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TPR's Game Exchange! BETA TESTING!

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So Far, here is what I have for the RCT3 files with no Screenshots (Using the same method BRTeller used):


*Flight - Track - Works - "Hershey Stormrunner", not in Descriptions - "Soaked" Add-on is Required

*Loop De Loop - Track - Works - "Compact Inverted Coaster", not in Descriptions

*Black Out - Track - Works - "4-across Stand-up Coaster", Not in Descriptions

*Big G Forces - Track - Works - "Floorless Coaster", Not in Descriptions

*Whiplash - Track - Works - "Giga Coaster", not in Descriptions

*Lion - Tracks - Works - "Inverted Coaster" Not in Descriptions

*Sea - Tracks - Works - "Looping Coaster", Not in Descriptions

*Shiver - Tracks - Works - "Wooden Coaster", not in descriptions

*Zippin Pippin - Track - Works

*26 Inversion Coaster - Track - Works, but is named incorrectly in game as "Twister Coaster 1".

*The Rocket - Track - *Can't seem to find it in the game.*


More on the way tomorrow...




Loop De Loop


Black Out


Big G Forces










26 Inversion Coaster (Twister Coaster 1)


Zippin Pippin

Edited by Midgetman82
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A custom scenery pack called "Smallish's Waterpark Custom Scenery" that has no image or description on it:


Contains a beach volleyball, Beach Chair, Buoy, Ceiling Speaker, Dolphin, Inner-tubes (two separate: top and bottom), Palm Tree, Rope, Tiki, Water Slide Station Cover, Beach down wall, beach up wall, sand wall, water wall, and a Wave shaped wall.


Smallish's Waterpark Custom Scenery

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This is all great. Thank you everyone for stepping up and helping out! Remember, the exchange is for all of you TPR members who are into games. The more everyone helps to add to it and fix bugs, the better it's going to be.



Edited by robbalvey
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Everything exchange wise has been working great for me, haven't had any issues. I'm going to take a break checking on files for awhile, and start uploading some stuff. So for those who've been interested in those old parks I promised, keep a look out on my exchange profile.


Here's the latest version of the list of what I've checked on.





Turn of the Century - Track - Worked - Corkscrew (Not specified in description)turn

B&M's Galaxy - Worked - Track - B&M Hyper (Not specified in description)

Aeroplane Dips - Worked - Track - Wooden (Not specified in description)

Thrill Court - Worked - Listed that it requires Time Twister, and Wacky Worlds, confirmed that it does not.

Saw Dust - Worked - Track

CCCP - Worked - Park

Futurama - Worked - Park/Design

Astor Place - Worked - Park

Bumbly Beach - Worked - Park


Melling Park - Download worked, park contains invalid data - Park - It's not missing data, it's invalid data. Which normally means the file is corrupted somehow. It's a file issue, not a database issue. EDIT:Worked on firefox, not safari. I think it was a computer issue on my end.


Mysterious Island - Same as above


El Toro - Same as above - Other notes, I'm starting to think that the database may have something to do with it now. They are not working, and posted from three different people.


Using Firefox, on my windows partition from now on.

Paradise Park - Worked - Park - Requires Time Twister, which was not listed.

The Beatles - Worked - Park

Disney's Shadowlands - Worked - Park

DisneyAir - Worked - Park

The San Fancisco Boardwalk - Worked - Park - It downloaded without the ".sv6" tag, So I had to add it, but the file did work.

Six Flags Milwaukee - Worked - Scenario/Park

Dynamite Dunes - Worked - Park

Six Flags Over Flags - Download Worked - Park - Requires Time Twister

Idylwild Heights - Worked - Park

Six Flags Magic Mountain - Worked - Park

Surf Beach - Worked - Park

The Seventh Flag - Worked - Park

Ashbrook Waters - Download Worked - Park - Requires Wacky Worlds (No Screen Available either)

Valley Point - Worked - Park

Disneyland - Worked - Park

Six Flags Ultimato - Worked - Park

Bier park - Worked - Park

Aqua - Worked - Track

Elsmere Adventure - Worked - Park

Bob's Funland - Worked - Park/Scenario

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BRTeller, thanks a ton! My main goal has to just get items loaded into the database. When I came across stuff without pictures, it was irritating but too time consuming to get too.


