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Photo TR: Not another Wii TR...


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So, Saturday afternoon rolls around and my b/f and I are thinking "What are we going to do, we're bored". We remember the Wii comes out at Midnight. My b/f, Travis, goes on saying how he wants one but doesn't want to wait. Well, being the nice guy that I am, I say "Hey, I'll wait in line". So at 3pm we start our journey.


We head to the nearest Wal-Mart and see that it has a pretty large line outfront, we go inside and find out that they'll have 30 consoles in stock. We decide to try the Wal-Mart 8 miles down the road. We get there and find out that they're only going to have 15-20 in stock and the line was even larger! Travis wants to give up, he just wants to go home. I know how much he wants one though so I tell him to just drop me off at the first Wal-Mart and he'll go home.


I get dropped off at 4:30pm and get in the line that is even longer now, Travis heads home. Come to find out that a lady ahead of me is Number 27 in line... the family infront of me is number 28, and I'm number 29 (Wow! That was close!). A group of girls comes behind me after their Brother and B/f drop them off and they search for other locations. They want two but only find out they're going to get one, but they decide to wait.


The girls were very nice, we all got some food and shared, talked about school life, our b/fs, life, the Wii, etc. We joked around and waited for their b/f and brother to come back.


Then, some troubling news came at about 5:30... The manager came out and announced "We currently have 27 Wiis in stock, there are supposed to be 30 so we'll be back out later and give you an update.". We look worried, could we not be getting a Wii tonight!? An assasstant manager comes out around 6:45 and counts how many people are buying one, then goes back inside.


We wait around, hopefully we'll recive word if we're going to get one or not. The girls b/f and brother come back, they give them the news about the Wiis, they look just as suprised as we did. We waited... at about 8:30 the manager comes back out: "Turns out we have a dishonest worker here at Wal-Mart, we went back into the stock room and tore it apart, I guess someone thought it'd be funny or smart to hide some of the Wiis. Well... (He goes off into a pause, sounding rather gloomy)... we actually have 31 in stock, we found four more.". My heart gave a leap, I'm getting a Wii!


At 10pm the manager comes back out and hands out tickets, I get number 29 out of 31, the girls behind me ended up getting the two they wanted! We were all happy. I call Travis and let him know I got a ticket. We went inside to warm up (It was 38 Saturday night) and waited two more hours. At about 11:30 Travis calls and tells me he's at Walmart, we head back outside to wait in the line again. 12:01 rolls around and they call in Numbers 1-5. We had to wait until around 12:45 before we finally went in and got ours.


We ended up getting the system, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, RedSteel, and an extra Remote and Nunchuck. We got home and now begins the Photo:TR...


Finally! We play! Wii Sports is fun!


Yes, we speak english!


Finally, Oreo sees the Wii and says: "Wii, I love you so!" while rubbing up against it.


But no, like Robb's, mine is all snuggly inside it's foam blanket.


Oreo says: Wii, are you in here?


Hmm, a handfull of installation guides and instructions.


Subway! Wait... I mean... Installation guides! And quick ones at that.


Ooo. Games and accessories!


Both of us holding the Wii box, yay!

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Oh! For the BIG news!


When we put in RedSteel, we got to the second checkpoint and guess what!?




Yes, totally locked up, everything, nothing was going on. We had to hold the power button to turn it off and reset it. Nothing wrong has happened since, but WTF! A Nintendo product, freezing!? I object!


If it happens again, I'll report it here.

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Oh! For the BIG news!


When we put in RedSteel, we got to the second checkpoint and guess what!?




Yes, totally locked up, everything, nothing was going on. We had to hold the power button to turn it off and reset it. Nothing wrong has happened since, but WTF! A Nintendo product, freezing!? I object!


If it happens again, I'll report it here.



Red Steel is just a glitchy game, it has nothing to do with the Wii, i doubt it anyway.


Its fun, but could have spent longer in development i think.

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Lucky! I can't believe I havn't gotten the Wii yet! I will DIE! I waited two and a half hours on line at Best Buy to be the only one without a Wii! Well, at least I bought Twilight Princess. It wasn't a total loss. Anyway, that is so awesome, I am so jealous, and I will personally break into your house tonight and steal everything except Red Steel! Muahahahaha!

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Hurray for another Wii TR.


Question: What do the Wii disc's look like, and does the Wii play Gamecube games?

It also has 4 slots for GC controlers. My dad hasn't even opened mine yet. Maybe I'll do a photo TR too!


What is Zelda like? I want to no if it is worth getting of the computer to play.

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