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James' 09 Season

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Part 2 - Holiday Park


Blue Fire Vrs Expedition Ge Force


This is a very hard choose on which one is the better coaster. In my opinion overall, I think they might just have to be a tie. After Ge Force is warmed up to its fullest, Ge Force is number one, but Blue Fire I could ride much more.


They are both my number one. And if I ever had to chose which one is better, I would probably say Blue Fire.

Ge Force's first drop feels a lot like the zero gravity roll on Blue Fire, but Blue Fire has a much more unique feel to the ride. Ge Force is more thrilling and does have WAY more airtime.


So its a hard choice to make. I guess the one that I'm riding is my number one. I'm very intrested to see what Robb and Elissa say since Ge Force is their number one steel.


So here is more of the trip.





I leave you with this picture. Just to show you how messed up their park map is. At least it is an improvment from the other maps they have had in the past...


Group shot OMFG!




They are dead serious about this. I saw a guy who was behind me who got kicked out of the park.


I find this picture funny. I dunno why



You cannot ride this ride if you drive a stick shift


This machine is cute


As you can see, the water is too the point where it almost reminds me of Walibi Belgium's water.


This dude is feeling a bit loopy






This part of the park was crowded!


What park are we at again?


This picture is cool. Why? I dunno. I just felt like saying it is.


Splash. The day was hot, and I wish I was on that boat. Sadly, the line was so long, by the time I would have got on it, it wouldn't have been so hot.


Here is an ice cream (Can't you tell I'm running out of captions?)


Here is a dog.


Here is a ship.




Hey, it's working. But the caption is still broken....


Again, very disturbing.


Is this the right sign Tohper?


So this is how they advertise Holiday Park....


This ride is broken. This caption is also broken


No comment needed....


Victor going through pain... continued


Victor going through pain


Victor getting ready to go through pain.




You cannot forget Super Girble


The photo is distrubing in so many ways....


It is pretty fun. This is a ride that Peter Pan would make. Cause it feels like you can fly.


As you can see, it's pretty tall


Sure, you can enjoy the view, that is after you get over the fact you are being held up by some dinky thin chains


It may not look like much. But its really freaky.


I'm about to ride the most scariest ride on the face of this Earth

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Fun report.


I can never get enough of those Geforce pictures.


Is Blue Fire really that good compared to the Geforce or is it just because it's a new ride.


I'm planning to go to Holiday Park in July on one of the summernights.




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  • 1 month later...

Hey all,


I went to Europa Park yesterday. Since it was a last minute invite by the friends, I had no time to go back home to get my camera or TPR shirt. Luckily, one of my friends had a camera and took some pictures. Even though they are all made more facebook, I decided to add them with my TR just for an extra.


The day was fun even though the park was PACKED with french people

We got to the park around an hour and a half after opening. Of course we went to Blue Fire first. Only to wait about an 1 and a half for the front seat.

It was very fun riding with first time riders. They all agreed it is the best coaster in the park and I think all but one said it was better than Ge Force.

Blue Fire was running amazing though. The preshow hasn't changed since the first day and the photo booth was also not set up.


After Blue Fire we went over to Alpen Express since the all the lines got really long. The line for Alpen Express was about ten minutes, but since the weather was very hot outside, the tunnel felt very refreshing and made it worth the wait.


Time to go over to Russia for some Euro Mir. The line was about 40 minutes but moved very fast. Euro Mir was running better than ever! It ran so good that one of my friends lost their cellphone on the ride. Luckily, it was still in the train when it fell out of her pocket, so we got it back. We ate lunch at Euromir Burger. Then decided to go ride Silver Star since it was midday and the lines would be shorter.


Silver Star was running awesome. The new trains look sexy and the ride seems faster. The bottom of the first drop seems a little brutal, but nothing horrible.


Eurosat was next. About a 20 minutes line. The first day this season, Eurosat was very brutal. Today was no exception. Luckily, the ride is still worth it and still very fun.


