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For RCT 3, how do you add water to the trough of the giant splash boat (if that's not the exact name, the Perilous Plunge type ride)? I tried to raise and lower the land around the trough and add water and tried to click the add water to the trough itself but nothing works.



anwser to ?????

Make a lake the construction of the ride will allow you to drop it in the water thus giving you the effect you want

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  krouvi said:


I just download a park that someone esle did.

Where exactly do I have to place this file ?

For rct 1 and 2, you should be able to access the files from anywhere on your computer.


  doitdumont1128 said:
Okay i have an urgent question, well for me atleast. I remember reading on here, that you can go into the game files and add/delete a file to zero clearances so you can place track upon each other. If i remember correctly and this is true, how do i do this? also, i have windows vista, so will this work?


I have no clue how to do that, but the best thing to do would be to use a trainer (I use 8-Cars) to zero the clearances.



Another unrelated piece of information that might be helpful to those looking to play RCT1 on Vista: I found a patch that allows it to work, but it won't work if you have the expansion packs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  YoshiFan said:
For RCT 3, how do you add water to the trough of the giant splash boat (if that's not the exact name, the Perilous Plunge type ride)? I tried to raise and lower the land around the trough and add water and tried to click the add water to the trough itself but nothing works.


I just had the track go into the ground and then put water into it so it was like a tunnel but had no roof. it worked for me.

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I seem to have a problem with RCT scenery - especially the tress. They seem to be very blocky. I have recently upgraded my PC and can run RCT3 at max res with all the details turned up and it still makes no difference.


I have seen parks here that have much better looking tress and other plants than mine do.


Any help would be appriciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Go download my Idylwild Beach workbench. A saved-game version (with a nice beemer) is available in the "Masters of RCT2 Challenge" topic.

Idylwild Beach.zipFetching info...

This has the workbench as a moneyless scenario, as well as a money-tight scenario where every coaster must be researched (and in the order that they were invented, too, except for the Inverted Impulse. I screwed up there.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, say I want to put my RCT3 park up for download, so when I browse the upload form, where do I find my park?


Also, if I upload a RCT3 park on here, where do I save it so I can access it in the game?



Can a mod make this thread a sticky? I know a lot of people (including me) have a lot of questions about the game, and this could be the official RCT questions thread!

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I have a problem.............i tried to install rollercoaster tycoon 2 on my new laptop which has vista. While i was installing it however i had a pop-up saying my computer would restart in 2 minutes. I knew the installation of rollercoaster tycoon 2 would not finish in that time so i cancelled the installation and restarted my laptop. Then i came back on and tried to install it again only this time when i tried to do so it just said "do you wish to uninstall rollercoaster tycoon 2 and all of it's components?" so i clicked yes. Now though every time i try to install rollercoaster tycoon 2, it just says this same message. I have tried to remove the program from the control panel but it just won't go. I can't install it again because the message just pops up!


Help please!?

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