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SeaWorld Hawaii |RCT3|

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Welcome to SeaWorld Hawaii!


The only Busch Amusement Park located on the Hawaiian Islands! One of two amusement parks in Hawaii. SeaWorld Hawaii is committed to the exploration of sea and underwater life for peoples of all ages. For children in our animal exhibits, teenagers on our rides, and elders the shows for reminiscing! SeaWorld is a park worth visiting and a must go!


The park is about to open for its first season. Pre-opening duties are being made, along with its new roller coaster, Sting Ray! A flying experience.







Lets open this thing!


More Soon!!!


Tests are finished...


The staff is set and ready...


The Midways are cleaned...


Trains are being polished...


The animals are done training...

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Year 1

Opening Day!


Opening day has come!!!


The day started out cloudy and rainy, but besides the weather, people came! It was quite a busy day! The park was put to the test with the amount of people that showed up! Ride queues were full, stalls were selling out like crazy! Overall, I could tell people were NOT disappointed at all! I can see SeaWorld Hawaii becoming the best amusement park on Hawaii!!!


Things for the park are going great!


More Soon!


Then into the breaks. This is an experience never had before!


The rest of the ride is filled with great forces in 2 helixes, and a 0-G roll!


After the hills, an overbanked turn...


Right after the launch, from the FIRST launched flying coaster, 'airtime' hills follow...


The first guests are stunned!


What is so unique about the ride is you launch right threw an aquarium!


Sting Ray, the new flying coaster, couldn't be left out!


Rip Tide was one of the most popular attractions today...


A couple hours after opening, the skys cleared up!


Just more and more people!


But despite the weather, guests flooded into the park for the grand opening!


To wake up with black sky's is not what the park needed on opening day!!!

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Wow! Great theming and I can't wait to see what you add to the park in the future! I don't remember seeing those hovercaft boats in the game, are they one of the car changes?

Those boats are under the Water Based Transport ride. You just have to change the boats a few times threw...


And the future I have been planning for quite a while now!!!


Looks awesome as always - I like the idea for a launched flying coaster. Very well done.

I got the idea from Screamscape.com. They will be one of my sources!

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Here is an update!


Year 1

Mid-Season/End of Season



A new building comes to SeaWorld Hawaii! The Hospitality Center is a place where you can eat great food, drink great beer, and see great horses!


Enjoy free samples of Anheuser-Busch products at the Anheuser-Busch Hospitality Center, which is also home to The Deli (which features specialty sandwiches, salads and home-style desserts), Label Stable gift shop and Budweiser Beer School, an approximately 45-minute course where you can achieve the esteemed title of “Beermaster”. Outdoor seating is available at the Hospitality Center.

The Anheuser-Busch Hospitality Center lies adjacent to the Clydesdale Hamlet, where you can view the world-famous Clydesdale horses (don’t forget your camera!).


Free beer anyone?


More Soon!


Watching the Clydesdale horses are one of the many favorite activities kids love to do!


Inside, the food and beer awaits!


Waterfalls, trees, and bushes make the Hospitality Center a type of secluded area.


The new Hospitality Center has been attracting many guests.

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^ I have been to SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens Africa. That's it. And it was back in December 2006. I only spent a day at each park. So it has been really hard for me to remember what exactly is in a SeaWorld/Busch park!


Im trying to utilize as many sources as I can: TPR, RCDB, Fan sites, etc, to help better with this project.


Update soon!!!

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