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where should i go?


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Hey guys!


I am from norway, and this christmas me and a friend are going to visit some relatives of mine in new york for 3 weeks. Well, we were thinking about spending one week or so of that to travel to someplace warmer and visiting a couple of theme parks (i'm guessing nothing like that is open around new york during the winter). Only thing is, we can't decide where to go.


We were thinking either california (los angeles) or florida, but neither of us have any knowledge of theme parks in the states, which ones have the better rides etc. So can any of you guys recommend a good place to go in the states for rides in december/january?


oh, and there's a hitch. we both work as skycoaster site controllers over here, so we want to check out one of the skycoaster sites in the states. i know florida has the kissimmee 300 ft skycoaster, does california have anything like that?


i know i'm asking a bit much here, but any recommendations would be *greatly* appreciated!



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It's really your call, but you're right it's going to have to be Florida or Southern California.


Of course I would suggest Florida (cheaper, easier, nicer weather that time of year, better parks and coasters, taller Sky Coaster), but I'm sure someone else could give you the pros of coming to SoCal.

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I havent been to California, but I think it looks cool. But from people saying bad things about SFMM and Knott's, I would have to say Florida. It is warm (Ok, I was there at Christmas once and there was Ice on the car in the morning, but It was warm that day)



-Islands Of Adventure


-SheiKra/Busch Gardens

-Cheap to fly to.

-Everything is cheap.

-Blizzard Beach too.


Basically everything that is said above.


Also, we find it very cheap because Sketchers are about £20 which is really cheap for us in the United Kingdom.

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I just got back from California a month ago and I have been to Florida several times. Florida is without a doubt the place to go. Not only is Florida Disney and Universal bigger and better, the coasters at Islands of Adventure and Busch Gardens Tampa are better than any coaster in California IMO! The best choice is Florida, trust me.

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California has a lot of neat parks but Florida(except for X) has better coasters. Islands of Adventure, Busch Gardens Tampa, WDW, and Cypress Gardens. You can get more credits in Florida then the SoCal parks and (except X) much better credits. I have been to Islands of Adventure and some of the WDW parks so if you want more detailed information I can tell you.

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aight! thanks for all the feedback guys, it's greatly appreciated we were actually leaning more to california before i posted here, but seeing all your opinions we have now decided to go to Florida


problem is there is a lot to see, and not enough time. we were thinking about going for about 9 days, from 10th till 20th of december or thereabouts. what should be on our top priorities list? we are planning to spend a couple of days at disney, a or two day at universal, of course take the 300ft skycoaster, and at least one day in Busch Gardens (do we need 2 days here maybe?). Also, how is cypress gardens? Anything else that is worth seeing? Maybe something else than amusement parks?


Oh, and can anyone recommend any good/cheap hotels in the area? Working as a site controller doesn't excactly make you a millionaire


thanks again guys. appreciate it


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Good choice! last Time i was there, and I'm pretty sure they still have it, you could get a park hopper pass to BGT, USF, and Seaworld. I dont remember if WDW was on there too, but I think it was. I would say you could probably do Seaworld and USF in a day, but USF would probably be better off as a two dayer. I never went to Disney (not a fan) nor did we make it to BGT when I was there. But if you get a chance, you should check out NASA's Kenedy Space Center also. Its about an hour drive from Orlando i do beleive, and its cool. Maybe NASA and Seaworld in the same day perhaps?



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1 Day - BGT

2 Days - Universal/Islands of Adventure

1 Day - Sea World/Old Town (Sky coaster and other stuff)/Other Random attractions

4-5 Days - Disney


Cypress Gardens is not worth it.


As for cheap, but decent and in a good location. The Super 8 on 192 near old town is really good and we've stayed their a number of times, even over new years and christmas we got about $45/night.

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^ listen to her, she knows what she is talking about. Also you are picking a great time to come, that time of December (week days anyway) parks are not very crowded, its nice and cool and there are hardly any lines (at least at IAO & US).






If your lucky, you might even see me

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4-5 days at Disney? :shock: Wow, thats a long time. I spent a day at Disneyland (I know, different parks) and was ready to leave after 4 hours. Maybe i dont have any nostalgia with it as we never went when i was a kid. But then again, if your a Disney fan, maybe 4-5 days isnt that bad. I personally couldnt see myself staying there for that length of time.... I just cant see how any park can be big enough to merit a 4-5 day stay, but thats just me I guess...



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^ I agree. You can probably spend a full day at each Disney park if you take your time. Unless you already had something in mind that you wanted to do outside of theme parks, Orlando is pretty lacking. Sure, there is TONS to do, however, most is of the touristy/ over priced kind. Ripleys, year- round haunted house, more of that kind. BUT, Discovery Cove is a lot of fun, you can swim with dolphins among other things, Discovery Cove is over $200 I think but it included a 7- day pass to Sea World I'm pretty sure. One thing besides the parks and the cove that is worth doing if you are bored I guess is the Hard Rock Rock n' Roll... thing/ museum on International Boulevard. And you can always jump in the rental and head for the beach! Have fun!

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