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Fiesta Texas Or Sea World?

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We'll be going to San Antonio in a couple months and I wanted to know which park I should go to. Now, I'm trying to convince my brother that roller coasters are much better than water rides...I've been leaning towards SW because of the shorter lines and the because it has the most stomach wrenching drop(61 degrees is not that much, but it seems to be the steepest of the two parks).


My brother thinks Master Blaster's drop at Schlitterbahn, NB is awesome(never been on a real coaster) So I'm really trying to "wow" him here, and I thought the drop on Steel Eel with only a lap bar would do that. SKC's drop looks great, but it curves, it doesn't look as steep, and it has OTSR's. What do you think?



BTW: I heard at SW, when the shows start, there are almost no lines for the coasters. Is this true?




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If money's not an issue, you might as well hit both. If you're specifically looking for airtime, though, then hit SeaWorld. Steel Eel's got some good drops and nice floater air.


And SeaWorld barely ever has lines for anything, regardless of when the shows are. A lot of folks in San Antonio still don't know that SeaWorld even has coasters.


You won't get any airtime at SFFT (except for the zero-G on SKC), but it has more coasters and an included waterpark. And it's cheaper.


So, like I said, if you can swing it, you should try to visit both parks. They each have their own strong points.

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As a frequenter of both parks (only an hour or so away), I suggest going to Sea World if you want a day combining animals, air time, and short lines (although my visits to SFFT have had notoriously short ones, too.)


FT, on the other hand, has some incredible coasters (read: Poltergeist), and despite some "gum" issues, is still a fun park for pretty much everyone.

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Unless you're really into animals and water stuff, I would choose SFFT. Really nice park with lots of cool coasters!




And the awesome mine train that goes like 50mph!!!!!


Like others have said, it's more than possible to do SFFT and SW in a long day (keeping in mind you will not see shows, more for just doing all the rides)

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Even if it weren't so damned rough, the layout is retarded. Half the track is devoted to this stupid-ass, boring helix that just goes around in a circle for like a minute. The only cool part about that coaster is the tunnel. And even that isn't nearly as cool as other tunnels (read as: Hades').


Oh, and the whole thing looks like it's about to collapse. I'm used to watching wooden coaster track lean a bit as a train passes over it, but Jesus Christ!


Good thing Texas Giant reminded me how awesome a woodie can be after SFFT's crap offering.

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^^just stfu Three

i enjoyed every single coaster at SFFT,

most coasters people down talk i enjoy

infact theres only 1 coaster i dislike,

and thats the ever crappy psyclone,


S:KC was awesome

boomerang was the least painful boomerang ive ridden so far

the only thing i found wrong with poltergiest was the paint

rattler gave a nice "out of control" fealing

road runner was nice

and Der Rollschuhcoaster got me another credit

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I need to STFU because I dislike a coaster you don't? I certainly hope you don't get that worked up about politics.


SFFT was a really, really awesome park. The scenery is among the best I've ever seen, perhaps only rivaled by BGE's. Superman Krypton Coaster was insanely good. Almost as good as Kraken (which is high praise from me -- Kraken is one of my very favorite-est coasters). I'd never been on a boomerang before, and walked off having enjoyed myself. The mine train kicked ass, and Poltergeist was damned good (better than I remembered FoF being).


But Rattler was one of the worst coasters I've ever been on. Just terrible.


IMO, of course.

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^ Dude...you and your obnoxious attitude towards people really needs to tone it down here. I've banned you once before because of this, and here we go again. You just CAN'T treat people like that! I know RCPro allows flames and stuff, and that's what you're used to, but you've been warned over and over again that's just not cool here.


This is your last warning.


--Robb "People can express their opinions WITHOUT being obnoxious!" Alvey

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^That's the point. That's not okay. You think it's a great coaster, he thinks it's crap.


Look at it this way, he makes your rattler line shorter.


Do not tell people to shut up because you don't agree with them!

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Well Chiller and the two Mr. Freezes are all shuttles. Poltergeist is not. I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but is it possible that it was a problem with the shuttle design that wasn't present on premier's other launched, circuit coasters?


I would suggest SFFT as well, without having been to Sea World in San Antonio. The rides at the SW there don't look all *that* impressive. A batman clone and a Morgan pseudo-hyper? I mean, I've heard good things about Steel Eel, but it's not enough to pass up an awesome park like SFFT.


Then again, it could also be because another Sea World park seems sorta old hat to a Florida resident.

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