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Cross country trip the last part Added 4/4/06 Page 6

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June 10, 146 mi. Slow going to get to PKI. Lots of rain to slow my travel, But the weather was really warm so as soon as the rain hit the ground the road would steam thus clearing my sinus allergies. That was the good side of the rain. As many of you know rain at 60 mph hurts. So using a bandana around my face and one over my head it does take some of the sting out. I missed hwy 71 in Cincinnati so on to 74 back to 71 into King Mills. Got a room unloaded and headed for PKI.

I was really looking forward for my first ride on the beast. I’ve heard so much both good and bad about it. So guess where I headed first. I got in to the park around 3pm headed straight back to the Beast. Short line and they are running 3 trains cool. Head for the back. Finally on back seat and all yeah!! Then the ride operators answer the phone look at the train and unload every one Oh no denied.

The storm had caught up with me. The ride Opps. (Sorry forgot your names) Told me as we waited that being the train was loaded he thought it might be ok to send it as the last one. As he looked across the train to signal to send he saw a lighting strike right over the lift hill. Then he unloaded everyone. The Opps. on this ride were coaster freaks as well. We talked about many parks, rides, food, and my crazy trip plans. Only two other people waited for the storm to pass. An hour and a Half later we were on again. As the line hadn’t opened yet I got my first ride in back followed with a switch with the other two who waited. second ride in front back to back. Even with the Magnetic trims the Helix was still way cool and intense. First hill is good too. but the rest is um well yeah. you get the idea.

After that it’s a whirl wind to try and get as much in as possible. The rain worked to my advantage as this was a Friday many people just left. Italian Job was still closed and a crowd was waiting for it to open. It did at 9:30 I was on my way to get a night ride on beast with fog in the valley really a different ride at night.

On to Vortex Arrow looper Yea. Ok so I guess I like my coaster a little rough. I liked this one kind of different, as the corkscrews are not the last element and are higher off the ground as a result. rode this around 3 or 4 times came back later for more too. On to racer that wasn’t racing. Running one train each track and not together. Then to flight of fear, a decent ride without the OTSR. took a quick couple turns on this. Adventure mine Nice Arrow mine train. I just thought the end was flat. The well themed drumming line on the lift that pumps you up then put you into the station Ok whatever.

Over to Top Gun next another arrow product. A suspended coaster. Probably the shortest but not the worst by far. I Enjoyed this coaster. Then the time had come to ride Son of Beast. hmm. I had heard a lot of bad things about this ride. Some of them were true. No leg room at all, I had to cross my legs to cram the bar down on top. No OTSR though so a plus there. The g forces on this thing are high. The bottom of the helixes you wonder why your on this. The loop is cool and very smooth. The ride is well timed for elements and breaks. A bit rough though so I only rode it 5 times. Ok I just couldn’t make up my mind some things I really liked others were no so good. But no where near as rough as timber wolf, at WOF, was running when I was there. Also of note here, 315 ft. drop zone, Face Off Inverted boomerang, Tomb Raider indoor top spin, I didn’t make over to the water park I really wanted more time here. Park closed at 10pm. Then off to Carrabba’s for dinner.

The weather report was calling for rain all day Saturday, Cold front moving south and remains of Arlene heading north. Leaving the next day turned out to be the right choice.


June 11, 413mi. Raining as I head out, back south to 50 and of again. Quite a bit of rain the Ohio valley Picked up 6inches that day and flooded. Luckily I get out a little ahead of this only rain for the first 150 mi. or so. Then just sprinkling on and off till about Parkersburg WV. Turns out there was a bike rally in town. Most riders on the road I had seen in days. Though a just were 50 get really twisty and just out of town they were gone like the fair weather. Back into rain off and on. I made it Romney WV for the night. Cool little place called the Koolwink motel. Green and black bathroom, but just up the street from Micky Dees. My dinner tonight. Cookies and Coffee (included) in the room make for breakfast.

June 12, 271mi. Slow going through DC. Street festival going on. Have to detour around didn’t feel safe leaving the bike anywhere so no pics here. I had originally planed to do some site seeing but oh well. Finally pull into Ocean City MD the end of US 50. A full 4 days later than I had hoped. A Sunday night. Turns out this is a real hangout for the High School crowd. Many were leaving, being it’s a Sunday but still a lot around. Two different vendors for the 3 coaster here. One vendor for the Boomerang and Toboggan. Another for the Pinfari with a Loop. The Pinfari wasn’t as bad as I had heard. Kind of slow really. Nothing really different about the toboggan, or the boomerang, except no stairway in the middle. Had some Pizza, made some Phone calls to let friends know I mad it. then off for a walk at night down the boardwalk. 3502 miles ridden so far. The farthest from home on two wheels.

