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JZ's New Nikon Camera!

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I've got the same camera.


First thing you will want to do is buy a nice lens. I've got a 18-135.


Also a good powerful flash is always handy.


Try to use manual mode as much as you can. It's fun... and don't worry, it takes time to pick it all up.

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The sb-400 is a great flash for the money. I also bought the 55-200 nikor zoom with vr, I like to use that in combo with the kit lens, the only problem is that you have to change lenses if you want the 55-200 zoom. The 18-200 nikor is nice and does the same thing as combination of the other two but costs about 400 more then the 55-200.

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My wife owns a Nikon D40X and just recently got the D200. She has really liked her D40X. I think the only difference between your model and hers is the megapixels, so I think you are really going to like the camera. I'll send her to this thread so she can offer more insight.


Actually, I thought I hearrd or read somewhere that the D40 doesnt support all of Nikons lenses. Thats what going to the x (apart from the MP) was mainly for. There were some other smaller differences but I thought that was part of the main draw. If you were the person who would only use the SLR as bought and not get lenses you got the D40 because it was made just for that. If you planned on getting some other lenses the 40x had full compatibility.

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He took most of those shots with a $3 camera. All of them are WAY better than anything I've done.


Being in an amazing location doesnt hurt either...However I think his ploy to make it seem like his "horrible" camera takes such great pictures is somewhat hogwash. Ive seen these and its basically like having 35mm or medium format film attached to a fixed lens which IMO usually gives the best results. While versatile, zoom lenses ruin alot of pictures.


Considering I bet the film he used was pretty decent and I assume there was some post processing in the dark room (any good photographer has to do some editing for desired effect) Im not suprised. His tagline beneath each photo is pure overkill though. Im really wondering what the film he used was.

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I'm really wondering what the film he used was.


You could just email him, but he'd probably poke fun at you. He raises a good point though. It's really all about the skill of the photographer, not what camera you have. I could be in a great location and still not take amazing pictures because I wouldn't know when the lighting is going to be just right, etc. And no amount of money spent on gear is going to substitute for skill honed through years of practice.

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Well what I was getting at is hes tricking us into thinking you can have all crap stuff and still get beautiful shots. If he was using an ISO over 400 it doesnt matter Id personally think the shots were crap since I hate grain. Then again, shooting high grain in the desert is almost like cheating (though smart) because sand is grain and you probably wouldnt be able to tell much. But really those photos follow basic photography principals - nothing majorly spectacular just shots set up correctly.


If you want to prove youve got skills gimmie a museum quality shot with a pinhole camera. Theres some serious skills there.

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Well what I was getting at is hes tricking us into thinking you can have all crap stuff and still get beautiful shots.


I think he freely admits that he exaggerates things on his website just to annoy humorless shutterbugs. You can take nice shots with crap gear, it just takes a lot more time and patience than most people have. My crap point-and-shoot often takes really nice shots in full daylight, but is completely awful in low light. The zoom, like you mention, ruins more pictures than it helps. Nice gear just makes things easier.

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