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coaster mad

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Everything posted by coaster mad

  1. I think they are great but i would like to see a few more intense rides like they used to do such as nemmesis and topgun.
  2. Yeh Have you been on over 100 coasters?
  3. So does anybody have any links or anything for these programs?
  4. So does anybody have any links or anything for these programs?
  5. I have some videos of parks/coasters and i was wondering what programs you guys use to edit them?
  6. I know but you will probally get a free ticket and does anybody know when Collosus will open and why it is shut?
  7. Maybe but that would be really great if it did happen.
  8. Because mud is brown. Why are bears called bears?
  9. Tinhead be preperd for collosus to be shut because i went on friday(17th march) and today(28th march) and it was shut and they said that it will be shut for a while and stealth was shut today but it is opening on thursday. Oh btw that was a cool POV does anybody know if they asked if they could do it or did they just doin without asking?
  10. Why and this is a stupid question but is that in England or America?
  11. No Do you think shuttle coasters are acctuall coasters?
  12. No Do you prefer banana icecream to chocolate?
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