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TPR 2008 Trips Chat Transcript AKA 2008 Trips FAQ!

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Can I make a suggestion for TPR. Never! Ever! Do an Australian Tour. Our theme parks are really bad. And would not be worth the travelling.




Adventure World in Perth was small but awesome.


The Gold Coast parks are among the nicest I've been to. Operationally they were pretty awful (one train ops, NO loose items anywhere, etc) but in terms of ride quality they were top of the line.


The two Luna Parks have some serious history behind them, and while both are half day parks I'd still recommend them to anyone.

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^You can use them, but it won't give you any savings. We do 'events' with the park where we pay a flat fee for meals, ert, tickets, etc. They do not give us a discount for Annual Pass holders and therefore we cannot give you a discount.

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Can Theme Park Review members that are living in the area, but didn't sign up on a trip, join the group at a certain theme park?


Example: During the future West Coast USA 2009 Trip, a TPR member lives in Hollywood, that person didn't sign up for the trip but and he/she wants to join the group when they go to Universal Studios.

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You can but as Terrance posted earlier, you will have a hard time fitting in. Most people on the trips find a small group to hang out with and stick with that group. Many are not really accepting of adding another person and taking the time to befriend them for one day.


^Keep in mind, as was mentioned several pages ago, that unless you know someone specifically on the trip that you're just gonna see the group running back and forth and you likely won't actually be hanging with the group. Bring a friend with you!


I'm pretty sure there's probably many people in the SoCal area thinking the same thing: I don't need to pay for the trip, I'll just show up and hang with them.


You're gonna be disappointed, when you have at best five minutes with anyone before you're left standing by yourself because the small groups that split up will be running off somewhere.


And please, please don't think you're gonna hang with Robb and Elissa. Trust, there's gonna be a big enough crowd from actual trip participants trying to smother them. I always say "give 'em room". Make a friend that's on the trip.



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Can Theme Park Review members that are living in the area, but didn't sign up on a trip, join the group at a certain theme park?


Example: During the future West Coast USA 2009 Trip, a TPR member lives in Hollywood, that person didn't sign up for the trip but and he/she wants to join the group when they go to Universal Studios.

Um, did you READ the FAQ? This question is answered!!!!


--Robb "What's the point of an FAQ if no one reads it before asking questions?" Alvey

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