Thanks for reading and on to the Pics

Next up BGWB and PKD. DWSkunks.


kings Island geese


Thanks for letting me know about this place. mmmmm.


Drop Zone weeeeeee!


splash PKI style


check out that theme Dead battery maybe?


Sunset from the tower wished I had the 35mm with me its at the Motel




son of Beast not an arrow ride but rough :)


Top Gun Arrow Suspended


Vortex, an Arrow looper in a Loop Duh


Severe weather delay

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On my way to and at Ocean City, MD


Long way home


Art store its famous or something


Kite flying


It's so cute


It's all west from here.


Pinfari looper, this ride makes me laugh. Is that a good thing?


Chance Toboggan


Vekoma Boomerang Whats Missing?


Made it to Ocean City


Saddle Mountain summit West VA.


On 50 in OH


Rain again

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June 13, 252 mi. Headed south from Ocean city, on Hwy13 hmm. Stopped to get gas at Hornes Gas station. They sell bottled water that say “Hornes Water, it’s in the water”. Ok I thought it was funny. When I got to the bridge there I had some sticker shock $12 bridge toll. Holy crap. I thought the Golden gate’s $5 was expensive. When you pay the bridge toll they give you a coupon for a return trip within 24 hrs for $5 and a coupon for a free drink at he gift shop. Yes a bridge with a gift shop. This was an impressive bridge over 18mi long. two tunnels traveling south, the gift shop in on top of the second tunnel. Really strange. I’m thirsty so free soda sounds good.

I wasn’t really rushing along because the brochure I picked up said Busch Gardens was open till 10pm. I Pulled in Williamsburg around 3:30 got a room headed down to the park. Pull into the lot ask what time they are closing the guy in the booth says 8pm well it’s 4:30 now so I think for a minute and decide a full day would be better. So back to the motel get another night added on no problem. Then went to Colonial Williamsburg. I’m in luck they are doing candle light tours tonight. If you like historical stuff. These candle light tours give you a little different look around than the usual day tours that they do.


Tuesday June 14 Ok I have always heard this park has amazing landscaping but I was still blown away by it. Really clean park too. Ok so I get there in the morning get in to the parking lot Girls signaled to go a different way that of every one else. They have a place for motorcycles but the staff is a little vague on where I should go. I follow a road around they sent me down pass the bus lot (England lot) and toward an exit into the brewery. hmm most of missed something. Head back into the main lot ask the parking staff where I’m suppose to go. She says the England lot. Oh with the busses she nods. Odd place to put motorcycles. Well now the line to get tickets is huge. I waiting in line when the staff points out if you use a credit card with no discounts you can use these machines. So I get out of line go over to the machine but they won’t read my card. 10 min. later I’m back in the line to buy tickets, at the back of the line. Well all that was the first hour in the park. lol. The day did get much better. Germany was opening at 11am the other lands opened at 10 so I figured every one would be headed for Germany so I headed to Ireland and Loch Ness Monster (LNM). Only a few in line for the select seats. Got in the next train second from the back. Half way up the first lift hill and stopped. 20-25 minutes later we finished climbing the hill and got our ride. When we got back to the station the management was there to apologize for the delay and gave everyone a free meal ticket (all ten of us). Wow I’ve never gotten anything when stuck on a ride before. LNM has the strangest helix ever, you think it’s never going to end. Older Arrow looper with interlocking loops Not much to rave about but not really that bad I came back later in the day and rode it a few mor times. Its fun but not great.

Curse of Dark Kastle. I haven’t been to IOA so you’ll get no comparison here. I did enjoy the ride. The first ride I waited about 30min. to ride. Later in the day it was just walk ons. (the park really was pretty empty) Nice theme inside and out. the 3D effects were top notch. On later rides there was smoke, and lighting effect that were not there earlier in the day. I think they were still fine tuning this. This is a really good dark ride. I did enjoy it. a lot


Got some Sausages and sour kraut at Oktoberfest for lunch and a Budweiser world select on tap. (how come you can’t find this in CA bottled or tap?) Dancing and music during lunch.

