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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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First it was Fahrenheit and now it's Sidewinder.

(6/4/08) I don’t know what the deal is with Boomerang right now but we’ve heard a rumor that Sidewinder may have valleyed on Monday, this time getting stuck somewhere near the vertical loop rather than in the cradle of the Cobra Roll. I’m also starting to hear a few stories talking about some frequent bouts of downtime with Fahrenheit on any given day. Though the ride is still new, so we’ll have to give it a break for a few more weeks until this becomes a daily issue.
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^^ On Monday when I was there Fahrenheit was listed as closed, not sure why it broke down, but it was broken for about an hour. Sidewinder was closed the entire time we were there with no signs of coming back to life.

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I really wish that they would take out sidewinder, it is such a common ride. I think that it would be a really good spot for a new ride given the long path to nothing that lies right behind it. It could also possibly fall victim to another Boardwalk expansion.

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Leprechauns! Leprechauns are what made Sidewinder valley!


But seriously, I hope my visit Monday is maintenance problem free. Last thing I want to happen is miss out on a credit because Fahrenheit or Sidewinder valleyed.

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^^IMO Sidewinder is probably the most forceful coaster at the park next to Storm Runner. If you have nobody in the train and if you sit in the front, it's a really great ride when you go through the loop then. Almost got a headache riding it two times in a row, but I don't mind it. I'm immune to pain.

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Great Ride!!! I got on three times, once in the back once in the middle, and once in front, with less than a 10 minutee wait on each. Truly is an amasing addition to the park. My head did not jerk the entire ride but it was a little bumpy, especially after the cobra. Can't wait to go again!!!

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Here's something new that I found out about the trains.


My friend was at the park on Sunday and he got a lot of great pics. In one of them, I found out that the trains are named.

On the train pictured below, it is named Fincky. This gets me wondering what the other trains are called?


Photo by HPCrazy at c-net.

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  Ccron10 said:
On the train pictured below, it is named Fincky. This gets me wondering what the other trains are called?


It looks like it says Stucky to me, which would be appropriate for one of them.

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Hershey runs it great. Here is you're ride.


You dispatch station and sit usually about 10 seconds at the base of the lift hill.


After the train on the track clears the brake run at the end you go up the lift.


At the end of you're ride you usually wait for a train to fill up right in front of you, but it's usually only a minuet wait, and not as bad as maverick got.



Here's a vid showing that

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  Kennyweird said:
^^What do you mean, 'single rider lane'? I didn't see one when I was there.


It's on the left side of the queue. I didn't use it when I was there, so I don't know - firsthand - how well it works, but when I was standing by the entrance for a moment, I could have sworn the greeter wasn't letting more people in the SR queue at that time, which was only about 15-20 feet shy of reaching the entrance (though it looked like there were only 50-75 people in the line). She said that she had to wait until the line only reached the bottom of the stairs (about another 20 feet away? maybe? I'm not the best at memorizing distances) before she could let more people in, or something like that.


Can anyone confirm that that's how it works or did I just hear her wrong?

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Alright, so I can now say that Fahrenheit is well worth the wait and is definitely one of my favorite coasters I've been on.


To clear up the whole train thing; from what I saw, only the one train was named and it indeed said "Stucky" so I'm guessing that was the one which valleyed in the cobra roll (I mean it only makes sense).


And also the line moves fast. I was almost constantly moving and the only time I really stood still for more than five minutes was when they had a problem with someone in one of the trains. I only waited for a half hour and the line filled up half of the switchbacks and went all the way out around the station. But, because of that and the Boardwalk, everything else was walk on which was really nice.

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The line does infact move very fast, I was trying to take some close-ups and every time I would get my camera out we would move another foot. I also noticed that first thing in the morning they were seating people instead of having them pick the line for the seat they wanted, including the front. As the line died down there was still someone seating people because the station is actually very small on the loading side but we were able to request the front.

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