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"10 great places to thrill to a roller coaster"

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Guess what? If I'm talking baseball with someone and every time I bring up a player the other person says he is the greatest player, I think the other person is an idiot.


If we talk about vacation destinations and every place he has been is the best destination ever, the other person has no credibility.


If someone comes off every coaster saying it the best coaster...


Well you get the idea.

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Paul Reuben is a turd.


First off - When someone like "USA Today" wants an opinion for an article, they usually turn to some sort of media to get their story. Websites can often come off as ONLY fansites, so the next best thing would be print media. Unfortunately, there really are only two print media choices: Park World and Amusement Today.


It would not have surprised me if he went to "USA Today" to solicit the story to begin with, as these stories are typically run in early to mid June, when new rides are opened.


I have met and/or seen him on many occasions. I have also seen him on the tube numerous times.


"abcxyz" is the BEST coaster I've ridden" is his favorite and only opinion. As Elissa said, he fully EXPECTS to be flown out, and put up in hotels, just to say that on camera. There's nothing wrong with that, BUT IIRC, SOB was the "Best coaster in the country" at one point in time.


He won't give you an honest opinion, he'll give you what you pay for.


I find it ironic that he listed X2 on the list. (My bet is, he hasn't ridden it since the transformation.) During the media day for "X", I don't believe that he was invited (Someone can correct me if I'm wrong) but talked his way into the event. Around noontime, he decided to take some pictures. He wandered around the barricades, and ended up under the coaster while it was in operation, causing the ride-ops to perform an e-stop.


He was escorted from the property by security.


(Still not as funny as Christopher Nance, (a local tv reporter) losing one of his $1000 loafers on the first drop, and coming back into the station crying!)


I also remember him throwing a hissyfit, when KBF didn't allow him to ride *solo* on Ghostrider on media day. Ditto for Xcellerator. I have heard similar stories from other events from other people.


As for the article itself - it's not a bad list, for what it is. Though listing the Beast and Viper might be a stretch.




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The Beast is on there because it is legendary.

It had became so over hyped, so over talked about, that people like Paul, and other old ACE members hold it in High regard!


Same with X! I remember the super hype X had when it debuted! And even when it went SBNO, there were still posters and shows about it!


Heck im surprised Revolution wasn't on there! Due to its hype/movie tie in...


The Media only cares about a few roller coasters: Cyclone, The Beast, X/X2, MForce, Kingda Ka, and formerly Son Of Beast



You always should expect seeing Beast and X on any media top ten list, even if it was a letdown

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^You basically just pay him to say good things about your rides.


Whatever park flies him out to ride their newest coaster instantly becomes his new number one. He's also not very personable and has actually been shunned by a few parks out there!


Wow, this guy really does sound like a big giant ultra douche! Maybe CGA should pay for him to ride Grizzly...lol.


Who does this idiot think he is entering a restricted area while a ride is in operation causing an e stop and a huge inconvenience for everyone involved, oh yeah, a douche would do that!


I'm almost sorry I started this thread. But I did learn one thing from it, this guy IS a douche! Douche douche douche!

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While I understand that Beast is no longer what it once was, I feel like it still deserves mention in something like this. I only rode it this year for the first time, but it was if nothing else a very unique ride. I've never been on a coaster so engulfed by forest (I know there are others), and I found my night ride to be one of the best coaster experiences I've had. There was definitely no airtime, but I felt like it had enough other stuff to make it worthwhile.

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Im surprised Voyage or Raven was not on the list! Paul Reben must not be welcome at Holiday World. Raven and SOB are the most overhyped coasters on the planet IMHO. Paul Reben should take sole responsibility for over hyping SOB! Beast was a great coaster and a HUGE deal in 1979 and early 80's. Nothing compared! Today, it is just mediocre.


Anybody surprised Prowler didn't make the list?!

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I couldn't take this guy seriously. The fact that Thunderbolt and Viper were on there and he didn't put El Toro or Voyage on it is just ludacris. I also was baffled by BOTH Intimidators on there, when I have heard nothing but "forceless" about Carowind's version.

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