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About Jer

  • Birthday 11/26/1991

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  1. I've been on Ka and TTD, both have good launches but they aren't necessarily powerful. I found that Storm Runners is probably the strongest non LIM launch I've been on, it's just constant acceleration and you can feel it. The launch on on Maverick caught me off guard, it was a lot more powerful than I expected it to be, but overall, Chiller's was my favorite, and most powerful launch i've ridden, and you could feel it from the back row. It was fantastic.
  2. I'm sorry I had to use mediafire, I don't think my browser likes the exchange very much, it would not upload right to there. I hope the mediafire link is okay.
  3. Built for another CF NL competition, This mini hyper had 2 restrictions, it must be under the pink line, and it must stay inside the boxes. This was the smallest entry (height and length wise) still ranked in the top 3, so I would say it was successful. Stats: Height: 160ft Speed: 55mph Length: 3709ft Trains: 2 trains, 3 cars per train, 4 people per car Inversions: 0 Guess what, this ride is 100% hand built, smoothed, supported, and loved. (I added some extra love in there) This is my frist upload to this site, I dont know how you guys plays NL, so I hope you like it. If you do I've been at this program for a while and I have a huge log of rides for you guys. Edit: I cant seem to get the file sharing to work so here are some links and stuff Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?gj1rjr42c51jp65
  4. Bobselds at Seabreeze is inhouse, and i've ridden it, it's good fun Also technically speaking, Flying turns at Knoebels is in house. The wood, contractors, and engineers.
  5. Not that it's a bad ride, but I rode Green Lantern at SFGAdv on an empty stomach, every little bit of positive Gs hurt like hell. As for just terrible rides, Roar at SFA, I rode that near the back, in the horrible heat, after one of the worst days of my life at a park, it was just terrible.
  6. I really hate Pretzel loops, they are too intense for me, and just extremely uncomfortable.
  7. Last time I went to SFMM in 2006 I missed: X - the lines were 3hrs Batman: The Ride - I was the only one who wanted to ride Colossus - I was the only one again Ninja - Again just me Revolution - Just me Psyclone - I dont remember why Deja Vu - doesnt matter I rode the same one last year anyway Superman - It was closed Goldrusher - Closed So I really missed the entire park...
  8. Yeah I felt the vest tighten as well, I didn't know this was a big issue though, I thought it was just something that happened. Yeah but that's because of the design of the trains, the vibrations you feel are the seats actually vibrating due to the forces, it's the biggest one they have made so far by a lot so they need to modify the trains potentially to stop the vibrations.
  9. I too went to Cedar Point this weekend fr the first time, however, I didnt think it was the best park ever. Some rides were awesome like Maverick, Dragster, Millennium Force, and Gatekeeper. But then some were just a lot of fun like Magnum and Wicked Twister. But then the rest were pretty forgettable or downright bad, mainly Mantis, Mean Streak, and Corkscrew. I understand the importance of the park, but it felt more like a giant Dorney to me than anything. I would go back definitely, but given the distance it wont be a while.
  10. I was fascinated by coasters since my first ever ride when I was incredibly young, but I was way too afraid to actually ride them until I was 11 and was force onto Rock'n'Rollercoaster with my family.
  11. Both times i've gone for more than one day, i've stayed at the Hampton Inn, in Danville PA, it's about 15min from the park and is rather cheap for some good rooms.
  12. Lets see: Green Lantern - Gadv: 9x Phoenix - Knoebels: 10x Skyrush - Hershey: 13x Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, i'm sure I have some other that are close.
  13. Hey there all, I just joined this site, I found out about it through youtube and wanted to see that the community is like. My favorite ride is Phoenix, and it's at my favorite park Knoebels, my home park is Six Flags Great Adventure.
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