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Spring Break

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Some friends and I want to take a trip to a totally awesome amusement park trip for Spring Break. We are poor college students to we need a park that is one days driving distance from Champaign, Illinois. Also, the friends we are meeting up with are from Georgia Tech so it has to be a days wirth drive for them too. We only want to go to ONE park. We are planning on a doing the theme park for two days and them something else for the third day and driving back on the fourth day. Right now we are thinking of Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Is this a good choice or does anyone else have a better selection??? Help!

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it all depends on what you are looking for. if you want thrilling coasters go to SFA if you want somewhat thrilling coasters and a themed enviroment go to PKD if you want a well themed enviroment w/ min. thrill rides then BGW is your choice.

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No, BGW is an awesome park. It's a very pretty park with some good rides. There are also some good shops there.


Dollywood is antoher pretty park with good rides (they also have some of the best park shows).


What kind of things do you like to do in a park?

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If you're going solely for roller coasters, then PKD is much more quantitative than BGW. But depending on the day you want to go, PKD may not be opened. However, I think I prefer everything at BGW over PKD. Busch may only have 4 coasters to Kings Dominions 13, but they are of a better caliber and also have better capacity, meaning more rides. Plus BGW has great food, and other good rides like Darkastle, which is better than Kings Dominion's dark ride, Scooby Doo.


In a few weeks we're going back to Busch Gardens, and Kings Dominion is closed that weekend for a company buyout. We're not sad in the least though, as it just means another day we can spend at BGW and stay at the Great Wolf Lodge with their indoor waterpark!


Sadly, you don't have too many other options up north for opened amusement parks during Spring Break. Your only other options that I can think of are Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey, Six Flags America in Washington DC, Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, Dollywood in Tennessee, Carowinds in Charlotte, Six Flags Over Georgia in Atlanta, and Kings Island in Cincinnati.

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