This is a HUGE help!


I'm going to look at this weird 0kb file thing tonight. I don't get it at all.

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One of my non-Track Packages isn't working though. It's confusing it with a Track Package for some reason, and therefore coming up with a bunch of errors. I'll see if I can fix it...it's probably something on my end.


This file downloaded fine for me. And it worked in NL. All 115kb of it.

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The three saved games - ashbrook_waters_park_125, legend_city_resort_293, and yorkshire_dales_100 - all contained invalid data, and I could not open them. The latter two parks are also sized at 0KB, even though they are saved games.


All downloaded fine, with accurate file sizes.


The three .zip files - stairway_to_the_clouds_183, xpress_146, and zippin_pippin_135, all are sized at 0KB and contain nothing in them.


All downloaded fine, with accurate file sizes.


I really hate to say it, but I'm beginning to think it's at your end.

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The three saved games - ashbrook_waters_park_125, legend_city_resort_293, and yorkshire_dales_100 - all contained invalid data, and I could not open them. The latter two parks are also sized at 0KB, even though they are saved games.


All downloaded fine, with accurate file sizes.


The three .zip files - stairway_to_the_clouds_183, xpress_146, and zippin_pippin_135, all are sized at 0KB and contain nothing in them.


All downloaded fine, with accurate file sizes.


I really hate to say it, but I'm beginning to think it's at your end.

Can someone else try to download these just to confirm they also aren't getting an error?

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I don't know...I just re-downloaded the files again and got the same result - zero KB.


Since those were old files that you uploaded to the exchange a few weeks ago, could they possibly exist somewhere else on your computer? It very well may be bad on my end, but I've never had the bad luck to not get a successful download on both the Windows and Mac halves.


Proof of failure. I know I'm running OS X and can't open those files, but zero KB is zero KB, no matter what OS you're running...

Edited by A.J.
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More RCT3 rides that don't have screenshots:


Area 51 - Track - Works - Problem: Needs to list as a Park file instead.

Kumali - Track - Works - Problem: Needs to list as a Park file instead and needs to list all custom scenery used in the park.

Joker's Revenge - Tracks - Works - Problem: Needs to list as a Park file instead.


Area 51




Joker's Revenge

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This thread is half way down the page....after two days.


I really think we need to scrap the whole thing, as no one (except a select few), cares about it. Thanks guys. I stuck my neck out on this project.

Edited by mcjaco
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This thread is half way down the page....after two days.


I really think we need to scrap the whole thing, as no one (except a select few), cares about it. Thanks guys. I stuck my neck out on this project.


Honestly, other than those files, I have had no noticeable problems. The only suggestions I have to improve it are the ones I stated earlier, which got lost in an amass of screenshot posts.


In short -

Being allowed to upload TD4, SV4, and SV7 (maybe they are allowed already, I haven't uploaded any RCTLL files),

and a reorganization of the file type list so that everyone stops posting parks as tracks.


Sorry, but I have nothing else to report! I have been working on those banners though!

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I haven't been on since the last I posted, which in short means I've had zero free time since then. I'll have time tonight to continue testing, and if this project isn't scrapped. I have no problem using what time I can to help out.


I really don't wanna see this die off, a lot seems to already be done with it (as I really haven't had any problems with exchange), and I really want to be able to use this myself in the future.


I truly am sorry I haven't been on the last two days, but I haven't forgotten, and I'll continue testing as long as I know the exchange hasn't been scrapped.

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With finals being over I can dedicate a bit of time to testing out some files. (Mostly No Limits stuff)



Just a thought, maybe activity has been low since most of the members on this part of the board are still in High School or College and this feature was announced right as "finals cram time" started. I know that's why I haven't really been able to help out. Just a thought though.


EDIT: Here's a couple files I've tested out before I leave. (All No Limits Tracks)

Rage by Datman: .nltrack file, Worked, no problems.

Echo by Jakizle: .nlpack file, Worked, no problems.

