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should go back to EPCOT

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Subject: Germany is just not the same without Soren


Dear Sir or Madam,


I have been a Disney fan all of my life and have always tried to make it a point to get to the parks at least once or twice a year.


With that said, I am writing this email today because there is a cast member who I met a couple years ago who I would like to talk about here. His name is Soren and he worked in the Germany Pavillion at Epcot. Over the past couple years, I have been visited this cast member, Soren, anytime our paths can cross and it saddens me that he is no longer around (I believe he was part of some overseas work exchange).


I know that Soren really enjoyed working at the park, and being in America in general, and I am sure that he was not ready to head back to Bremen. I could be wrong, but in all my contact with him, he was always talking about how great it was to live in Orlando and how he dreaded his return home. My wife and I's visits to the Germany Pavillion will not be the same without this fine individual there to greet us.


A faithful patron and Disney World fan for life

Theodore Cromwell


Here is the canned response I got so far:


Thank you for writing to the Walt Disney World Resort. Your comments

are appreciated, and a member of our staff will contact you for further

details, if necessary.


Please visit for answers to the most frequently

asked questions. You may also discover some of the magical happenings at

the Walt Disney World Resort.


Again, thank you for your message.

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^Yeah, even though it was part of an overseas work exchange thing, I don't see why he can't move back to the states, and get another job at EPCOT. Maybe it might have to do with him not "technically" being a member of the US. And even though I haven't met Soren at EPCOT, dammit I was hoping I could have gotten the chance!

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Its something to do with Visas. You can only do certain Visas and work programmes once.


Although, it may change as the visa laws have relaxed a little bit. You can now do the ICP (go for 3 months during the summer) again and students in their final year can now take part. So lets keep our fingers crossed for Soren!!

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You could always come to Fresno and get a job with me!!


Besides that option, I am planning on writing a letter to Disney later on this week about that. Even though letters never worked for me in the past... *cough* TURTLE *cough*



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Hi, Soren. I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I'd like to help, if possible.

As Ted's e-mail has shown, I don't think Disney is going to be able to help you at all.

I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I used to have a pen pal in Morocco (remember back in the day when we communicated by mailing letters?). Anyway, he wanted to come to the US, I don't know if to live or just to visit. He said that he was required to have some sort of "sponsor", or maybe a chaperone-type thing, and wanted me to do it. I didn't, not because I didn't want to help him, but it wasn't clear what he wanted me to do (we wrote in French, which is not my first language). What if you had somebody here who like formally invited you or something? I would, if you'd like to see Pittsburgh!

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Hey guys,


to answer your questions! I can not go back to WDW in the next month. Then, next year I could go back to work for Guest Relations or again for the German Pavilion. But I don´t want to live again in "the Commons". For a year it was okay their, but I am getting older and it is not what I am looking for. If I could do the program without living in the commons, then I would maybe do it. The other thing is the Visa stuff, it is so complicated and Disney will not sponsor me. I would like to go back to WDW, but then I also would like to get a better position.

So, I am not doing this to get a chance to go back. I know there is not really a good chance. I was more looking to the answers from Disney.



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Here is the canned response I got so far:


Thank you for writing to the Walt Disney World Resort. Your comments

are appreciated, and a member of our staff will contact you for further

details, if necessary.


Please visit for answers to the most frequently

asked questions. You may also discover some of the magical happenings at

the Walt Disney World Resort.


Again, thank you for your message.


Thanks Ted, that was a nice mail. hehe



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Another response. I haven't replied back, but don't really understand why they need my phone number.


Dear Mr. Cromwell,


Thank you for writing to the Walt Disney World® Resort.


Our Guests' comments are very important to us and we appreciate the time

you took to contact us. So we may provide you with our best service, we

request that you reply to this message with your telephone number.


We look forward to your response.




Executive Offices

Walt Disney World® Resort

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