Big bad wolf (BBW?) After lunch another arrow product. It’s pretty good through the first part but after the second lift hill what a different ride that is for an Arrrow suspended..

Alpengeist Wow what can I say! Only one really rough spot before the mid course brakes, fast, forceful and the second half really close to the ground. (I think I liked this one) Very fun ride I could have a new B&M inverted favorite. Well themed just like everything else in this place.

Now on to the least themed ride in the park Apollo’s chariot Two trains no waiting except for the front seat. The front is ok on this but the back it’s a completely different ride. The helix is air time full. I was on the lap bar the entire time in this helix. Couple of really good pops after that heading back. toward the station. Another really good B&M coaster. I pretty sure this is my first non looping B&M.


Ok A lot of parks have splash boats, but how many have fire in them? Escape form Pompeii does. Fire on a ride is a plus for me. Were you sit will also effect how wet you get. Middle back rows not as wet as front center. Short ride but its really just a themed splash boat.

All in all I enjoyed my day here the shows were also good Corkscrew hill, a fun 3d simulator ride Be sure to take a cruise on the Rhyne river, You can walk around the boat after it leaves the port. Plus the captain was letting the kids take turns driving the boat and honking the horn. Only about 7 of us on the boat though. Steam trains around the park, The Log ride Or barrels is fun one to nice big drop. Wolf show, This is Oktoberfest, show nice with lunch. Irish Thunder, 30 min. of Irish dancing. I missed R.L. Stine’s haunted light house. I Kind of wanted to see that But it was running pretty limited. Don’t forget beer school so you’ll know what your looking for in (good?) Budweiser Beer. Sorry Wally they make to easy The Staff here is very helpful and friendly. Most of them actually seemed to care about what they were doing and doing it well. Rides were well dispatched and not any real stacking on any of the rides. They also hire from other countries for kid wanting to improve their english. A lot of parks are doing this now though. Then off to Ben and Jerry’s before going back to the hotel. A very nice day indeed.


June 15, 89mi. Got an early jump and off to Doswell VA and P King Dominion. Got a room at the Econo lodge across from the truck depot in Ashland. (I carry earplugs when I travel for such places but really didn’t need them here as it wasn’t that bad) I got in the park around noon. Volcano was not open. I headed straight back to Hypersonic XLC, short line about 30 min or so because of the limited seating only two trains on. Rolled out ready to launch and nothing. hmm 10 min. later they got us out and walked us back to the station. gave us all a cup of Ice water. We were told we could wait if we wanted to. 10 more min. now I’m on again. The launch on that is so fast. Your up to top speed 1.8sec about 72mph. By the time you realize your launching your on top of the hill heading down. wow. No real air time on the top or anything just that launch, but what a launch.

Hurler I liked this ride simple lay out nice laterals in the corners not much air time though. Themed like a sound stage Was a fun ride but a little rough. not as rough as Anaconda Ok the hills and loops are pretty smooth on this Arrow product but what’s with that twisty section? Wow that part was rough. The ride Op noticed me coming around a couple of times (small line here maybe one trains worth with a couple of empty seats) Asked where I was from and couple other things then said just wait here when the train comes in. He then pointed out empty seats and let me ride as much as I wanted, that was way cool, Rode this a lot. (sorry lost count) now 2pm and Volcano opened. Also everyone in the park went there. So I rode Avalanche the bobsled ride and headed to the back of the park. Rode Grizzly Also light line The ride Ops here also let me move to empty seats, and laughed at me too for doing it. It’s a little rough not to bad though.

Shockwave short line also but slow loading two trains one always stacked. It’s a togo stand up fun ride.

Rebel Yell: the racing coaster here was racing sort of they would leave the station together but the forwards track would go slower up the lift so the backwards one would get quite a large head start. fun ride though.

Ricochet. Wild mouse with a big drop. No wait, cars running empty walk on and enjoy. ride again no problem as long as no one was waiting.

Scooby doo coaster. Little wood coaster pretty fun but kids parents were kind of looking at me with some concern so I only rode twice. (I guess I’m not cute and cuddly looking) Flight of fear, fun short line rode a couple times. Headed up to Volcano waited about 25min. to ride fun two launches then straight up and over backwards and into the lava flow. Fun and the rolls are just that rolls.