Backyard Invert by AJClarke0192: Game Exchange says .nltrack file, however when I download it is said to be an unknown file type, but will open in No Limits editor and Simulator. Otherwise, no issues.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not but if you search by game (e.g. RCT2), and then try to sort the files by rank, it wipes out the RCT2 filter. For RCT2 files the parameters are search_type=gameid&gameid=2. After clicking on the rank column header the parameters are order=rank&sort=d. It would be good if the sort parameters could be added rather than replaced so the new url would become this. Hopefully that makes sense. Otherwise good work - I haven't had any problems with files.

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The three saved games - ashbrook_waters_park_125, legend_city_resort_293, and yorkshire_dales_100 - all contained invalid data, and I could not open them. The latter two parks are also sized at 0KB, even though they are saved games.


All downloaded fine, with accurate file sizes.


The three .zip files - stairway_to_the_clouds_183, xpress_146, and zippin_pippin_135, all are sized at 0KB and contain nothing in them.


All downloaded fine, with accurate file sizes.


I really hate to say it, but I'm beginning to think it's at your end.

Can someone else try to download these just to confirm they also aren't getting an error?

Yorkshire Dales, Legend City Resort, Stairway to the Clouds and Zippin Pippin all work with no problems (screenshots for them below). Ashbrook Waters downloads fine (1.13mb) but I am missing some custom objects which are not included. I have tried downloading it from the original post in the forum but that didn't work either. A similar problem to what I described above occurs for Xpress which is a park file despite being listed as a track. Hope this all helps.


Yorkshire Dales






Legend City Resort






Stairway to the Clouds



Zippin Pippin





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Being allowed to upload TD4, SV4, and SV7 (maybe they are allowed already, I haven't uploaded any RCTLL files),and a reorganization of the file type list so that everyone stops posting parks as tracks.


Do all the RCT2 add on packs have different file types? If so, let me know, I'll add them to the allowable files.


Here's a couple files I've tested out before I leave. (All No Limits Tracks)

Backyard Invert by AJClarke0192: Game Exchange says .nltrack file, however when I download it is said to be an unknown file type, but will open in No Limits editor and Simulator. Otherwise, no issues.


I've noticed that at my end as well. Every file I try to save, wants to save as a nlpack, but it saves in the correct format anyway, and will open.


A similar problem to what I described above occurs for Xpress which is a park file despite being listed as a track. Hope this all helps.


Yeah, if thethread didn't have much description, I had to guess off what was posted. Sometimes, they said it was a park when it was a track and vice versa. In some cases, people named a file differently than what they named the actual park or track.


Thanks for all the pics, I'll get those posted in the next couple of days.

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Do all the RCT2 add on packs have different file types? If so, let me know, I'll add them to the allowable files.


No - all the expansions are still SV6 and SC6, but those files with WW/TT rides and objects can only be opened with the installed expansion pack. Some files could be WW only, some could be TT only, and some could use both expansion packs.


SV7 files are RCT2 saved games created using the RCT2 Modified program.


What really is RCT2 MODIFIED? Well... it is a revamped version of the games G1 file. The G1 file holds all the hard coded items for the game such as ride tracks, stations, guest and staff animations, water splashes and so on.


With RCT2 Modified you don't even need the RCT2 disk in your computer to run the game.


Some how someone was able to get into the G1 file and change things around giving the game a new face and many added features like black land tiles, invisible ride entrance & exit huts along with invisible ride bases and so on. It really is Hex Editing made easy. If you ever come across a saved game file the is an SV7 you have found a park that was built using RCT2 Modified. There are quite a few of them out there and most are very nice parks. Don't be afraid to try this version of RCT2. It shouldn't hurt a thing, it is completely reversible. Just to be safe you should make a BACKUP of your RCT2 folder (G1 file in particular) in case something goes wrong.


While it's not universally acceptable to showcase and upload a park made with RCT2 Modified, there are still people out there that use it, which is why I'm making a case to allow SV7 uploads. But, it's up to you.


SV4 and TD4 are a must though.

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While it's not universally acceptable to showcase and upload a park made with RCT2 Modified, there are still people out there that use it, which is why I'm making a case to allow SV7 uploads. But, it's up to you.


SV4 and TD4 are a must though.



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