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Do you think there wil be another Star Wars?

Do You Think There Will Be Another Star Wars?  

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  1. 1. Do You Think There Will Be Another Star Wars?

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I don't think so, but if it happened it would be Ep. VII, VIII and IX which I would like to see.


But I'm more interested to see what would happen between the end of III and the beginning of IV. I mean, there is 20 years gap between them.


The rise of the Galactic Emprire

Leia growing up on Alderaan

Luke growing up on Tatooine

How Han and Chewbacca meet?

How Han saves chewies life since Han was training to be a StormTrooper?

Did Yoda have any other visitors?

How did Obi-Wan communicate with Qui-Gon Jinn?

And when exactly did Anakin stop whining, grow a pair and become the badass that is Darth Vader?

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There's already talk of 7, 8, and 9. When George needs money to expand his Country, oh, I mean skywalker ranch, or he gets bored, it will happen. Heck, we got 1, 2, and 3 after he said 4, 5, and 6 were the end of it. Never believe celebs. LOL

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I don't think so, but if it happened it would be Ep. VII, VIII and IX which I would like to see.


But I'm more interested to see what would happen between the end of III and the beginning of IV. I mean, there is 20 years gap between them.


The rise of the Galactic Emprire

Leia growing up on Alderaan

Luke growing up on Tatooine

How Han and Chewbacca meet?

How Han saves chewies life since Han was training to be a StormTrooper?

Did Yoda have any other visitors?

How did Obi-Wan communicate with Qui-Gon Jinn?

And when exactly did Anakin stop whining, grow a pair and become the badass that is Darth Vader?


Lucas said the new Star Wars TV show is supposed to be between Ep III and IV

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It always has been a 9 part series in his head.... so he is saying no more now... one day he will say... "I just have to show part 7, 8 and 9 because... blah, blah, blah..... (whatever the reason)


Y'know what, Ghost? I don't believe a thing the man says. I honestly think he was making the stuff up as he went along. Sure, he did okay with ESB and ROTJ (thanks you, lawrence kasdan), but I have a really difficult time that twenty years ago Lucas was sitting in a room thinking ("yeah, a big political intrigue story with stereotyped aliens, just missing the intrigue part!). Was the main thrust of what kept him going the idea that one day he'd be able to get the perfect pod race on screen?


And if that is the case, I would have hoped that he could have figured out some of those loose ends that are dangling all over the tapestry of the Star Wars universe (whoa, that's a horrible analogy).


I think he planned the prequel trilogy extraordinarily poorly. That's why Episode III is so much better. All the crap that should have been covered in Episodes I and II should have been there, instead of spending an hour watching some whiny brat wander around Tatooine while his mother spouts overtly-Jesus like parallels...not that any of THAT ever went anywhere (yeah, I think Lucas was making some implications with that speech Palpantine had in E3 about how that dark sith master could manipulate midichlorians to create life, but since he never really flat out said anything, it's difficult to fully connect those dots. Funny to think that the throne room battle in ROTJ could have been a three generation family reunion...).


Oops. That was a rant.


I don't want Episodes 7, 8, and 9. He couldn't possibly tell stories that were interesting unless someone threw the cast of the holy trilogy into a wayback machine so they could be the right ages to continue on.

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If they do finish the series in movie for, please don't let Lucas make the final cut.Epi.III was the best one out of all the new Star Wars movies, but that isn't saying much at all. I just hope they do more Clone Wars-esque cartoons. I mean everyone in the Clone Wars animated shorts were badasses. maybe they could fill the gaps of the movies in that fashion. As much as I hate to say it, Lucas is one of the reason why today that we have such advanced movie making processes and resources. But he still killed Star Wars with a single character. We must not say his name, for he will cast a plague of dumb on us all. Also here is what i don't understand:







If leia remembers her mother, but Natalie Portman died having the twins, why in the blue hell does she remember her mother being very beautiful? Is it her mother on Aldrean, you know Senator Jimmie Smitts wife? Why does Darth vader have a Simon Says on his chest? Why didn't Jar Jar died a horrible painful death. Oh crap I said his name. Everybody run, the dumb will consume us all.

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Yeah, I think they'll be an Ep VII.

All the STAR Wars fans have to know:

Did the Princess ever get to use Lukes Sabre?

Does Han ever find a mate?

'' same question for Chewy'' or does he pull an MJ and go for the younger Ewoks?

Does everyone get fat and old w/out having a common enemy to keep them busy?


Flying(have never been a major SW fan)Scooter.

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