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[RCT2] PROJECT II: Murdoch Gardens (NCSO)

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Hello TPR members, XYZ has created a small, quaint RCT2 park without a timeline. The park has NO custom scenery & has no money in the scenario.





A look at other parks by XYZ:

PROJECT I: Playland Park

PROJECT II: Murdoch Gardens

PROJECT III: Marriott's Great America DC


Final Downloads by XYZ:

Montezooma's Revenge Recreation [NL]

PROJECT II: Murdoch Gardens [RCT2]


UPDATE 1: This post

UPDATE 2: Below this post

UPDATE 3: Page 2




Hello TPR members, this park here is named Murdoch Gardens. It is based in Maryland, though it is not close to the Atlantic Ocean, thus it is not a beachfront park like Playland Park. The park is built on the smallest possible land that you can create on RCT2: A 50x50 area. This shortage of land creates a great challenge, though the park has many rides and attractions squeezed in with a good amount of remaining land for foliage. This park is 100% NCSO, no cheats, etc. Some of the elements are from rarely used themed items, so it may appear to be custom scenery, when it really is not. Here, I present to you, the park:




Here is the entrance of Murdoch Gardens with the Scenic Railway station to welcome guests.




This is Murdoch Gardens' main ride: Double Loop. It features 2 inversions: 2 rather basic loops, and a helix. It's a simple layout, though it does draw the crowds. The switchback queue area is inside a building covered with bushes on the exterior.




Double Loop travels underneath a bridge which is where the end of the queue and the start of the exit is located. The helix goes around a water tower spouting water jets.




The blue coaster is named "Blue Streak" and is based off the Zierer Tivoli coasters. The coaster has two circuits which raises the excitement rating rather high (especially for a small coaster), though it does generate a good amount of lines because of this rise of duration. The bottom of the photo shows the park's ferris wheel.




With permission from molemaster43, Mater, yankeeman311, BigBomer, & IneedTPforbunghole, the food and beverages were named after TPR members. The left building has Klima's Kookies, Mater's Taters, Yankee's Yodeling Lemons, & Kite's Krisps. The right building has Xtreme Burgerz & Cornholio's Drinks.




Here you can see the back of the Scenic Railway station and the Helter Skelter ride.




The last photo in this update here shows the top of Double Loop's lift hill.


This is the end of the 1st update. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated.


This park will not have a timeline, but rather have improvements, such as taking out things that don't look that good and replace them with better things. So, if you like or dislike something, please comment so I know what I should keep and what I should not keep through a different perspective. Do not worry about the Playland Park updates as I will continue to do them until the park is done. This update does not show the whole park, so the 2nd update will show the rest of the park unseen in the above images.


(There appears to be some issues with placing the images inline, so ignore the photos below if they are repeated images of the images above.)

Edited by XYZ
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  tdub96 said:
Must be WW/TT scenery then, because some of that I don't believe is base set RCT scenery.


I do, however, love that little station on the park railway at the entrance of the park.


There is a good amount of WW/TT scenery in Murdoch Gardens.


Thanks for everyone who replied!

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  • 1 month later...

Update 2


Now, here's the rest of the park:



Here is Murdoch Gardens' Ferris Wheel.




This is Wolverine, a rare Huss Ranger.




Road Rage is a Mack wild mouse coaster themed to the 1950s. It has a bit of a Mulholland Madness inspiration to how there are signs around the ride positioned for riders to see. There are 1950s cars in the queue line, but unfortunately, the queue's tarp covering hides the cars.




These are two rather standard rides with standard names: Scrambler & Dodgem. I think it's pretty easy to tell which name goes to which ride.




This is the "Mount Sonora Mine Train" roller coaster, a family coaster positioned on a natural hill at the back portion of the park. It's rather compact, but there was just enough room for a forest to be created.




Watch about for that dynamite!




This is Mount Sonora Mine Train's station.




Stay away from those gallows.


This is the end of the 2nd update. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated.

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  kevarchitect said:
This is absolutely FANTASTIC! Especially for being NCSO! Keep it up! I WANT MORE


Thanks. More will come.


  historyfreak92 said:
The Mine Train looks FANTASTIC!


I hope to see this download posted along with Playland!


Thanks. This park is separate from Playland, so the downloads for the two parks will be done at different times.


  coolkid said:
Add an invert called Talon.


Yeah, I doubt that will happen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update 3



Blue Streak was removed for a new attraction at Murdoch Gardens!





Land clearings go all the way up to Mount Sonora Mine Train's queue!





A few months later, excavation is starting to happen, even on Scenic Railway's hill.





This is the final product. Log Jamboree is an Arrow log flume that spans from Double Loop to the Mount Sonora Mine Train. Here's the station of the new ride.





The flume goes right next to the back of the station building.





The section of the flume right before the last drop.





The section of flume that goes over the Mount Sonora Mine Train area.





The last and largest drop of Log Jamboree.





This is the end of the 3rd update. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated! If you do not like anything on these screenshots, please reply as I can easily make changes to the park as I am continuing to improve the park.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  IneedTPforbunghole said:
It's fun to see this quaint park in action. Great job XYZ.


Thanks, TP.


  historyfreak92 said:
I enjoyed it! Also I feel that Double Loop like from former Geauga Lake, and The Mine Train ride as the Quicksilver Express from Gilroy Gardens!


Yes, Double Loop has a ton of inspiration to the one in Geauga Lake.


  Desalia said:
Love it!



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