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Game: Careful What You Wish For

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Granted, but during your ride the brakes fail and you crash into the train/car (I'm not sure which) ahead of you and die.


I wish I would have ridden Déjà Vu at SFGAm before it went to Silverwood!

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Granted, but then the Taiko is removed and replaced with a Taiko that jumps out of the computer screen and bites your face.


I wish B&M built a spinning roller coaster!

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Granted, but the lines for Predator grow short because everyone wants to ride Lake Monster, and Predator closes anyways.


I wish Kennywood never got rid of Pitt Fall and put Black Widow where Cosmic Chaos is (assuming it would fit).

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Granted, but to make more room for Gatekeeper they get rid of Wicked Twister and maXair.


I wish Maverick went AquaTrax or at least had lap bars.

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Granted, but it came with horrible theming

I wish CP relocated Disaster Transport to replace Mean Streak

I wish Kennywood never got rid of Pitt Fall and put Black Widow where Cosmic Chaos is (assuming it would fit).
Granted, but Kennywood gets rid of Cosmic Chaos and puts nothing in its place!

We really need a facepalm smiley

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Granted, but it gets damaged while being relocated, and it just sits for years to come while people endlessly try to fix the ride and it never gets fixed...just like another bobsled ride I know...


I wish Knoebel's Flying Turns would open very soon.

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Granted, but then this thread wouldn't exist and would be replaced with a less fun game.


I wish I knew more people who liked roller coasters!

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I mean, they're the GP, but I love a lot of people and I'm friends with some people that aren't coaster enthusiasts.


Granted, but then you have no one to evangelize to about roller coasters and no one to convert!


I wish King's Island's new coaster for 2014 goes upside down 20 times and is made by B&M!

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^That is true, but though they say many dumb things I still love the GP.


Granted, but then instead of doing that he/she hacks up hairballs all over your pillow and spills kitty litter on the floor.


I wish Apocalypse: the Ride (SFA) would be converted to a floorless coaster!

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Granted, but by floorless they simply remove the floor of the stand-up train. Leaving only the bicycle seats to support you.


I wish that the wish I have of managing SFMM for the better would be invincible to being messed up from you guys.

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