We skipped Poseidon since that had a TWO hour wait. So we went over to Pegasus is that was pretty much a walk on. Great coaster. Even though it is very short. It is still very smooth and a fun ride.


We then went over to Swiss Bobbahn for about a 20 minutes wait. This ride was running great and still the front is pretty intense. We then roe Blue Fire one more time.


Next came the rapids. The only one who got soaked was Daniel, my brother, and Marissa, our family friend.


After that, with all my intelligence, decided to get soaked by the splash zone by Atlantica Super Splash. I got soaked 5 times over! If I jumped in a river, I would have drier.


We would have gone to Blue Fire last, but the line was THREE hours. So we decided to go ride the log flume instead, which was our last ride.


Anyways, Europa Park, IMO, does the best job at moving lines. I had a great day!


Thanks Europa Park!


I end this with this picture I call:


"Wet boy all alone"


Thanks for reading!


On the swings


Very disturbing picture


Agents on Euro Mir


Thanks all for coming to my award ceremony!




zoom zoom zoom part 2


Zoom zoom zoom


In line for Silver Star. We have to stand out as the weird americans


weeeeeeeeee. You can spend all day on this thing.


Daniel has a mouth full of heart attack


It looks like I'm giving the figure. Congrats on her photo skills.


This looks like something you would see on a movie poster.


We saw this guy and figured he was pretty important. So I got a picture with him. ;)


Random picture.




In line for Blue Fire. Daniel always finds a way to peek into the pictures.

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  • 1 month later...



I really enjoy this park. It has some great coasters, amazing theme, good selection of unique rides. The park is on the small side, but has tons to do.

Today there where lots of people, and I noticed that the park did a decent job getting the lines to move fast.


Also, I finally got the Temple of the Night Hawk credit that I've been trying to get for the last two years, since my first visit the coaster was broken down. The ride was much better then I thought. I think it might be the smoothest Vekoma I've ever been on.


Black Mamba was riding very good, but no Surprise there. I think the food at this park is a great price, especially the food stand by Black Mamba.


Now for the highlight of the year. Last time I rode Winjas Force and Fear, the ride was fantastic, but this year, Winjas was running out of this world. These are easily the most unique coasters in the world. I prefer Fear over the two, but both rides do things no other coaster does. I'm not going to tell you what that is, you just have to go ride it.


Mystery Castle is still a letdown from all the hype it gets. It's just a giant froghopper in the dark. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but when people compare it to Tower of Terror, I think they might be a little off their rocker.


I didn't ride any of the water rides this time, but I already know that this park probably has the best in Europe.


Colorado Adventure was also running awesome as hell. We sat in the back car in the middle and got some of the best mine train rides I've ever gotten. Ride this ride! Not only because it's the Michael Jackson ride, so you'll feel totally violated, but it's incredibly fun!


Anyways, no onto the pictures.




I end this report with a picture of a Ferrari.


Thanks for reading!


Your mom....


The owners live here. Trust me, I know!




Seriously though, this is one of my favorite mine rides. Could I like it more than Thunder Mountain RR at DLP?


You will feel violated riding this.




Colorado Adventure. The Michael Jackson Ride!


That is one Asian Hotel.


Dr. Dan and his Cans of Evil Plans


Time to ride Mystery Castle. Which is so much better than Tower of Terror, trust me.


Here is the enterence. I would hate to have been driving that Talocon... err dragon.. errr. whatever the hell that thing is coming out of the wall.


FIRE! WATER! Narnia music!


Time for the most intense top spin I've ever been on.


Oooooo ahhhhhh


um... so how are you all doing?


Epcot? No, it's Europa Park. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I come here to Phantasialand every weekend!


We where a little confused by the whole "themeing" of this ride's queue.


You are pretty tricky, Mike Hawk. ;)


BLUCHK! Says the tunnel. AUGUAHUR Says the people.


How many pictures of this f*cking helix did I take? Oh well. enjoy!


"It is pretty tall, right friend?"

"Yes, it's 200 feet, trust me, I visit about 10 times a week."


This isn't even the first drop. This ride is full of huge hidden drops. Yes, we are talking about Fear here. Force has more S-turns and a few drops.


