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PTR CP 6-1

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I went to CP for the first time. It was an overall good expierence alot of the rides were hop ons with a couple exceptions.






Finally a room with a view 8)



I don't get why ID here and TTD isn't. Maybe so families can have something to do besides Planet Snoopy


We then took a walk around





I wish this had been open



Couldn't get around to riding this



or this



The next day was the big day. We got to go in an hour early because we stayed on resort. Went straight to MF. Fun ride but could have more too it. Probably would be more fun in the back or the front. That was about a 5 minute wait. Then we did ID two times cause it was a hop on and was some what fun. Then we did Raptor which was a true hop one (the gate was open and no one was in the row ) That was fun. BS was next hit that twice (by this time the park was open to the public). Hit a couple flats along the Main Midway. Then it was Wildcat ( which was fun) and a third (and final) time on ID. It was than time for TTD



Waited about an hour for that. Than it was Magunum time boy was that coaster fun and out of control and the best part is the wait was nonexistent!!!!!! We hit it a second time and than went on to Gemini another really good ride IMO. In typical CF fashion they had half the rows closed off for no apparent reasons on both sides ( i guess something could have been wrong with them but it was the same rows for each side each train) oh well it was still a short wait. Oh and before that i hit Woodstock Express b/c i wanted the credit and i was the only one on the train. I felt like a dork . Next was MS which like i said here

http://www.sfgamworld.com/forum/general-coaster-talk/topic11262.html was not that bad of a ride.

Even rode it a second time only that time was a little more bone jarring. No wait for that one either

We looked at Maverick but i was hot and didn't feel like waiting the posted 45 minutes (athough i regret it). Next it was CCMR. I don't know if it was just because i rode it in the back or because its old (42 years old) but this ride was very jerky. The worst part was the drop before the track goes over the lake. If thats not enough the lap bars only had one setting. The lowered the lap bars and i groaned. They asked me if i waunted to get off and said no mine as well . Thank god that was a hop on. We than went to MF again and waited only about 20 minutes for it i was thinking it would be a lot longer than that

Than it was time for Manits where i waited 25 minutes to get barked at to hurry up and adjust my seat and pull my harness down as fast as i could. Definelty not a good expierence and the ride seemed rough and it hurt my legs and those other parts











I then went to Disaster Transport which was actually kind of fun. I’ve never been on a bobsled before and one in the dark was a unique experience. We waited a full queue which was only about 20 minutes where do they put people when it's longer We then decided that was enough for the day and we left the park around 5. And i can't wait to come back


Ride Totals

MF 2

ID 3


G:R 1

G:B 2

Magnum 2


Mantis 1

Raptor 1

BS 2

MS 2

Wildcat 1

Woodstock 1

Disaster Transport 1

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I really like these pictures because they feel like they were taken by someone actually walking around the park. So often I feel that the photos around here look/feel more like brochure photos, while yours really capture the park as it is to a person on the ground.

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I don't get why ID here and TTD isn't.


A couple reasons:


1. Dragster takes a pretty long time to get warmed up in the morning, and it wouldn't be worth it to have it open early since they would basically be loading maybe 4 or 5 rows of every train.


2. Iron Dragon is a family ride, and not all early entry people want to get on the big coasters.

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I love any Cedar Point photos, but as stated above I like yours because they don't look like they were professionally photographed and there aren't many abstract angles, which is sometimes a breath of fresh air on this site (no offense to anyone taking the incredible HD photos of Cedar Point as those are equally awesome!)


I hope you get back to CP soon because IMO Maverick is one of the best coasters in the U.S! I understand that you might've been pressed for timing, but it really is an attraction that I'd hate to miss.

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Acually TTD is on early entry now too... Its been like that for a couple of weeks now.


Also, I believe that I saw you riding Woodstock... I work in Camp and remember someone riding by themselves... When did you acually go??



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