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Skyhawk at CP

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I was browsing some pictures of Cedar Point's new S&S Screamin' Swing when I noticed that they have added something similar to a seatbelt to the inside "side" of the restaint. The connection is made via a carabiner that clips to a metal loop between each pair of seats. I'm assuming this was an aftermarket addition by CP.


When I was at Knott's they didnt have anything like that on their swing. Is this just a no/no go measure? That strap of fabric doesnt look like its gonna hold anyone in. I thought that these rides had a sensor for each harness if it was down far enough in addition to locking in two places. So does anyone else think this is just overkill like the seatbelts on their corkscrew?

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I love how they probably aren't even strong enough to withstand the pressure exerted on it, if it were to actually be needed. They just put electrical tape over the rating of the clip. I feel safe enough with the standard S&S restraint, the carabiner just adds to the complexity and is not needed.

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Like I mentioned before Knotts does not have these on their ride. I'm not sure how CP operates thier swing, but at Knott's they do not want you to lower the harness. The operator must do it hence the constant rechecking of seats due to people not listening.

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Like I mentioned before Knotts does not have these on their ride. I'm not sure how CP operates thier swing, but at Knott's they do not want you to lower the harness. The operator must do it hence the constant rechecking of seats due to people not listening.


Same at CP. Though I don't think they recheck it, they ask you to raise your hands until a ride op comes around to "safely lock the restraints". Seeing as how most of the people know how to use a restraint ("OMG! You push DOWN!" ), a lot of them are already locked in, and the ride ops check it anyway. (They don't recheck it, however.)

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^ Well, the thing with the restraints on these rides is that you don't just pull down on the restraint like you would on a roller coaster. You pull it closed and then it actually needs to be pushed further in, towards your pelvis. That's why they have the ride ops do the restraint for you.

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