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I'm New Here (Hi!!!) And I Have two Questions?

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4 might be pushing it, since the leadin to the vertical drop is minimal, the negative Gs in the back seat might be a bit excessive. As for a Zero G, I doubt it. Granted you could find a way to configure the supports so the train has no collision, I think the lateral and rotational Gs on the outside of the train would be too much. I suppose if you used a much more compact train (say 6 across) you could pull it off, but with the trains they use now, I doubt it.

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I don't think there is any way you could do a zero g roll without fairly narrow trains. Personally I find they aren't near as enjoyable on the outside of the normal 4 wide B&M trains... I can't imagine how insane the forces would be on the outside of one of those trains. Definitely not zero g anymore.

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I think a zero-g roll on a dive machine would be awesome, but again the lateral g's would be a little excessive. It could still happen if it was slowed down, but then it would be more of a jojo roll. As for 4 rows, i would bet its possible, the designer (at this point more then likely B&M) would just have to have the lead in to the drop streched out a little.

P.S Welcome to TPR!

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A zero g roll would be possible, but it would be completely un-heartlined for the riders in the outside seats. The supports would also probably be a pain for them to design, but if they really wanted to do it then they could.
But no rider on a B&M (or pretty much any coaster in existence that is heartlined) in any seat is ever going to be on the heartline.
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Doesn't "X" do something like a 0-G? It doesn't seem like it would be much wider than 10 B&M seats across- Years and years ago I had heard that Arrow (RIPieces) had designed a 10x10 coaster- that would be 100 peeps per train!


Eejanaika does a full-full element which is very similar to a zero-g, so I'm sure it could be done. However, the experience would probably be very different depending on where you sit.

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I think a Zero-g-roll on a dive machine is entirely possible..figure for the "immulmen" the exit could be considered a half of one right? so the trains aren't really all "That" wide...so I think it is possible.



As for the 4 rows,not really needed...10 across 3 rows, thats 30, which is actually only 2 people less than the average B&M train of 8 rows at 4 across. 3 Rows takes just a little less but still takes an entire loads worth. Sheikra with its 8 across 3 rows..though.. thats 24..so it takes considerably less.

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