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Bell's Amusement Park

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Ugh. It all looks worse than ever. I can't believe they actually sold the Himalaya - that thing leaked all over the place at Bell's and was a maintainence nightmare according to some of the old workers I talked to during the lease fiasco. I guess they got it cheap. It was definately one of my favorites though, and I have so many memories from that ride.


Hell, that will fit right in with Lakemont's ghetto selection!! LMAO

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^^ It too was one of my favorites at the park, too bad it wasn't kept up better, but it seemed that was the case for several rides throughout the park in the later years.


I watched them load up the gondola of fury, not sure where it ran off to, but as old as it was, 1998 I think, it *should* have been paid for. Sadly, it had been badly beaten up over the years with at least two places on the center of the gondola looking like someone had punched it. I'm sure that would not have been a cheap fix.


He says on the local news he has 24 rides in storage "ready". I remember them having about 36 rides, their ads said 50 rides/attractions. Doing some quick math of the items that most likely wouldn't return, that number seems reasonable. Rides that probably wouldn't come back in their original form, or at all include: Zingo, Himalaya, 4x4, Phantasmagoria, Turnpike, 2 water tube rides, bumper boats, Mind Melt, Sea Gulls, White Lightning would be questionable, and the childrens bumper cars were damaged in the winter storm the month they got their walking papers. With the wacky paint job on the tilt-a-whirl if it shows up somewhere next year, we'll be able to pick it out instantly.

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  • 5 months later...

Well boys and girls, ZINGO is up for sale again, this time, not on E-Bay, but by a professional company




"1968 John Allen designed wooden coaster. Includes one 2000 PTC train. Replacement track package available. Train is available individually also. Premier RIdes USA Topper Track available AT COST for this ride!"

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Ugh. I'm still not sure how I feel about this, but I guess the time has long past to stop hoping for Bell's to make any sort of comeback. This is probably the only way we'll ever see part of the park come back to life again.


It's my dream to see Zingo operate again at a new Bell's in the Tulsa area, but if nothing else it'd be great to see it rise again somewhere else. It was a pretty iconic ride, even if it wasn't high up on the enthusiast rankings. With some work, it would have been a fantastic ride. It could make a great backdrop to nearly any park.


Maybe a few Tulsa entrepreneurs could snatch the ride up and make it a part of some sort of new development along the river. I know at one point the mayor was interested in getting a new small park together for the Tulsa area.

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^Yeah, I keep trying to piece together a list of complete rides that he still has, and I don't know that I can come up with anything other than a couple of kiddie rides, if that. It just sucks that there's pretty much zero chance Tulsa will see a proper amusement establishment for decades from now at least.


I still haven't stopped by the storage facility for myself in all these years since the park closed. I'll probably try to stop by and get some photos myself in a few weeks when I'm going back through Tulsa again. I haven't been to the fairgrounds since the park closed.

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^^ I can tell you that the tilt-a-whirl is missing now. Of the majors, all I know of that are left are the scrambler, round-up, log ride, sky ride, and spider/octopus. Bumber cars is unknown.

Edited by chadster
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  • 3 months later...

Tulsa World


The former owners of Bell’s Amusement Park plan to begin operating two or three kiddie rides every Saturday at a local flea market.


Robby Bell said Saturday that he and his father, Robert Bell, hope to set up the rides at Saturday Flea Market, 5802 W. 51st St., within a month.


“A lot of it will depend on PSO and when they can get power to us,” Bell said.


The rides were once a part of the family’s amusement park at Expo Square. The park operated at the fairgrounds for decades but closed after the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority did not renew Bell’s lease in November 2006.


“The first thing we will do is start putting our kiddy rides up, and we’ll refurbish them as we put them up,” Bell said.


The weekly venture is a first step toward reopening the family amusement park someday, but the park will not be located at the flea market, Bell said.


“This site is not big enough,” he said.


Ticket prices have yet to be determined.


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TULSA, Oklahoma – A long-time Tulsa landmark is slated to make a comeback next month. Robbie Bell announced that he will be carrying on the family tradition and will be resurrecting Bells Amusement Park.


The comeback will begin outside the Saturday Flea Market near 51st St. and 57th West Avenue in about three weeks, Bell said.


"My grandfather started with six rides in 1951 at the fairgrounds. They were all kiddie rides that he bought and we're gonna start all over again 60 years later at Mr. Schwickerath's property," he said.


