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My Trip to the Midwest's Best...and Worst

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SFKK pictures:


Two credits...gone...

Finally, after all these years of being a coaster enthusiast, I am at the one...the only...Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom...

What a beautiful entrance.

Nice lockers, too.

Why not start with the Wild Mouse?

The entrance is pretty cool.

And I suppose it is better than one of those Zamperla death machine kiddie coasters.


Time for the real star in the park!


Sadly it barely makes it up the backwards spike.

I guess this is supposed to be an overview.


"I think the road is just for decoration."

What's that!?

A big ugly stand-up!?

That isn't even here anymore!?

Could it possibly be?

Yes...it is...Chang.


More to come.

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You will not be missed...by me...

Even though you'll end up at another SF park.

I actually kind of wish Riddler's had this element.

It was probably the best part of the ride.


That...would suck.

I refuse to call this a nerd shot.


Of course SFKK has to ruin their ferris wheel by not even running half of the cars.

"You just...can't even describe it..."

The waterpark was REALLY crowded.

Chang being replaced by a waterpark expansion makes sense.

OooOoOoOooo...wooden waterslide supports.


OMG DELUGE!! The real REAL star of the park.

Alright...let's get this over with.

SFKK sure did do a great job removing the red paint.

BRAKES! Brakes means the ride is OVER...or half way over...but for T2 it means over...YES!

Thunder Run!

Finding this ride's entrance proves how weird the park's layout is.

Some really nice air-time!


Roller Skater and Ice Cream.

Dude...just don't be so mayo!

Looked nice...didn't get a chance to ride it though.

Ride op uniforms!

Decent rapids.

The evil clock.

A freaking fantastically fabulous fountain.

It's the real thing.



And that is all for SFKK. Holiday World, the last park of the trip, next.

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Flight Deck/Top Gun....rough?! Un enjoyable?! That's a first. And about the whole waiting on the brake run; the ride is so short, it has to wait for the train in the station to leave before it gets out of the midcourse.


Single Rider Line/Empty Seats - People chicken out at the last minute, people are too fat to ride, people don't listen and ride when they're supposed to....and on and on and on. If there's an empty seat on the train; 9/10 it was filled until a guest messed things up. What can ya do?


I'm also worried about the vibrations at the bottom of the hills. Most noticably right before the trim. Some say it's breaking in. I don't know. I'm glad you noticed it!


If you didn't notice any airtime in the front or back after the first drop, then....I don't know what to say.


I still do like Raging Bull though.


Just giving love to my baby!



I noticed the vibration in Diamondback @ the bottom of the hills to. It has as much Vibration as Ragging Bull, and it is 10 years old. That makes me wonder. I do think Diamondback is better than Raging Bull, the only thing RB has on Diamondback is the first drop, sit in the last 2 rows and your a$$ get ripped out of the seat., other wise Diamond back is better in every way.

I like the trains better the airtime is the first car over the camel backs is amazing, especially in the aft seats.


I still do like Raging Bull though.

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Holiday World, last park and second to last day of the trip.


Holiday World was an AWESOME park and my 3rd favorite overall! The staff was very friendly and fast, the free drinks were great (especially because the weather was terrible, 107 degree humidity) and the park was very nice!


I do have a few complaints though. Like I said the weather was horrible (and that probably made the woodies a little more rough) so I went to the water park later in the day, went in the lazy river (Congo River), rode a lame slide (Bamboo Chute), went to another slide, and then it rained! I hate Midwestern weather! It was also frustrating how the ops stapled me everytime on Voyage and there was a Pilgrim's Plunge "situation" which I'll get to later, but overall a really great park which I'm sure I would have liked even more if the weather wasn't so bad.


The coasters:


1 - Voyage. 3 times (including a front row ride). 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Wow, this ride is insane. It is seriously TOO long and never gives you a break! The layout was incredible and I loved the tunnels and 90 degree turns, but the first big hills didn't give as much air-time as I expected/heard (probably because I got stapled) and the back half the ride was really rough (like Ghostrider and Mean Streak rough). This is a really hard ride to rate for me, I usually rate my rides by how much I enjoyed it, and it's hard to enjoy part of Voyage when you're shaking around badly banked turns at 60 mph, but the length and layout was really cool and I did like the tunnels and pacing, so I rank Voyage my 4th favorite coaster overall.


