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Harry Potter: GOF Trailer


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If you haven't had a chance to check out the longer trailer of GOF, I definitely suggest that you do. While the movies NEVER do the books (or pretty much ANY book) justice, this one looks pretty sweet so far. Unfortunately you have to be an IGN insider...I will look for anoter non-subscription URL.





And yes, this is PG-13 for those of you who aren't HP geeks like myself. I don't expect the rating to change for next films. 8)


P.S. If you look under the main Insider link for the film, there is a hyperlink for a free version of the International trailer. Hope this helps!

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Wow...that's going to be a nice movie. Next thing to look forwards to is the last book.



Do you really think she wants to stop making money?... Im sure there will be more books in the future..


Just like how Lucas says there will be no more star wars movies.... ha... pressure from the studio... and greed.... is all it takes...

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So, how is she going to stop making money? It could take her two or three years for the next book, so you'll get that much amount of sales. She still has four movies to put out in theaters (including GOF), and she could also make a box set after the 7th comes out, not to mention the money she'll make from people who hadn't seen previous movies paying extra money to get the DVDs.

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I hate Harry Potter and I wont be seeing the new movie!


I tried reading one of the first books and I hated it, I don't understand why people like Harry Potter! :?


If you don't like Harry Potter, that's fine. The forum was about the movie trailer, not a question of whether or not you like Harry Potter.

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I have enjoyed all of the Harry Potter Books!


I think that the next movie "The Goblet of Fire" will be the best one by far!!!


The PG-13 rating shows that the movies are taking on a Darker Tone (As they should)


I eagerly await the release of this film, and I'll be there Opening Night, with many of the Harry Potter Faithful!!!

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