Jeff Schwickerath owns the flea market and said he's excited to bring a family-oriented experience to West Tulsa.


"I always had season passes to Bells when we were young people and we wanted to see it stay in the Tulsa area," he said.


Bell said he has been looking for a new home ever since Bells lost its lease at the Tulsa Fairgrounds in 2006.


He said the attraction will start small with just three or four rides outside the flea market. He said he hopes to expand in the not-too-distant future.


Video is included with the link

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Good grief...


Not sure what to think about this. One one hand, I'm happy to see part of Bell's come back and Robby working again, but on the other, I can't help but think this looks crazy desperate. How much cash is he expecting to get from operating a couple kiddie rides on the odd weekend?


Meh, at least he's working again, and it seems like he won't give up till Bell's is truly rebuilt.


This is the area btw:



Not exactly prime real estate, but it should get consistent business for the kiddie rides I guess.

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I personally think he is grasping for straws and was out of ideas so why not follow in grandad's footsteps and do what he did to start out. I too really wonder how much he could make off of three or four kiddie rides a few hours each week, but when I look at Mile High Flea Market in Denver, they seem to be doing well with their selectin of kiddie rides, but I also think they are open three days vs 1 day a week. I guess we will see where it leads too. He's said recently he would probably take the kiddie ride route again (afterall he doesn't have many adult/teenage rides left) I guess he held true to his word so I can't knock it too bad.


Below is the extended version of the previous TW story that was released today. The Tulsa World is in a habit of only giving the first few lines followed by read the rest tomorrow...


Tulsa World


The former owners of Bell's Amusement Park plan to operate two or three kiddie rides every Saturday at a local flea market.


Robby Bell said Saturday that he and his father, Robert Bell, hope to set up the rides at Saturday Flea Market, 5802 W. 51st St., within a month.


"A lot of it will depend on PSO and when they can get power to us," Bell said.


The rides were once a part of the family's amusement park at Expo Square. The park operated at the fairgrounds for decades but closed after the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority did not renew Bell's lease in November 2006.


"The first thing we will do is start putting our kiddie rides up, and we'll refurbish them as we put them up," Bell said.


The weekly venture is a first step toward reopening the family amusement park someday.


But Bell said the park will not be located at the flea market.


"This site is not big enough," he said.


Ticket prices have yet to be determined.


"Times are tough for everybody, so we want to make it as affordable as possible," Bell said.


The new kiddie ride business marks the Bells' return to their amusement park roots.


"The way the park was actually started was my grandfather built a train that ran around his house," Bell said. "And then when we first opened at the fairgrounds in 1951, we opened with seven kiddie rides, and my grandfather built six of them."


Bell said his family also provided kiddie rides for the Admiral Twin Drive-in when it opened in 1951.


The drive-in was then known as The Modernaire.


Jeff Schwickerath, owner of Saturday Flea Market, said he used to go to Bell's Amusement Park as a kid and hated to see it close.


"We want to see it reborn here and not somewhere else," Schwickerath said.


Schwickerath called the arrangement a good economic combination.


The adults "can shop and the kids can ride the rides," he said.


The Bells have made several attempts to reopen their amusement park since it was closed. Most recently, Wagoner County commissioners, citing a need for further study, voted last year to rescind a special election to vote on a sales tax increase to relocate the park to the county.


The election would have asked for a quarter-cent sales tax to fund Bell's, an exposition center and an animal shelter on an acreage east of Coweta.


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  • 1 month later...

Drove by the new home of Bells a few minutes ago. Not much going on at the flea market. The two rides he had setup were not operating. But nonetheless here is a pic for those inquiring minds...


With no safety barriers, which are required in Oklahoma, they don't look to eager to get going...

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^ I think they've been around about 10 years now. I was kinda hoping the rides would have been operational so that I could talk to Robbie, but it wasn't to be.


Being as he really only has the kiddie rides left, that really should be his target market, similar to Bernies. It's my understanding that the land you see in the picture is the land he gets. It wasn't clear if it was free of charge courtesy of the flea market or if his is paying a small fee. Many of the large spaces for rent there are only like $100 a month, but, it's Saturday only.

