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The Hells Kitchen thread

the ghost

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^^^ I still don't really get the double quote thing, but I was not at all offended by anything you said, and feel you made a totally valid point.




Another way how it works too:

Just copy the reply, including al that [,],=,",... -stuff,

Copy it as much into your post as you want to and delete all that stuff, you don´t want to have in your quote!

Have a nice weekend,


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I've seen the beginning of several of the shows from time to time, but his first obscenity-laden tirade of the episode immediately triggers my finger to the remote control. I want to be drawn into the show, I really do, however; I just don't agree with this form of "tough love," or "boot camp mentality" outside of oh....the military - where it belongs.


Don't get me wrong, I realize Fox stages most of it. But really, berating a person because they don't immediately possess the level of culinary talent, knowledge, and success as you do is not entertaining to me. Harsh criticism is fine. There's a place for it, as I feel it can inspire in many instances with certain individuals, but he goes a bit to far in my humble opinion.


Sure, I realize these people know what they're signing up for, and yes, I'm sure that underneath the dictator-like shell, Gordon probably honestly wants to see each chef succeed at what he/she does. I just don't find his image very inspiring.


All I know is that I wouldn't last even half an episode without encurring a lawsuit of some kind. It'd probably have something to do with my foot in his a$$....I'm guessing anyway.


The show is also famous (or infamous) for finding the most mentally unstable people I have ever seen on TV! (i.e. the dude that kept crying and randomly passes out in season 1)

Is it just me, or does anyone ever think one of these types of people might eventually go Jenny Jones on this guy? Probably not, but....



In conclusion, Anthony Bourdain > Gordon Ramsay.

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Don't get me wrong, I realize Fox stages most of it. But really, berating a person because they don't immediately possess the level of culinary talent, knowledge, and success as you do is not entertaining to me. Harsh criticism is fine. There's a place for it, as I feel it can inspire in many instances with certain individuals, but he goes a bit to far in my humble opinion.


Sure, I realize these people know what they're signing up for, and yes, I'm sure that underneath the dictator-like shell, Gordon probably honestly wants to see each chef succeed at what he/she does. I just don't find his image very inspiring.


Please don´t get me wrong, when I say I support this show.

You can see Restaurant-openings everyday and everywhere.

There are people opening their own restaurants without having any Ideas of how to do their business, they don´t know how to prepare a meal, how to serve guest the right way and how to run a company. They never had a culinary or hospitality education or a entrepreneurial training.

Most of those restaurants go out of business two or three months later because the run out of money, leaving desillusionated employes and former "entrepreneurs".

But one thing which is much more worse is, they destroy the good image of the honest and industrious Gastronomes.

Running a restaurant is much more than just sitting around, drinking wine or champagne with guests and just making the big money.

It´s mostly 16-18 hours of work a day, sometimes 7 days a week, you can´t plan from one hour to another because some bullshit always happens, you have to be innovative, you bear the responsibility for your guests and your employes, ....

Believe me, I had a lot of sleepless nights when I opened my first restaurant, asking myself "Am I doing the right thing?", "Why was there so less business, tonight?","Can I pay the wages this week?"... . I spent nearly the whole day and the whole night at the company to get it running, I neglected my wife and my daughter (we were just married for 2 years and our first child was half a year old.) and my marriage was nearly about to fail.

Those 4 months were really a hard time. I lost lots of "friends", but the good thing about this was, the friends I kept as friends and that helped me mastering those days, I know now that they are real friends you can count on EVERYTIME!!!

Now, I make good money, but that means a lot of work, a real big amount of work and responsibility every day. There are days, I see my kids only when I bring them to the Kindergarten in the morning and there are days when I´m totally burned out but I know I HAVE to work!!!


Gordon Ramsay and FOX help with this show to destroy the Illusion that running a restaurant is earning money without hard work and without any culinary education. And for this, I´m very, very thankful

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I like Ramsay's yellings when they're funny. Like "Where's the lamb SAUCE?!" and "That's why they call it f**king nonSTIICK!" Makes me laugh every time.


Oh and Jean-Phillippe saying "Jimmy, stop touching yourself!" Classic.


But yeah, I know I could NEVER go on HK myself (say goodbye to my self confidence), and even though I liked watching Ramsay's reactions to kitchen disasters, I must admit that I find it a little sad when he makes the women cry, like Elise and Bonnie from Seasons 1 and 3 respectively.


I used to be a big Hell's Kitchen fan, it had the same gimmicky appeal that Treasure Hunters once had, but as I become more of an adult and my opinions evolve, I've kinda moved on to some other big things that have hit my TV set now...

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All the cussing is waring a little thin. I give this show another year at most before it is cancelled. When half the dialog is censored out and they sit around after a service chain smoking, I think people will tire quickly and stop watching.


Kitchen Nightmares is a much better show.

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^I think the show would be much better if they actually brought in a group who were real chefs. Ramsay could still go off when they screw up, (which would be less often) but you would actually learn more about being a chef and cooking.


I am a bigger fan of The F Word and Kitchen Nightmares because Ramsay is a lot less over the top. Even the American Kitchen Nightmares is made a lot more dramatically, which I am sure is what Fox wants.


It will be interesting to see what NBC's new show "The Chopping Block" will be. I wonder if they will copy Hell's Kitchen or try something different. The chef on that show is the one who replaced Ramsay in the British version of Hell's Kitchen.

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^I think the show would be much better if they actually brought in a group who were real chefs. Ramsay could still go off when they screw up, (which would be less often) but you would actually learn more about being a chef and cooking.


I am a bigger fan of The F Word and Kitchen Nightmares because Ramsay is a lot less over the top. Even the American Kitchen Nightmares is made a lot more dramatically, which I am sure is what Fox wants.


It will be interesting to see what NBC's new show "The Chopping Block" will be. I wonder if they will copy Hell's Kitchen or try something different. The chef on that show is the one who replaced Ramsay in the British version of Hell's Kitchen.


You mean more like Top Chef? Some people at my school call me Gordon, because I bear a resemblance to him without the charm, or the ability to make womens hearts melt.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My Thursday nights are complete once again now that HK has returned. I just love Gordon Ramsay and him yelling obscenities at those people. Donkeys and donuts!


Kitchen Nightmares (the US version - I've never seen the British one) is good, but it's so disgusting to see what some of those restaurants are like. And I actually had a terrible meal several years ago at one they had on there in NYC!


That's like my worst fear. Especially in season 1 where there are roaches everywhere in the restuarant. That was nasty. Just out of pure curiosity, what was the restuarant called?


Did anyone think Ramsay's dec ision was kind of unfair tonight. I hate the person who was eliminated(wont give it away unless you haven't seen it) but they seemed to be doing a decent job, at least during that particular dinner service.

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