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Most Shocking Ride Announcements?

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I wasn't expecting SFGAm to announce a Wild Mouse in 2008 (Dark Knight Coaster) since the last coaster addition before it was another Wild Mouse, Ragin' Cajun. Only a few steps separate the two of them- they're literally right next door to each other.


Because of that, though, I hardly blinked when SFNE planted a Vekoma Giant Inverted Boomerang right in front of their existing Boomerang (Flashback). Lightning nearly struck twice at SFGAm; expansion plans for a relocated Chang were presented and approved by the village of Gurnee while Iron Wolf still stood at the park. Sadly, some decision maker had a change of heart and it ended up at SFGAdv. The Goliath/Dark Knight/Chang episodes struck me as the United States' answer to Leviathan at a park that already had Behemoth, and Ednör - L'Attaque at a park that already had Vampire.

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I was more LMAO when this happened, when Playland

(PNE) went into PR overdrive about "2 new rides"

at the park for 2013....


Then it turned out to be two children's rides:


The carnival style Teacups, that only rotate in one ring,

but the kids can still spin 'em.


The Balloon Explorers, which is basically and up-and-down

tower ride, but way more family friendly. And i like to ride

it, as it does have a bit of an overview of the park,

from a different direction.


Still, more of a WTF than a shock.

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When SFFT announced their new water ride "Bahama Blaster" after saying that their new ride would have eXtreme thrills, eXtreme drops (plural) and eXtreme screams. They even posted a photo in Facebook showing a stick in the ground in a grassy field with an orange flag and lettering saying "First Drop", as if there would be multiple drops like a roller coaster would have.

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