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Caption game 8/15/05


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^ On this picture Robb seriously reminds me of an Albanian woman I met in Greece who tried to take money from my purse when my boyfriend refused to buy a ten Euro rose from her... Robb, were you in Corfu last May?!

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Robb Alvey models the latest and greatest in themepark poncho fashion. The item is made of a low-to-medium quality plastic and one size fits most. As you can see, it's very comfortable to wear, doesn't hamper your park or ride enjoyment, is rodent-friendly and is escalator safe.


Thank you, Robb!

*crowd applaudes, cameras snap pictures*

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...remember the part where Harvey Fierstein is trying on the different "looks" for Mrs. Doubtfire and Robin's singing "Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match?"


Yeah it reminds me of Fiddler on the Roof. Only he's on the escalator instead of a roof.

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