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Who has the smallest coaster count?

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Personally, I don't care how many coasters I, or anyone else have been on. I look for roller coasters that I think look like fun, and don't bother riding kiddie coasters or painful coasters.


Don't worry about your count, just worry about having fun.

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Personally, I don't care how many coasters I, or anyone else have been on. I look for roller coasters that I think look like fun, and don't bother riding kiddie coasters or painful coasters.


Don't worry about your count, just worry about having fun.


I'm the same way!!


When I first got back into riding coasters I was like, "Do I really want to ride 8 different Python Pits just to up my count to X number of coasters?" Then as I went along it became more fun, kind of like a challenge. So yes, one day I will go to as many Jeepers as possible to ride all of the Python Pits!


My coaster count seems small compared to the majority of people on here--60. One thing I don't think should be counted towards the overall count is a roller coaster that's been relocated. I've ridden Wild Maus and Cheetah Chase. That should only count as one credit.

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