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Today is "The Day of Silence"


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^ Hmmm, ever wonder if your girlfriend wishes she were a "lesbo," too?


And, of course, precious few real lesbians (unlike the porn vid variety) would want to have sex with a straight man around merely for his amusement. You and your penis would be - how shall we say? - thoroughly extraneous.

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Minderaser Wrote:It should be A Day of Moaning and Squealing. Afterall, the only thing gay people do is have sex. They're all on welfare because they can't work because they need to stay home all day having gangbangs.



Edit: Woo! My 100th post and it's all about welfare and gangbangs!






Well I can see you've been raised well...........let me just say that not all gay people are on welfare...for one, i'm not on welfare..I have my own 2 bedroom Apt. a chrystler sebring and i'm in college with a fairly nice part-time job, so i'd advise you next time to use that thing us humans call a brain and think before you speak....or is trying to actually use your brain too much work for you??

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IDK, one of my butch friends(She has a shirt that says super-dyke, this is justification) had sex with a dude a coupel weeks ago. It was shocking. O.O


Not all that shocking, really. How you identify and what you do are two different things (within reason, of course.) There are plenty of self-identified straight men who've had sex with other men, as we all know. But you'll note I said that the hypotheitical "lesbos" would be participating merely for a straight man's amusement. That, I find rather unlikely...a result of too many Larry Flynt-bred fantasies...

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yo shepp i can wish cant I?


ok everyone but seriously do you think people programed gay,bi or straight or do you think its just a matter of who your fancy?


Also I find some gay guys tend to act like girls and some gay girls like to be all mascaline. I think sometimes its because gays use it as there calling card to find other gay people but on the other hand i kina also think that a gay guy has the mind of a girl, so they like to be feminin and fancy guys.


how accurate do you think that is?

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Well, seriously...


There's a huge debate about the causes of sexual orientation. Some (highly questionable) research has found differences in brain strcture. Other research has found that if one of a set of identical twins - even if separated very early and growing up in different environments - is queer, the other one is more likely to be queer, too, than would be the case in non-twin siblings.


Some studies show that orientation is usually set early, before the age of six. (Though I'm not sure what the markers for that would be.) On the other hand, many peoples' orientation changes over time. And then there are those who theorize that everyone is born bisexual...


My opinion: that orientation is due to a spectrum of causes, both biological and environmental. I know that in my case, Satan appeared and offered to let me ride Millennium Force if I'd go queer, and I took the bait.


As far as behavioral traits go...I think many gender-linked behaviors are socially created, and perhaps queers pick up "archetypal" behaviors early on. (Of course, there are effeminate straight men, too. And few straight women actually behave like femmy men...except Paris Hilton.) Perhaps straight boys pick up butch behavior, and act more "masculine" than they naturally would?


There may also be hormonal factors. I know a number of female-to-male transsexuals who've told me their behavior patterns changed when they started taking testosterone. And orientation and gender aren't necessarily linked. There are transsexual men who are straight, others who are gay or bi. One person I know was a lesbian, transitioned and had a straight affair with a woman, then came out as a gay man. Complicated, huh?


As Dolly Parton says, "If I'd been born a man, I would have been a drag queen."

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My friend, Nicole, is a lesbian. She lives a few miles away from me. We talk a lot about stuff and she is a true lesbian. She is not what you people see in pornos. She never liked guys, she always liked girls and came out in about 7th grade. She has been with her girlfriend for about 2 years and they are in love. If you see them... you know its love. When they kiss you see the passion. They are in a sexual relationship too. They are in 9th grade. They show their affection in public, including school. They get teased by the girls and sexually harassed by the guys. Teachers reprimand them and not the straight students for showing their affection for each other. This is a reason why I did the day of silence. I want to stop this harassment and false perceptions of lesbians. Stop the bias!

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My friend, Nicole, is a lesbian. She lives a few miles away from me. We talk a lot about stuff and she is a true lesbian. She is not what you people see in pornos. She never liked guys, she always liked girls and came out in about 7th grade. She has been with her girlfriend for about 2 years and they are in love. If you see them... you know its love. When they kiss you see the passion. They are in a sexual relationship too. They are in 9th grade. They show their affection in public, including school. They get teased by the girls and sexually harassed by the guys. Teachers reprimand them and not the straight students for showing their affection for each other. This is a reason why I did the day of silence. I want to stop this harassment and false perceptions of lesbians. Stop the bias!



A sexual relationship in the 9th grade??!! I think its great she knows who she is at a young age, but no matter how "mature" she may seem, it is very innaproprate for her, or anyone else, no matter the sexual prefrence to be displaying affection at school in the 9th grade. I understand that they would be biased against, its going to happen, but 99.9% of the other students are not as involved as those two are.


I hope her parents are understanding, and will sit her down, 9th grade is just to young for a sexual relationship

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but no matter how "mature" she may seem, it is very innaproprate for her, or anyone else, no matter the sexual prefrence to be displaying affection at school in the 9th grade

The straight couples are allowed to by the teachers and school staff, why not the gay/lesbian?


Her mom sort of caught her in the act. She has been grounded for 3 months by her parents, who are very conservative. They took away her cell phone and computer. She got kicked out of her house the other day and now actually lives with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's sister. I just found this out today. Don't think her parents will talk her out of sex... shes like addicted. At least there both first timers, they have only had sex with each other and nobody else, so no STDs here.

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^I think it's pretty ridiculous that the teachers go against her for it...they could probably get into some serious trouble for that. I know at my school, the teachers aren't allowed to do anything that could seem homophobic...maybe she should try reporting the teachers that reprimand her for it to the administration?


It's also pretty sad what her parents did. I think some parents need to realize that no matter what they do, they're not going to change things their kids do. I know my dad would probably react similarly if he found out about me being gay...so therefore I don't intend to say anything to my parents about it until I'm out of the house, and then after that they can either deal with it or not.


I was another gay who didn't participate in the whole Day of Silence thing. A few of my friends who are gay also didn't participate, and neither did my friend who is a lesbian. It just seems like kind of a pointless thing to do in my opinion...and it doesn't seem like it will really accomplish anything. I don't really have anything against it, though...if people want to do it is a pride thing, or think it could gain support, then power to them. It's just not me. I don't think I could go a whole day without talking, anyway.

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The straight couples are allowed to by the teachers and school staff, why not the gay/lesbian?


Her mom sort of caught her in the act. She has been grounded for 3 months by her parents, who are very conservative. They took away her cell phone and computer. She got kicked out of her house the other day and now actually lives with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's sister. I just found this out today. Don't think her parents will talk her out of sex... shes like addicted. At least there both first timers, they have only had sex with each other and nobody else, so no STDs here.



Well thats totally wrong, what her parent did. I have no idea what should be done if you find out your child is sexually active at 14!?? I guess the approprate response would be open communication, but alot of times teenagers won't do that, so either way the parents really can't do anything that the child would not hate them for later in life.


In reality she should not be having sex, she is not emotionally ready for that type of relationship. What happens if they break up? It happens, and at 14 is she ready to handle that kind of heart break? I think she is setting herself up to get hurt pretty bad.


Usaully when "grown-ups" say something like "wait for sex", there is a reason, and the biggest problem is that you usually don't get it untill your older.


Anyway, the staff at the school should be consistant, there should be NO kissing at all on campus, it the freakin ninth grade, I could understand an argument if the were in high school, but geese.

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