2 - Raven. 2 times (including a front row ride). 10 minutes and 20 minutes. Really fun and enjoyable ride! The first drop had a pop of air and the rest of the ride was just a lot of fun. A little short but it had great pacing! Also, here is a great example of Holiday World's quick staff. When I rode Raven for my second time later on in the day, there was only one train running and one ride op running it! That means one ride op checking both sides of the restraints, one ride op clearing the train, one ride op getting the train out of the station, etc. and he was FAST. He was basically running around the entire station getting the trains out quicker and making the lines move faster than three trains running at SFMM! Even while the train was on the ride, instead of resting, he went around the station and got the rider's things and put them in lockers/cubbies.


3 - Legend. 1 time. 20 minutes. Ehhh...I don't know what to say about this ride. The layout was amazing and I liked the tunnels but it's a really rough ride. I don't remember any air-time either.


4 - Howler. 1 time. 5 minutes. I hate these kiddie coasters...they're really uncomfortable.


Other rides:


1 - Pilgrim's Plunge. 1 time. 10 minutes. Okay, once upon a time, I went to Pilgrim's Plunge, waited in 10 minutes of a full station, and the ride broke down. I waited, the ride re-opened, I waited maybe 30 more minutes, and the ride broke down. More than half while through the line, I just decided to wait, and 20 minutes later, when I was about to get on, the ride broke down and the staff cleared everyone out of the station.




I got to it later on, right after it had re-opened from another break-down, and got on it in 10 minutes. The ride was okay. The lift was my favorite part, you don't get too wet, the drop was fun but not even close to steep enough, and overall...Perilous Plunge is way better.


2 - Raging Rapids. 1 time. 5 minutes. A really boring rapids, but the tunnel in the beginning was fun.


3 - Frightful Falls. 1 time. 10 minutes. A pretty pointless log ride with only one small drop, but this also had a tunnel at the beginning that was kinda interesting.


4 - Bamboo Chute. 1 time. 5 minutes. Boring slide.


5 - Congo River. 1 time. Lazy river.


That's all for the Holiday World review, working on the pictures.

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Holiday World pictures:


Holiday World!

Raven was first.

Legend was second.

Howler was third.

Most photogenic coaster in the park.

And lastly...

Off in the distance...

My quest to The Voyage accross the park began. It was long and tiring, but luckily possible thanks to...


At last, I had made it to The Voyage.

The Voyage beginning its Voyage.

The Voyage during its Voyage.

The Voyage ending its Voyage.

Say The Voyage 572 times fast.

I only got to 348.

How does this thing only cost about 8 million!?


More to come.

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There's no way this will last long.

Atleast the lift hill...

I don't approve of turkey shooting dark rides, but I rode this anyway.

A themed tilt-a-hurl.

Mega-lite 2011. Called it.

I thought this was funny.

Empty rapids raft!?

This was freaking me out. When I'd take a picture of this sign it would come out green.

If you can read this you have good eyes.

Here is a complete FAIL at this shot.


That is all for Holiday World/this Trip Report! Thank you for reading and if you go through the whole thing...


Here is a fruit basket.


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^ When I read Trip Reports, I want to know things other than what I could find on the park's website. I'm not here to do a marketing commercial for the park. When I review my park visits, I want to give my opinions, both negative and positive, and if the negative out weighs the positive, so be it.

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^^He's just a whiny lil' enthusiast

But seriously, isn't it kinda pointless to say that you're going to stop reading when literally right above that it says that the PTR has ended? On a related note, I've also stopped watching those new Seinfeld episodes as they seem to just be the same as the old ones.


The ptrs were nice, they werent the best ones I've seen (I can do wayyyy better jk), but very cool, and a great way to offer insight into your trip that still makes me really jealous

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I love Holiday World, but I wasn't particularly impressed by Pilgrim's Plunge.


And I agree that The Voyage is too long. The first 3/4 of it is probably my favorite wooden coaster, though.


In other news, I have also decided to stop reading this TR, now that it's finished.


I loved Cedar Point. It is my new favorite amusement park. Some say it's overrated, but that might be what actually makes it so great, if that makes any sense. Hearing that it's the coaster capital of the world makes it exciting, all the coasters everywhere are exciting, and everyone around you is always happy and excited about coasters and talking about them. The park isn't even just about coasters either, there's a ton to do for families...I think I counted 4 kiddy areas, and tons of family rides/family coasters/flat rides.



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^ When I read Trip Reports, I want to know things other than what I could find on the park's website. I'm not here to do a marketing commercial for the park. When I review my park visits, I want to give my opinions, both negative and positive, and if the negative out weighs the positive, so be it.


I completely agree with you, as the point of a TR should be to give an honest opinion, and say how the park could improve.

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