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The "Good Stuff" thread ...

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Less than 2 weeks away from our trip to Michigan's Adventure, Cedar Point and Geauga Lake. I finally booked the hotel in Muskegon. We're going to see some family in Detroit and take in a couple of baseball games.


Star Wars opens next week!


Gyen's mom flew in from Taipei on Sunday (she was visiting Gyen's sister) and she will be here for the week. It will be a nice visit before we leave on our trip.


Too many good things. Keep positive!

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I get to work two casino jobs this weekend. That means almost $200 extra cash!


Just in case anyone's wondering what I'm talking about, I work with this organization on various weekends. Kinda fun, actually. A friend of mine started the business back in 1996 and I've been with it since the start. He just sold it to one of our dealers, but it's still going strong---perhaps stronger!


And I'm the guy on the left dealing roulette in this picture.



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^I'd love some more information if you have it. At Special Olympics we've been talking about doing a 'casino night', maybe not as a fundraiser but for the athletes.


I checked out the website, but I'd love a first hand account!


Elissa "are you coming to our BBQ? We can chat!" Alvey

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School is going wonderfully for me right now. Classes are definitely challenging (medical terms in German are hard enough! Now, I have to learn them again in English!) but I love the college life at Dartmouth. American college students are so much more fun than German university students! I don't understand how Americans do it... there is always SO much to do for university, but they still manage to go out every weekend until 5 or 6 in the morning! I can't keep up!

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