This is the best thing that can be considered a wild mouse!


Airtime.... I think so. A real blur, I think so also. ;)




Are you ready for easily the most unique coasters in the whole world!


This thing was good. I have no clue what it is called, but man, it hit the spot.


This picture gives a basic idea of the ride.


You can walk right through Black Mamba's hole...


As you can see, I have some horrible pictures of Black Mamba. Sorry about that folks.


Notice anything missing? The little naked dude with the little wang maybe? I guess they had some more trips with Americans this year. ;)


See how close you get to the ground? No? Well you do on the ride.


Boobi... oh wait.. Cheeks!


So you aren't allowed to ride with glasses, hats, camera's, signs that say FAST. Oh damn, I guess I should have left my sign in the car.


Daniel gets excited when he touches long poles.


That will do pig... That will do


This is without doubt, probably one of the hardest coaster to photograph.


Very blurring since I was being pushed by some morons.


09 prices. Hey Big Mike!


Mystery Castle.... in my pants


Either we are at Dulock, or we finally made it.


Is to organize some of your collection. Weee, can't you tell I'm having fun.


Seriously, the best thing to do while in a long car ride....

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  • 1 month later...



I took the train over to Holiday Park.


My Mission


To get more pictures for the Index. Even though I put these up for all to see, my intensions are for the index. I found some rides that aren't in the Holiday Park Index, and decided to take pictures of them.


Yes, there won't be many pictures. And the caption will not be clever, witty, or sometimes, even in their present form.


So just enjoy.


My next update will be Europa Park on August 1st. Since the park is open till midnight. I will be spending two days there so there will be many pictures. I'll try getting tons of Blue Fire night shots. I'll also try taking pictures for the index.


After that, there might be Walibi Belgium update, since we all need pictures of that dump. But that won't be for sure.


What is for sure is a huge Heide Park update. Filled with pictures of their new area. (For those who don't know, the land of Huss was transformed into a sexy new area)


Anyway, we may be half way through the season, but we aren't nearly done...






A very crappy construction picture. But this was as close as I could get to the wall.


But yes, it looks like a new ride will come to Holiday Park. Not much room for a coaster. Maybe a euro-fighter? Maybe a shooting dark ride? Maybe a pile of dirt?


Till next time. :)


OMFG coasterman2845 waz rite. lol there will be a omg 400 foot tall aqua track!


Look at this pretty blue wall. But wait... what does it say on that sign?


Today, the trims where so low on Ge Force, you didn't even notice them. (Everyone in my group agreed) I probably got the best ride I've ever gotten on Ge Force. Which was right after a thunderstorm. (It was shut down for about an hour)


Some friends from a German coaster forum met up. Thanks guys for the great time. :D



This is the most themed sign in the world.


The ultimate Bench: The Ride


If you cannot see the picture, then just read the text. If you cannot read the text, please inform me and I'll send out to buy you some glasses.


Tanzender Pavillon. Why am I saying that when you can just look at the picture?






This ride is actually very relaxing and fun








A fun little kids area. 10 years ago, this was all forest


Just pet it, seriously, just reach out and pet the screen.


This is a cute little train ride


The meaning of the sign


City Jet


And today since it was pouring down rain this morning. Ge Force was runnning INSANE!


How would you like to wake up to this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey hey friends.


This weekend is probably one of the greatest weekends ever. Why? Because one day out of the year, Europa Park is open till midnight! Of course I had to be there.

The park was packed, seriously packed. But of course due to how awesome Europa Park is at getting people through there rides, the average wait time was about an hour. (Seriously, it was packed)


Now, my camera is night impaired. These may be some of the worst, crappiest pictures you'll ever see in your life. Sorry about that.


Now, Europa Park at night is easily the most beautiful theme park I've ever seen. This not only punches Busch Gardens in the face, but it murders it.

I cannot believe all the lights, candles, sounds, smells, and music this park has.


