Inverted Butterfly.

Well, at least they can claim it's unique.


I think you've summed this ride up perfectly. I'm just surprised that the Chinese didn't come up with it first; of course, if this ride is successful, the Chinese will probably clone it.

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