11 coasters here only a couple of really different ones here. Staff was really friendly and helpful making this the surprise park of the trip. Kudos to a great staff. Also of note Tomb Raider with fire and water. Eagles flight (flyer ride) Old time Autos, Nice Log ride and a soaking raft ride. Off to applebees for dinner right across the road from the motel. Two very nice days back to back. Sorry this one was so long.

Here’s what your really looking for the pics

Next up Six flags America and SF Great Adventure.



Roman Rafts


the rare blue clydesdale


Apollos Chairiot


Ryhne river curise


BBW no thats Big Bad Wolf


LNM loops


LNM hill


Line for LNM


Light day at BGWB


Hornes gas and water.


A bridge to long?

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PKD from the tower.


Little mouse powered clock?


Big Mouse


Not Chip must be Dale @ Paramount?


Tomb Raider Fire heh heh fire


Coaster and Fire, fire. heh heh, fire, fire




Hurler first hill


Scooby doo coaster I'm to secared to put my hand up.


Shockwave standing looping togo


Hypersonic's XLC short launch distance




Wolf at BGWB

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the worst luck with computers I seem to be having some sort of bios issue now. Just reloaded it all again. Ok enough whinning on to the trip update.

Thur 6/16 Leaving Ashland and heading up to Six Flags America short stop here for Around 6 hours. The Staff was pretty uncaring on most the rides but mostly friendly. Got to the parking lot parked and cloud burst, Headed into the park after it past about 10 min. or so then just sprinkling the rest of the time there. Two Face was closed (Vekoma inverted boomerang). Batwing was really slow loading, no really slow! Only double rode on superman running about 20 min wait with very little line ughh. Roar 15 min wait with like 10 people in front of me. Joker Jinx was a little better so took a couple of spins on that and wild ones crew was actually moving with out stacking trains so took a couple rides on this.(it even had a line just moved quick) Then headed over to mind eraser to have my mind wiped clean It’s a Vekoma SLC so it does a good job. Took a spin on Tilt (a really brown tilt a whirl) One thing I liked about this park is it’s rather small and everything is really close so getting from one area or ride to another is pretty quick. Then head up toward Jackson and SFGAdv. Days milage 253


Fri 6/17 Six Flags Great Adventure, Well sometimes you just have a brain fart I forgot to charge the camera batteries when I got to the hotel so I had mostly dead batteries so I didn’t get a lot of footage here. Kingda Ka closed on the 8th, I think, and would remain closed for another month. Grrr..... oh well this park is really spread out lots of area and nothing around the park either.

Tons of Middle school kids here today too. Besides Kingda Ka, Rolling thunder only running one side, Batman and Robin the chiller only Robin running, Nitro three trains all stacked, great american scream machine Best crew in the park long line but moving fast on in less than 15 min. Two trains never saw them stack them. Even had a huge line to pick up your season pass. Medusa, superman, even runaway mine and skull mountain had big lines. This was the most crowded park so far, All in all was a pretty good day got to ride most everything I wanted to just wished more of the rides were open. Then I was off to meet up with an old friend in Hackettstown, NJ. Days Milage 128

6/18 Spent the day visiting and did a trip to the statue of liberty, from liberty park. Nice day all together she drove first time in a car in a while.

Next up Playland Rye NY, and Dorney park.

I'll try to get the next update up sooner. Thanks for bearing with the delays and the amount of time it's taking to get this all posted.

On to the pics Dwskunks....


I did find the train but no rides this day.


Superman RoS airtime goodness but has two helixs also.


Superman the ride of Steel the star of SF america.


Wild One making a turn. Email Dan if you can think of a better caption.


Ride this, then try to remember if you like it. I can't :)


Batwing into the break run, all in all a decent ride just a long wait with a short line.


Batwing Making a turn. I see a theme...


Roar Making a turn It's a coaster pic does it need a better caption?


Even Daffy was trying to leave. Maybe it was the $3 cokes.


Skull boats I waited here about 5 min no boat showed I gave up the ride was running too.


Down pour in the SF America parking lot.

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Six Flags Graet Adventure


Ok to be fair here's a log splash it was running


Splash six flags style


Batman and Robin the chiller. Only Robin running today


Stacking the 3rd newly added train line moves at the same slow pace.


Adding a train on to Nitro to move the line faster.


Batman just like the other Batman's see cloning works


Adventure mine train and the non running sky bucket station in front


skull Mountain there's a coaster hiding in there.