Now onto the best thing about the evening. I rode Blue Fire at about 1 in the morning. Since this was after the park closed, the front line was closed. RATS! However, they picked five random people to wait for the front sear and it happened to be me and my cousin. YES!


Not only was this probably the best ride I've ever had on a roller coaster, but this easily makes Blue Fire better than Ge Force. It was unbelievable. I was seriously tearing up afterwards due to how good it was. I've never done that before.


The second day was much less crowded. Average wait time about 20 to 30 minutes. The day ended at 5 due to a downpour that got everyone soaked.


Blah blah blah... Onto the pictures...




I end day one with a group shot. Day two will be up right away!


One last shot of Blue Fire!




These pictures don't show how beautiful Europa Park is at night. Seriously. It is OMFG amazing!


Atlantica Superslash at night


If you don't know whats going on in the line for the front seat here. That means either A.) You didn't read the TR or B.) I'm a terrible writter. Either way, we were one the last riders on Blue Fire!


Launch at night. Not mistaken for Lunch at night



This is about at 12




Fireworks at 11




Now for tons of horrible night shots of Blue Fire. Which at night gave me the best coaster ride I've ever gotten!


Euromir at night!


This ride is actually fast! I'm surpised it's considered more of a kiddie ride.


This part of the park was empty! Thus, why I'm doing the dance.


Doing the Europa Park Dance!


That line of lights is Europe's tallest roller coaster. IMO, it's way underrated. Even though I hate the trims. Today however, the trims seemed pretty much off and I got some of the best rides I've ever gotten and some of the best airtime!


The Killer Slide of Death complex! Try saying that 10 times fast.


POV of the Killer Slides of Death.


It's not a European Park update unless someone gets hurt on a killer slide of Death.


Yes. I dare.


Do I dare?


Ohhhh Ahhhhhh


Everywhere are lights, candles, good smells, good music. Everything looks perfect!


Seriously. Europa Park is beautiful at night! Even more beautiful than Busch Gardens.


Blue Fire at 10 O'Clock


Victor eating Cotton Candy. Yes, that huge thing costed 1 euro. (About $1.74)


We went to Iceland later that night. Yes, long drive.


Sexier than Megan Fox. And probably rides better also.


ohhh yea. Get me some tissues and some lube.


Blue Fire at sundown. Yes, I had a huge joygasim right about now.


I never knew that these things can handle so much crashing.


Victor is driving. This cannot end well.


Can YOU believe these French people actually cut in line? ;)


Here is the biggest dumba$$ the world has ever held up. Seriously, not only did they cut us, but then after my group yelled at them, they just started being jerks about it.


... (again)


For the index... um... again




For the index.


Here is the future Mascot. His new name will be Mexican-Mouse.


Here is what the future holds for Europa Park. Better get here quick! Seriously, stop reading, go get airplane tickets, and fly here. Or just go on a TRP trip!


Eurosat with half a ball. Poor Eurosat.


Here is a birds-eye view of Euromir taken from my private plane.


Cedar Point Fanboys re-reunite!


Cedar Point Fanboys reunite!


OMFG POV!!!!!!


This coaster would be short.


Here is in the Mack Museum. This place is actually pretty cool.


Best. Inversion. Ever.


Anyone want to ride Reykjavik?


Let's start our day on the best coaster in the park. Blue Fire!

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Day two. Very short. Day ended with a downpour. But still rode everything we wanted too since it wasn't as crowded. Silver Star had a ten minute wait most of the day. So we just rode that a lot. Seriously, the trims where so low that the airtime was amazing. I've never gotten a better ride. Except for that time I just rode in my shorts at night. hehehe


Onto the pictures.




Even though this is the last picture. People never end an update with a gentle ride. So I did.


Thanks for reading!




You know who this picture is dedicated too. ;)


Hey Scott. How's it going?





Some nice head choppers



More Blue Fire shots. This time most of them are better than the crappy ones at night.


Holy cow. This kid can deepthroat!


Looks like we won't be ridding Poesidon anytime soon.


Overview of the wall.


A new expantion is coming!

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Oh, what a night...

