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Ride Warrior Event at Kings Island

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like some great ERT this weekend at KI. Anyone else going? I will be there wearing a TPR shirt, if you see me, please say hey.



Thanks to the mods for putting this in the previous thread. My apologies for not doing a proper search.

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I'll be there Sunday, but not for this event... Hopefully all the enthusiasts are polite and get their Diamondback rides in early during ert. I see they have last ride of the night on Diamondback, but hopefully the Julia and I can still get a night ride in. I find it odd they picked this weekend, as it's Gold Pass bring a friend weekend, where Gold Pass holders can bring a non-pass holder to the park for $9.99. Might be pretty long lines....


-James Dillaman

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I'm about to head up there in my LSHoF shirt. I can't go for Ride Warriors since I didn't register (though I'm a KIC member so I qualified), but I'll be there for normal Plat ERT, and be at the park until about 3 so I can get to work at Coney.

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