Great american scream machine in the loop.


Superman Ultimate flight (front) GASM arrow pain machine goodness behind.


Kingda Ka Closed

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Couple of random photos


Always end with a donkey pic to be popular :)


Turtles at SFGAdv


Lady Liberty


NY skyline from the Jersy shore


SFamerica two face note how close the ride closed sign is


SFGAdv Medusa

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sunday June 19, aka Father’s day. Not a good day to try to get to Coney Island I got lost a couple times. After making it through the Holland tunnel and getting completely lost. Stopped and asked directions. Got more lost. (The Map I had printed had me using streets that were closed for repair) . When I made into the Bronx and saw a Sign for I95 I went for it and headed for my second choice Playland in Rye NY. The wild mouse and the Kiddie wood coaster were both closed. The Dragon is pretty much a scenic coaster. However their Derby racer is fast. If you don’t lean in you will start to slide off. They also have a Mini Top spin (for lack of the real name) That really spins a lot. Also it will go to a Diagonal (one arm up one down) and rotate and spin in that position as well. An old mill ride themed with trolls and a water works kind of theming as well. Plus two haunted house rides. (I’m still a cheesey dark ride fan). An 1928 whip also. Oh yeah let’s not forget the Super Flight Coaster It’s like a poor man’s stealth, only more painful. A 1928 Carousel to unwind on. All in All a fun park light on Coasters though but fun. Glad I went on Sunday, Turns out their closed Monday and Tuesdays, Days milage with getting lost and all 218.

June 20, Finally found a place to get an oil change done Spent the morning there. Spent the evening with my friend. Played some mini golf. Then grab dinner in went to see a movie. Madagascar. Only 30 miles today A nice break.

Tuesday June 22 Dorney Park aka Trash Can Land. You can’t sneeze in this park without hitting one it’s amazing. Got a late start (slept in) got there around 1pm open till 10pm not to worried till I see the parking lot. It’s jammed. Oh well park forever away (no motorcycle parking here) get my ticket get in. Its really crowded around the front gate area. People changing and using the front lockers and no lockers for my bag anywhere in the front. Back by Talon’s entrance I find one. Then I see the reality. All these people are in the water park the Coaster side is deserted. Talon line is empty. Walk ons, wait two trains for a front seat and I’m off. I ended up liking this coaster, fun and pretty fast. Hydra though hmm..... front is a little rough after the mid course brakes, back smooth and forceless. The JoJo roll is different. I’ll agree with most people that Laser is the best coaster here. Thunder Hawk was running smooth but trimmed pretty heavily, I thought it was a fun ride though. Overall I found the park to be hit and miss no dark rides, either. Overall though was a fun day very light crowds till the water park closed. Then a few more people but not many. Steel Force was pretty fun too. Running two trains no waiting unless you wanted the very front or back. I didn’t go into the water park as it was crowded. Last ride on Talon I did there was a group of teens chanting “Grip of Fear” the whole way through the line and ride. It was rather funny. All in all a really good day Friendly and surprise, efficient staff. But light crowds may have played into that as well. Then Back to Hackettstown for my last night there. 135 miles

On to the Pics



on line?


sunset on the Dragon


Exit the Dragon, I just can't keep coming up with good captions.


Enter the dragon, Look closely you can see the dragon mouth open and smoke billing out his nose.


Game time. What happpens to your hat if you wear it on a coaster? Can you spot the hat in this pic?


Get Twisted (mini top spin?) This thing really spins alot.


Derby racer hang on tight or lean a little?


carousel horse, hmm he's 77 years old I feel younger already.


Splash Playland style


Superflight in a corner or maybe the money shot =)


Superflight spiral lift hill

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Pic 33 S and S tower maybe?


ThunderHawk heading for the lift hill.


Steel Force no stacking wow. Staff was efficent and friendly.


splash Dorney style


Talon from the... hmm you know what


Steel force and Thunderhawk from the Ferris wheel... could ba a theme developing


One more Laser from the Ferris wheel.


Laser looping goodness


Laser Goodness!!


Hydra the JoJo


Hydra the Revenge

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Playland Rye NY. the inside seats are doubles and themed to Knights of the round table.


Ok I didn't get this. You can buy Hershey Ice cream at Dorney But not at Hershey park. They sell Greenly and Ben and Jerrys I just found that odd.


Night Splash Dorney


gaming area lots of trash cans in case you don't like your Prize?