First of all, let me say "Thank you, James" for posting this...

I love your comments...I really do...I`ll suggest you as the "Next Robb Alvey"...you have a similar style of commenting pics...ABSOLUTELY GREAT !!!

And OH Yessssss....the park was soooo beautiful that day !

My feeling that night was, that there was no better place to be in whole germany (maybe in the whole world ?) than there...EUROPA PARK WAS DEFINITIVELY THE PLACE TO BE THAT DAY !!!

But there will be Halloween...and we will have NINE days to join the park and ride Blue Fire in the dark...WHAT ABOUT THAT ???

So if anyone of you guys has the chance to come over here on Halloween...it`s sooo much worth it...AND JAMES; NEXT TIME; WE`RE GONNA DO IT TOGETHER; BABY !



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German culture, wacky rides, beer tents, cheeseburgers, AND LOTS MORE OTHER CRAP!


Okay, here in Germany, each little town once a year has a fair. Even though most of them aren't that much, they are still a fun thing to do for a few hours.

Since many of you have only seen the big a$$ fairs in the larger cities. I was like,


"I'm going to take some pictures of my local fair."


Reminder Drinking age in German is 16. Yes, there might be pictures of 16 year olds drinking beer. Remember that here in Germany, that is 'encouraged'. If you are easily offended by 16 year olds drinking beer, turn back now!


Anyways. Onto the pictures.


Here is an overview. Small yes, but you know you want one in your neighborhood. ;)


Till next time everyone! And thanks for reading!


For those diabetics


For people who like to play with guns.


Inside a real beer tent. Yes you heard that right. A REAL beer tent.


Time to enter the point of no return.


I hope this video works. Cause this shows just how crazy it was.


Lot's of drunk drivers and craziness.


This isn't a good sign...


This thing at night is crazy. Flashing lights, music, mist, and lots of drunk people.


Oh wait... This is.


Disturbing as it gets


OMFG A real Beer TENT!


This shot cannot be anymore German.


Talk about a heart attack between a bun.


Me buying a burger over at a random stall.


A random midway shot. Random enough for you?




That's me way over on the right. That's right. It is that extreme!


Now time for a series of faces which scream "EXTREME ejector AIRTIME!"


More hairtime




Seriously! This thing is awesome.


Screw Ge Force. Screw Collosos. Screw Apollo's Chairot. This thing had so powerful airtime that it actually make me scream in PAIN!


Okay. Highlight of the day. They had this thing running WAY faster than normal. Which delievered the most intense airtime I've ever had.


They even had swings that ran backwards.


Get me off this thing! I'm sitting on my neighbors leg!


Holy SH!T!


This is one of my new favorite flat rides. This think is INSANE. Basically, because you can do anything during the ride. Yes, I have huge boo boo's all over!


Powered, self-powered, even beer powered!


Rides rides everywhere! Weehee. Lets all run around like stupid morons!


Bumber cars cannot usually be found on a fat farm or a mall. Must be my local fun fair. :D


What's over there? A new mall? A fat farm?

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Hahahaha oh mannnn

Sau geiler posttt


Misspelled my name.. but I'll let it pass

Looking forward to your new posts...

And pics of the weinfest in a few weeks


I'll be heading back out there in octoberish...

beginning of october ^^ Holiday Park





And yes ;) That was the sign :D

I think?

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Wow...thanks for posting! I will be heading to Germany in a little over a month to hit up Oktoberfest in Munich and (hopefully) Europa Park...I can't wait!


Forgive me for sounding like the naive tourist, but we are concerned about getting to Europa Park from Munich but definitely want to visit. What would be the best method of transportation for a day trip? Bus, car rental, or train? Thanks!

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First of all, I whish you LOADS of fun in Germany (and when you hit Europa, don`t miss to ride Blue Fire as late as possible (Choose the front row and KEEP YOU ARMS UP !!!).


But to answer your question : Go rent a car ! That will definitively save a lot of time. Going there by train is a little complicated and therefore takes too much time in my opinion ! (And going there by bus...no.)


