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[Pictures] Opening Nickland at Moviepark Germany

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Friday, 20th june 2008 was a big day for Moviepark Germany, cause it was the day their newest themed zone for kids would be opened. I was there for Themeparkmagic.net. At the entrance we got our tickets and our VIP badge, and also a ticket for a free onride picture at Ghost Chasers.


In 2 hours the gates would be opened



The VIP badges we've got


And then it was time for the opening.




After a little speech and a little show from Dora and SpongeBob, ... the gates of Nickland opened for the public.




Very much.... Eum how do you call it in English, it's not really confetti... Doesn't matter how its called, there was very much so you got strangled in it









No problem



They weren't finished in time so the theming wasn't ready for opening









The Avatar Air Glider


The Splat-O-Sphere wasn't opened, they were testing it though.










Make your own SpongeBob workshop




After we had done attractions we discovered that we could eat and drink as much, and anything, as we wanted in the park with our VIP badge! What a great service!




Cause it was diner time and we were hungry we've used our VIP badge




Nice shakes you could get





With our VIP badge you could go in the special VIP area for more free drinks and more free food. And music too! You could also get a bag of SpongeBob souvenirs including a keychain and a sticker of Moviepark Germany, and candy as well, and lots of more things.



Nice drinks




More food


Alot of more food!


Our Nickelodeon friends were there too for free drinks and food


A little speech








Anyone Coffee?


Or rather ice cream or popcorn?


Or a hotdog?



Ow yeah, there were desserts as well.



More music


Culture beat (do you know the group in America? Popular from the song Mr Vain) was performing later on the evening but really sadly we needed to leave early because of another appointment we had

Thank you very much Moviepark for the great day we had, it was really a nice party we had, with everything arranged really nicely!


Nickland is a beautiful themed zone with attractions mostly for kids but adults will love it as well, if you are open for it. I liked it by the way.


Thank you all for reading my report.

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Very cool! Interesting to see this take on a Nick area after seeing the change over at Mall of America. Mission to Mars and Ghost Chaser looked like fun coasters.


Were you thinking ribbons or streamers that went everywhere instead of confetti?


And the food....the glorious, mouth watering food...

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Is this a new land, or is it a old land re-themed?



Well, 50/50. It was an old zone with a few attractions like the wild mouse and the other rollercoaster. Moviepark rethemed it (as well as the rollercoasters) and they have build new attractions there like the Air Glider, the Splat-O-Sphere, and other attractions.

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I had the choice of going here or Phantasialand for my birthday. I chose Phantasialand but judging by your photos this looks a nice place! I may have to get my butt down here one day seeing as its so close.


I so don't take advantage of living out here.

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