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You sure it was 2000? Maybe they added the limit earlier in the year? I know there has been an upper height limit on Miner Mike and Thunderbirds (airplane ride) since at least August 2000 (when I started working there).


It was June of 2000, my Brother In-Laws wedding.


Could I be the reason they raised the requirement???

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^^I agree that the Adventuredome is about all we got left in terms of amusements. I much preferred MGM Grand Adventures, even when they halved it, but the Adventuredome wasn't bad. It seems like the past few years have seen the upper management neglecting it, much like they neglect the rest of the Circus Circus property.


They do have Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix listed on RCDB BTW. http://rcdb.com/pd618.htm

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^OOH. my bad. They even have Peter Piper Pizza's Dragon Coaster on there too now!


^^Perhaps. j/k


I can't tell you how many times we would get parents who would try to sneak on. We'd specifically tell them, they could help their child get on, but could not ride with them. Then as soon as you'd turn your back to start doing the saftey checks, you'd turn around and see them all contorted up in the car/plane.


I think the main reason for the height limits for these two rides are more for weight than anything. Miner Mike has a single tire as the lifting mechanism and a manual brake. Sometimes when we'd get chubby lil kids, the train would struggle to get over the first hill. Valleying the Miner Mike was a BIG no no that could get you termed. Thunderbird planes have a weight limit of about 175lbs total otherwise they may not lift.

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I went to the Dome in 2005 when my brother turned 21 and everything was open. But, really when I was there alot of the stuff felt run down and SlingShot I thought was awkard riding because it felt like the brakes towards the top of the tower were going to give out at any minute.


It was a cute place, we went on a mid 80's degree day in September, and really the quality showed. I liked it for what they had, but now I look at it realizing it wasn't worth the price we paid.


Canyon Blaster, Inverter, Rim Runner and SlingShot were the rides that were worth riding. Well, that's just my opinion. Hate to be so negative about the place.


The place looks pathetic with all the rags/towls all over the place with the tarps. Just. Plain. Sad.

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Last time I went to circus circus was like when I was a coaster chicken and my mom hates going to Vegas so I doubt I'll ever get the Canyon Blaster Credit. I rode the inverter once and that was enough to give me nightmares back then...


I went back in 2004 and we stayed at circus circus so I get to see the rides everyday basically. That place wasn't so neglected back then, and its sad to see that it's becomming a rundown...


~ Jess "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" Chan

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^The leaking when it rains was always present, so its hard to say that's due to neglect when its just poor design. The issue these days is that the park has built up areas that were previously empty so its more apparent now.


As for moving the dome, I highly doubt its transportable. Even if it was possible, I doubt it would be economical. That's probably why they have never changed the structure to accomodate expansion. Sure they have added multiple doors over the years, but as far as taking out steel and glass - nope.

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Wow, I was there back in July of last year and I definitely have to agree that the Adventuredome is getting a run down. Heck, most of Circus Circus is run down no matter how many rooms getting renovated. Prior to my visit last year, I hadn't been to Vegas since I was 8 or 9 years old (so 8 or 9 years ago, haha).


I'm sorry you had to deal with all the towels. But I have to admit, Disk-O is so much fun.

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i visit the dome once a year (now living 3 hours away i plan to visit more often) and its sad to see it in its current condition. Last time i was there was for frightdome last year and besides the disko breaking down every 30 minutes, the park seemed to be in good condition. Everything was open and prices werent too bad.


Tho frightdome sucks IMO i still have fun at the park.

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