If there`s some time left...try to have dinner at the colosseo (outside the park !). It´s definitively worth it!


Need more advice ???



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^I don't even know why you picked the name GeorgeT, it should be something like bluefire=(insert that certain one thing a man and woman do(don't know if I am allowed to say it here)). I mean you have 85 posts and practically every one of them is singing Blue Fires praises. It is kind of funny almost.

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Why not ? I Mean it`s worth it, I think. Just ask Team Thriller...I think he`s singing the same song

Blue Fire is the only coaster here in Germany that`s really worth to rave about.

And yes, I´m (a little) in love with that coaster. But maybe you would understand me a littlebit better if you rode it youself.


I´m sorry, if I`m going on anybodys nerves, but I just bring my enthousiasm about B.F. in this forum. I think that`s just me...


Greeds (and a little "sorry") ...GeorgeT


P.S. Did I mention how AWESOME blue fire is

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Wow...thanks for posting! I will be heading to Germany in a little over a month to hit up Oktoberfest in Munich and (hopefully) Europa Park...I can't wait!


Forgive me for sounding like the naive tourist, but we are concerned about getting to Europa Park from Munich but definitely want to visit. What would be the best method of transportation for a day trip? Bus, car rental, or train? Thanks!


It would take about 5 hours to drive to Europa Park with the car. However, if you take the fast train, it might be more expensive, but you could cut down the trip to 3 hours and you wouldn't have to drive on German roads.

If I had money to spear, I would take the train. But if I'm saving money, willing to wake up much earlier and leave much earlier. I would drive.


You are planning to drive down and back up in one day, right?



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I.C.E shouldn't be bad. You would probably take it to Stuttgart. Then take a IC train to Freiburg, then either A.) a bus or B.) another connection which takes you to the station a few town over from Rust, then the bus to the park.


I think it is the best method.


Update: I'll be at Walibi Tomorrow and Bobbejaanland Wed. I hope to get good photo's and have a great time. Even though that can be hard at Walibi.

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Thank you both very much for your expert opinions! I think that we will try to rent a car so we can get to some of the other sites around the Bavaria region (besides, we can't sit and drink beer at Oktoberfest the entire time we are there!).


I really would like to also get to Heide Park, Holiday Park or Phantasialand, but I just don't think that we will have the time to drive the long distances. Any other tips, or advice on things to do in Southern Germany would be most appreciated (although I don't want to hijack this thread).

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^Well Holiday Park and Tripsdrill are only about an 1 hour 45 minutes away from Europa Park, so you could easily do both of them in a day if you want credits and EGF?


Actually it's more like 2 hours. But Tripsdrill and Holiday Park are very close to eachother


Philrad, Heide Park is about 8 hours from Holiday Park. You will at least need about two extra days for Heide Park. And those two days would be pretty stressful. If I where you I'd probaby do Holiday Park, Tripsdrill, up to Phantasialand, and Movie Park is in the area of Phantasialand. So you could do that in half a day for a credit run. You should probably end with Europa Park since that blows all the other parks out of the water. If you have any more questions. I'll be happy to answer them. Oh might also find time between Phantasialand area to Europa Park for a ride or two on Ring Racer. That can be on the way to Europa Park.


UPDATE: Since I'm on an ITouch I cannot post pictures yet. However, I have LOTS of suprises happen to me at Walibi today. You'll have to just wait and see what they are!


Tommorow is going to culture in downtown Brussels. I'll post pictures for those who are intrested.

Thursday will be Bobbejaanland.


Hope everyone is having a great week.



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So, I just checked out the real travelling time.


The fastest connection you can choose takes 4 hours and 22 minutes.

You start from Munich main station at 6:41 in the morning and you arrive at Europa Park at 11:03.


Here`s the link : (it`s the 10. in that list)





The second best connection is when you start from munich at 5:23 and you arrive at Europa Park at 10:41, which means that you travel for 5 hours and 18 minutes.


The distance is about 450 kilometers, that means about four to five hours by car...


Hope I helped a littlebit...



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