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Floater or Ejector Air, your preference?

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^ Actually.....


My own home Coaster, at Playland(PNE) has some really nasty Ejector Air times in it, lol!


And I love it, and ride it like a bucking bronco! Truth. I stand up in the car when the force

allows me to do so, and I sit down, hitting the down force that most valleys create.


People freak when they see me do this, in their train. But it's legal, and it works.


On-Ride Photo's at the bottom here... (Thank you Joe Schwartz for the great photo.)

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I still maintain that sideways air is the very best.


Then you must LOVE Fury's first hill after the drop!


I'm kind of curious where everyone has been experiencing ejector air.


Maverick has some of the most forceful ejector air that I've ever experienced! It actually feels like somebody grabs you by your shoulders roughly, lifting you out of your seat, and then slams you back down again! Very intense! Magnum has tons of ejector air too, as does El Toro, The Voyage, etc....


On the topic of floater air, I got possibly the best floater air I've ever had last Tuesday when I went to Cedar Point... on Skyhawk! When the ride op pushed the lap bar down, I was adjusting myself in the seat, and the bar pushed against my protruding belly (I'd had a bit of beer at this point! ), and didn't go down very far. It was completely innocent on my part, I wasn't trying to gain any extra room. However, I wasn't about to pull it down further either! So, the ride gets going, and on the last forward swing, I lifted so far out of my seat, my friend next to me actually got worried that I was going to fly right out! Thankfully, that did not happen, and it just gave me a good floater air story to tell!

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