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The Bag-Of-Crap Giveaway Thread!

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Is it in a Six Flags park?




Is it an inverted/suspended coaster




Is it in a Cedar Fair park?






No. Or do you want to have a "sitdown"/talk?


If this ride were getting dressed up for halloween, what outfit would they pick?


Polka Dot Dress.

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Is it currently operating?


You can say that.


Is it wooden?


Wood is involved.


Has anyone ever attempted to move this ride using borrowed pick up trucks?




is its name a verb?




is it name a noun?


There are nouns.


Is it a "family owned park"?


How did you know?


is its name an adjective?


There are adjectives.


200+ feet?


Track length? height?

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is it manufactured by Zamperla?




Is this ride controlled by a brake man?


I think they have control of the brakes on the instrument panel.


Is it a steel coaster?


There is steel involved.


Was it built before 2000?


At one point.

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does the name contain 4 words?




Has it been relocated?




Is it the tallest coaster in its park?




Is it a bobsled?


This park would LOVE to have one!!!


Is it a wooden structure with a steel track?



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