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Thanks for grabbing the pics. It's right on my route through Tulsa but I haven't stopped by yet since it didn't seem like they were going to get much running before winter. I wonder how many rides he'll get for the next few months with snow and cold weather on the way... It will be interesting to see if he can cram another couple of kiddie rides and maybe the scrambler or octopus in there, then maybe he can make a little money. Does this flea market actually attract many people? It looks extremely ghetto from the aerials.

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^ There's not enough room for the spider (which is partly outside rusting), the scrambler is MIA, not sure if he still owns it or not which is one reason I was hoping he'd be there, nonetheless there's no room for it either.


He's said previously he hoped for three, and maybe four kiddie rides. The flea market itself was quite busy, lots of junk to be had. Reminds me of Mile High in Denver where they bascially rent you a storage unit with electric or a booth inside a big building. There are few who are just there for one weekend.

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  • 4 months later...

The local CBS affiliate is cleaning out their tape library in preparation to move to a start of the art facility. As they are cleaning out and reviewing video they are showing old news stories that have a special meaning to Tulsans.


This week they highlighted the PTC classic Zingo from Bell's. They also interview Robbie Bell who is still working to get those kiddies rides operational at the flea market.


KOTV - CBS - Return to Bell's circa 1980


The water slide tower was a big hit for about 10 years before having the slides disassembled and replaced with raft slides. I can remember my cousin came to town in 1984 and even with a huge lightning storm on approach and highly visible, we continued to cycle on the water slides laughing and smiling until closing time. It was truly one of the best memories I have of the park. Well, outside of smooching a girl in the Phantasmagoria only to get caught by the parents when the ride came out into the open on the second floor. Ah childhood, I want to go back.

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  • 2 months later...

Looks like a little piece of Bell's finally reopened after all. Robby finally got the first three kiddie rides open at the flea market, with another two coming online over the next week. What's more, he says this is just the beginning and he will continue to add rides to the site with some of the 'bigger stuff'. More here: http://www.newson6.com/global/story.asp?s=18629549


I'm not too sure how much faith I have in him to keep this going or keep expanding like he wants to, but I've got to give him props for getting this far. He's been at this for six years when everyone has been saying Bell's would never be back, and with a lot of people being downright nasty to him. He might have a grey past in some areas, but he's truly determined at least.


Word on the street is that the state inspectors made things pretty difficult for him, but these are really old rides that have been pulled out of storage, set up by two people, and plopped down in the dirt, so I imagine there were issues to sort out. In all this time the flea market hasn't even made any money off it, but has allowed them to keep moving forward until they got the job done, so they deserve some credit as well.


I'm just wondering now what he's thinking of adding if he ever gets the chance. I know he still has some of the octopus ride, another kiddie ride, maybe the carousel... and not much else that I know of unless it's in storage. I doubt that log flume is ever going to be able to be put back together.

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  • 4 months later...

they have put about 5 rides up at a flea market in west Tulsa they are planing to reopen it completely! mot all at the same location and they are starting with the kiddy rides first no word on the whereabouts on Zingo though ... but they do have definite plans to reopen in the near future! hope this helps with info.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm going to go ahead and resurrect this topic since the new updates probably don't warrant a whole new topic.


Bell's is still chugging forward with their efforts to rebuild the park at Swick's Flea Market. I don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but one of the local news stations had some coverage a few months ago: http://www.fox23.com/news/local/story/Bells-Amusement-Park-rebuilding-slowly-but-surely/4YVCc3spSUqv4b8cJuIrYg.cspx


Right now it looks like the children's helicopter ride is done or just about done, and they are still coming along on getting the Tilt-a-whirl repainted and restored. They are talking about doing the Carousel next, and Robby has mentioned moving onto bigger rides in the future such as the log flume.


What's really interesting is that the park has it's own facebook page now, with several thousand followers, in addition to several other unofficial "Bring Bell's Back" pages and groups that also have several thousand followers. I was surprised to stumble upon all of this support for the park after so many years. I guess Tulsans are getting pretty bored. The facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bells-at-the-Saturday-Flea-Market/227315583990587


I've gotta say it again: I've come to really admire Robby Bell's dedication. He hasn't always been a great businessman, and I wish he'd gotten on social media way back when the mess at the fairgrounds started, but at least he's never given up. I have heard that he is working a full time job seven days a week right now and still manages to work on Bell's at the same time.

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