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PTR Mt Olympus 8-11

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Went to Mt Olympus today. A decent park but it sure isn't Disney or Cedar Point


Hades was a piece of crap. About 10x worse than Mean Streak. Still it provided a couple great moments of airtime. Pegasus wasn't anything special. Not to rough but basically no airtime. Zeus wasn't nearly as rough as people said it was. And i rode in the second to last car on a nearly empty t met.rain. And Cyclops was rough but also was full of airtime. Couldn't find Opa but i probably would have hated it just like i hate RC. And Litte Titans i was too tall.


Anyway onto the pictures






Took the pictue too late




^The Wilderness resort where we usually stay. This is was just a one day thing though



Alot of the water slides are green



Robot World



Noah's Ark









More of Hades



Hades goes under the parking lot and over into the section



And into this section


Then it goes back under and goes over the smaller hill right next to the largest drop.




I think this is Cyclops but it might be Zeus. Either way you can walk right up to coaster track at several points in the park



Wow this is such a unique policy. Walmart and Target should consider something like this.



That sign is pretty much the only thing keeping people out of here. There were a lot of workers around this area but still maybe a gate would be a smart idea



Another view of how close the track is



Zeus had a full queue. That's right all the way down the stairs. Probably wouldn't be more than 20-25 minutes. On a side note i took this on the way out. We hit this first thing with a nearly empty station.





Fun Go Carts. Too bad they had about a half hour wait. Really Slow moving line plus the constant smell of gas = :? .







That breath taking drop



The best part of the ride is quickly followed by the worst with a really rough section of track.



Only Bathroom i ever saw in the park



Zeus, Hades and Cyclops



This sign cost me a credit





Trojan Horse







and i'll wrap this up with a picture of the entrance to Hotel Rome

Edited by tribar
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Great pics!! Every time I see a TR from this place it makes me want to go even more. I'm thinking of eventually doing a trip to SFGAm, the Dells then ferry to Michigan's Adventure and back to Detroit to visit the family and friends. It's a shame that Hades won't be like it was in its prime whenever I get a chance to visit but I'm one who strangely enjoys a good rough woodie.

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Couldn't find Opa


Were you really making an effort to find or did you just kinda shrug it off? This isn't the first time I've heard someone say they couldn't find Opa and I'm just wondering what their attitude was towards it since I never thought it was particularly hard to find.

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I kinda Shrugged it off. SFGAm has Rajun Cajun which i hate so i figured i wouldn't like this either. But once we got to the outside waterpark i thought that the path ended though. So a little of both



Video i took of Little Titans

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Yeah, I wouldn't even consider Mount Olympus a theme park. Their water park is fantastic, especially the wave pool, but the park is definitely mediocre. I enjoyed Hades for what it does, especially the short turns in the tunnel, but everything else was pretty bad. And if you didn't like Ragin Cajun, you wouldn't like Opa... So that was a smart move on your part... Thanks for posting your report though!

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Wow, Hades 10x worse than Mean Streak? Not even close. Hades can be rough but is still a great ride. Mean Streak is just awful. Spent a couple of days at Mt. Olympus the week before you and thought it was a great little collection of wooden coasters. Zeus was the rough one when we were there. Also, Hellcat at Timber Falls is another woodie worth checking out. Thanks for posting the photos. Love how close you can get to the coasters.

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I rode Hades this year when they were open till 1:00 AM during the 'Night at the Theme Park' night. Got to ride in the front seat in the dark with hardly a wait and I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed it! Yeah, it's not El Toro smooth, but the intensity kinda reminded me of Boulder Dash at Lake Compounce or RF2 @ Waldameer.


While it didn't crack my top ten, I can honestly say that I have been on dozens of other wooden coasters that were way worse in terms of roughness.


I bet this ride kicked total butt the first couple of years it was open and could see why it was ranked near the top by some people and coaster polls back then.

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