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Ladies only swimming sessions at your Pool

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it does seem a bit racist

look up the goddamn definition of racist and you will see that you sound like a moron for using it in this context. God I HATE people using that word when half the time what they are discussin has nothing to do with racism.





This is probably the beginning of a worldwide trend. Secretly, pool owners have been sued over chlorine imperfections not preventing pregnancies.


I wonder if they charge the women more for this? If might just be about money.

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I'm picturing a "Busom Buddies" moment here. A man desperate to have a swim during ladies' night at the pool dressed up like a woman. Wacky comedy follows!


Or, as the Netflix blurb would say, "Wacky hi-jinx ensue!"


As for women's only: sure. I don't really see what's wrong with it. Then again, if it's a public pool...well, it's already been said.

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I really don't see anything wrong with this. Even if it's a public pool... I certinly don't know of any female-only pools or health clubs in my area, but even the mixed health clubs where there are probably either separate pools or separate swimming times are horrifically expensive and there's no way on earth I could afford it. If my local pool had a women's only swimming night it would probably have been less than a decade since I was last there!

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it does seem a bit racist, however, white people arent allowed to be racist toward black people as it would be really offensive and racist, although theyre allowed to call us crackers and the likes



lifes just not fair

Do you really get offended when someone calls you a cracker? I doubt it.


This isn't really descrimination. I mean, there are tons of clubs here in the US where Ladies only have to be 18 to get in whereas men have to be in their early 20's.

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My local swimming pool has a women only swimming session every Wed evening. I can not catch the train and have a nice swim after work.


I have to drive 12 miles to the next pool if I want to go swimming on a Wed.


Do you think this is wrong ( The sex descrimination act we have in the UK) and why not have men only swimming (people would class this with gays only) or just have it mixed all the time 7 days a week.


Links: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/4143394.stm and http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/4364920.stm


I would like to know your views please.



Two things:


1. If it's a "nice" swim, then why bother going to the pool? Just fill up your bathtub and soak.


2. If it's for exercise (which is, IMHO not so "nice"), then swim harder the other six days of the week.

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The only issue I have with it is if it was the opposite and it was a guys only night, there would probably be a lot more complaining and it would probably be changed instantly.


I also agree with an above post saying if it's a public pool and not a private club, they shouldn't have that type of rule.

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