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About Master04

  • Birthday 06/09/1988

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  1. Hello everybody, i was with a small Group of Coasterjunkies in Skandinavien. The Parks: - Sommerland Syd - Tivoli Gardens - Liseberg - Tusenfryd - Bakken The Tour was very funny and the Parks are great! On my Homepage www.WorldofCoaster.de (then of Videos) you can loading the Skandinavien Video. The Onrides: Speedmonster, Thundercoaster, Kaemperutschebanen-Onride can you loading too. Enjoy the Videos. Greetings Daniel First Ride -> First Row -> drive to the Launch......SpeedMonster defect. Holy S**T, what a first Ride!
  2. I have made some Wallpaper for you. I Hope there are ok and you have fun with this Pics! Greetings Daniel Wallpaper Nr. 1: For a better and bigger Quali please written a PN and i send the Pic to you. Wallpaper Nr. 2: For a better and bigger Quali please written a PN and i send the Pic to you.
  3. So, hear is the NEW Video of the ThorpePark. The Quality is now better: http://rapidshare.de/files/16493901/ThorpePark__17.3.-19.3.rar.html Greetings Daniel
  4. At Friday we must waiting 10min. for the FrontRow. There was one train on the Coaster. At the Weekend we must waiting 20min. and more, because the park was full. There was 2 Trains on the Coaster. ...my ThorpePark Video is finished. You can loadet at www.worldofcoaster.de -> Videos. Thx! Greetings Daniel Pinck
  5. I have some Pictures for you of Stealth: Pleas ratet my Video, then i very happy! Sunset the second Sunset the first For your Desktop the second! For your Desktop? Beautiful Skyline TopHat
  6. Hey Guys, i have for you a new Video of Stealth in ThorpePark. I was there over the weekend. This Coaster rocks! I hope my Video is good and i bacame some Comments from you. (Oh man, sry for my english ) http://rapidshare.de/files/16019646/Stealth_Spezial.mpg.html Good bye, Daniel PS: The ThorpePark Video: http://rapidshare.de/files/16493901/ThorpePark__17.3.-19.3.rar.html YEAH DUDE!
  7. My last Video is finished. HANSAPRK, Germany. My Homepark. Its beautiful there and the Star Flyer is very good. I love it. The Video ar here: http://www.parkbilder.de/Kram/dktourvideos/hansapark.mpg Have fun. Greetings Daniel
  8. A new Video has finished. BONBON LAND, Denmark Is a funny Video at the end. The Eurofighter-Coaster Vild Svinet is great. I love the Eurofightercoaster. Plz downloaded my Video(s), thx. Daniel
  9. Thank you for your Posts. My next Video is BonBon-Land. UPLOAD: In the next Days. Bye Daniel
  10. Hello, Im Daniel and i come from Preetz, Germany. Im new hear and i am big fan of Themepark-Review, the Videos are so funny. I was for one week with 3 Friends in Denmark and we have so many Videos an Pictures, i have made the Video so i say you can downloaded it. (Oh my God, sorry for my terrible English. Is bad! ) The parks we war visited: - Sommerland Syd (with Lisebergs Tornado ) - Legoland Billund Tivoli Friheden - Farup Sommerland - Tivoli Land - Bakken (My Favourit Park ) - Tivoli Gardens - BonBon Land (Video not finished) 2 german Parks we are traveling too: - HeidePark - HansaPark (Video not finished) My Homepage, there you can downloaded my Videos: http://www.beepworld.de/members84/coastermovies/index.htm I hope you can understand me and i become many answers. Good bye, Daniel, oh im of www.Onride.de PS: I learn more english.
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