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June 25, Well once again plans fall though. Had a nice lunch with my friend, said our goodbyes I set out on my way to Williams Groove. I figured 2hr here then of to Hershey. Traffic plus an Accident I get to the Groove around 4:30 not to bad open till six. Pay the dollar to get in. (Just gonna buy a few tickets.) By the time I get to the mushroom down pour. The woman in the mushroom saw it coming and ran out just before I got to it. I stand under an awning and wait for it to pass. They say over the PA Williams groove is now closed. But your welcome to ride out the storm at the park. Well about 40 minutes later it slows down enough to think about moving on. Rode on down to Hershey sunny again nice. Rooms in Hershey are more than I want to spend. Headed back to Mechanicsburg get a room. Then off to Hershey. They were doing get a 3hr preview with tickets for the next day. (Also including parking the next day too.) In the 3hr in there I was able to ride all most all of the coasters. Front seat at night on storm runner for your first ride is really disorientating. Very Fun. 192 miles today.


June 26 Got up early went down to York to do the Harley Plant tour there. Was fun and really different than the very modern plant in KC. This one was built in 1935 as a lock manufacture Grabbed some breakfast picked up the camera and headed back out to Hershey. Unfortunately I forgot to charge the battery and left the spare at the hotel so I got only a few shoots but not as much as I wanted. Hershey was a fun park Superdelooper, Wildcat and Great Bear are fun. Comet is pretty good, Storm Runner and Lighting racer were great. Crowds were light staff was friendly all and all a fun day.


June 27 A real crazy day. Started off getting to Williams Groove in the morning right for the opening. 6 or 7 school buses in the parking area already inside too. Oh well. Took a couple rides on cyclone and wildcat. Rode Dante’s inferno their dark ride with lots of cheesey scares. Including Car lights and air horns. Cyclone is one strange coaster you wonder if you’ll make it back to the station or not. But fun in a strange way. I enjoyed the time I spent here.

Headed south to York then took 30 west through Gettysburg on my way to West Mifflin and Kennywood. Got lost a couple of times but not to bad. Just hadn’t gone far enough. Kennywood was doing a half price addmission after 5pm. Wasn’t too sure about leaving my bike fully loaded here so parked way up at the top. No one was taking money or directing you. Figured it would be safest there. Was pretty crowded there. 15 to 20 min wait for almost all the coaster except Phantom 30 min. Exterminator was closed. All in all another fun park food reasonable priced staff was friendly enough. My only real complaint here was the way they did the closing. Park closes at 10 so the rides close at 9:30 food at 9:45 and you will be out of the park by 10pm. Just different than the way most other parks do it. But Kennywood is not most other parks. Mine Ride dark ride is a fun one as well lots of skeletons. Noah’s ark one of those only one left type, walk though. Jack Rabbit is pretty good and Thunderbolt rocks. And Phantom well is Phantom, worth the trip and admission alone. Food, Staff and rides make this park stand out thumbs up. Rode up into Ohio to get a room for the night a long but fun day. A 345 mile day.

On to the Pics



Splash Hershey style


storm runner and the monorail I like one of these rides more than the other. You guess


Wildcat Ok thats all I got for this one


oh look Hershey has a Vekoma quailty ride. This one wasn't too bad.


Not the Roller cowster the rare blue cow


Whip with Head rest


Comet and Tilt a Whirl


Hershey Great bear in the loop


Swans Don't mind the rain I need some good humor at this point in the trip. =)


one wet Mushroom

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More Photos for you too.


Hershey Ice Cream?


Leave williams with a Paratrooper pic.


Cyclones straight lift hill


time for a coaster pic Wildcat in the corner


WG Carosel? is it still a carosel if none of the horses jump or is it a Merry go Round? Let's do a Poll ;)


WG added this to try and get Robb to come back. Lots of chop stix for you pleasure.


Williams grove flame paint job rocks. Custom coaster Painting...


Kissing tower Warning??


Kissing tower


Hersheys Carosel

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Kennywood fountains.


Jack rabbit at night


Entrance to lost kennywood. Wait if it's lost how did they find the Entrance?


Kennywoods Carosel see still no ideas.


Thuderbolt ok I'm just out of good captions and bad ones too.


Splash log Kennywood style


Weee... ok you come up with a better caption.


Jack rabbit


Jack rabbit leaving the station.


Phantom from the parking lot

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