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Everything posted by coasterlvr

  1. I rode the updated Jungle Cruise a couple times the other day. I think the changes are awesome. It's just nice to see some updated scenes and great animatronics. Jokes are great as always.
  2. that train takes a while from a dead stop. could use a push wheel for sure. operators having to buckle an empty seat takes some time. people getting in and out and retrieving or leaving personal items is a huge time waster.
  3. Xcelerator has been down the last couple days as well as Hangtime. Also, if you come, show up at 9-9:30. If you don't get ready to wait in this line to get in. The line to get in stretches the length of the marketplace, then, turns and heads down to the south parking lot. It's been like at least the last three days. Oh, this is at around 11:20-30 when I've been leaving.
  4. not that i know of. they didn't say anything except in front of the ride. there are a couple planters there, so i assume it might be one of them. i'll be checking when i visit. i thought they were actually going to bury it as part of the ceremony, but they just put that stuff in the barrel, which, i'm not even sure that's what they are going to actually bury. to be honest, i looked at their announcement, and it just says it will be placed at the entrance. so maybe it will just be sealed and out in the open?
  5. As part of the 100th year anniversary, Knott's is burying a time capsule! Theme Park Review was invited to the park to see the festivities. Deputy Mayor Milton C. Howell and Ms. Cameo Kate presided over the show. The Time Capsule is scheduled to be opened in 50 years on June 30, 2071. Items were placed into a large boysenberry jam barrel. First, Whittles came out and put the first item into the barrel, a golden nugget. Next, Knott's associates were led on stage by Snoopy. One by one, they each placed an item(s) into the barrel. Finally, a picture of everyone watching the ceremony was taken that will be placed in the capsule as well. The capsule is going to be buried in front of the new ride, Bear-y Tales: Return to the Fair. We received a nice booklet with a timeline of Knott's 100 year history. Whittles brought a gold nugget. Banner with employee signatures. A tube from Soak City. Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner menu and pie pan. Seeds and a jar of dirt from Knott's berry vines. The girls took off their garter belts and put them in the time capsule. A harness from the Stage Coach. Snoopy put a Snoopy plush into the barrel. A piece of wood from Ghostrider. A box of screws from Ghostrider. A bottle of disinfectant and box of gloves. A roll of toilet paper. Kids from The Boys and Girls club of Buena Park. Sealed and ready to be buried.
  6. you have about an hour or two depending on the day, then many of the lines ballon to 1-2 hours. pretty much been that way since reopening. just not enough things to do there for the capacity. the social distancing on the tram take a huge amount of people away that normally would be on the tram. hopefully full capacity on rides will be back soon and will help with the lines a bit.
  7. from what i've seen on social media, there was a banner under neath the sign by the ticket booths, and another over the main gate with some decorations. not sure if there's anything else. also they gave out buttons. not sure anything else happened yesterday.
  8. it seems Knott's allows 2 reservations at a time now. also without any time restrictions. yay, because i'm trying to abuse my dining pass. lol but i was able to make 3. so i'm not sure if that's an error, or platinum passholders get an extra. i believe this just changed today. so because i already had one, it let me make two. but i have a friend who's the same, but got denied on her 3rd reservation, but also has the cheapest pass.
  9. Went to Knott's yesterday to check out opening day of the 100th celebration. Actually, I was just hoping they were giving out a button, but they weren't, wah wah. LOL Also, after investing in a dining plan for the first time, I want to abuse it as much as possible. Knott's sure spend a lot of money decorating the park. You can't miss all the ribbons, and signage just everywhere celebrating 100 years. I had an 11am reservation, and got into the park around 10:40am. I'm not sure when they ask you to get out of line if you're early, but I figured that maybe 30 minutes early was okay. Those first couple hours are the time to be inside the park. It's the time to get in a ton of rides before the crowd shows up, and by the afternoon when I left, it was pretty dang packed! Here's some pics I took... The signage and decorations are excellent throughout the park! Too early for the Mayor, he's still sleeping. 100th anniversary merchandise. There are a number of classic ride and attraction photo ops around the park. Fireman's BBQ chicken was my lunch choice. The Haunted Shack photo op. Really cool illusion. The arcades have reopened in the park. This wasn't the case just last week for passholder preview. There are these QR codes at some spots that teach some history of Knott's. Scan and you'll be directed to a video. Really cool! Kingdom of the Dinosaurs. This one looks much cooler at night with lighting and smoke effects. Knott's even has 100th anniversary straws! Knott's also made "Welcome Back" merchandise!
  10. if you pay monthly, then you most likely have a membership. memberships don't expire until you cancel them after 1 year.
  11. decided to go check out Knott's opening day. but already had reservations for this week. since i didn't make the reservation, and my friend isn't usually available while working, i decided to just go to the information center and see if they could cancel my reservations and let me in. had to wait an hour to get that handles because they are just short staffed right now. so i didn't get in until around 1pm. by that time, the crowds really were packing in. so it made for some pretty long lines. so i just hung out with some friends and just did a few rides. jaguar!, swings and log ride. log ride didn't open until later in the afternoon and the line instantly ballooned to about two hours. i'm not sure what capacity is, but judging by the cars in the parking lot, the cars were about where they are in a normal summer weekday. so like Universal, get there early so you have very small crowds until 12-1pm, then it's pretty crowded and lines get long for everything. still had a lot of fun and will be back in a couple days.
  12. when you load 1/3 of the train, it becomes possible for SFMM ride ops and guests to get out in time. same thing happens at West Coast Bash, you either have a full train of people who aren't dummies getting on, or only half the train is loaded during ERT making it easy to duel.
  13. if this is old news, sorry. but they are coming out with retro ride gear. or i guess it will be out once the park opens. in the exit store there is some. haunted shack, wacky soap box racers, volcano devil, parachutes. corkscrew is coming later for it's anniversary.
  14. Theme Park Review was invited out to Knott's Berry Farm this morning to check out the all new Knott's Bear-y Tales: Return to the Fair. "“Knott’s Bear-y Tales: Return to the Fair” is a new 4-D interactive dark ride that will take guests on an exciting journey through reimagined show scenes that are reminiscent of the original dark ride, including the Boysenberry Pie Factory, Frog Forest, Fortune Teller Camp, Thunder Cave, and Weird Woods, culminating in a celebration at the County Fair. The story takes place 34 years after the original adventure and will follow Boysen Bear and Girlsen Bear as they travel to the Country Fair to earn the blue ribbon prize for their famous boysenberry pies, but Crafty Coyote is back along with his mischievous pups intent on stealing all the pies for themselves. Guests will climb aboard ride vehicles equipped with jelly blasters to try and recover the stolen boysenberry pies as they travel through whimsical and beautiful environments while competing for the highest score." This is somewhat of a re-skin of Voyage to the Iron Reef. But, calling it that is doing a disservice to all the theming inside the ride. There is much more than just the screens. Even some theming looking up where it's not just a blank ceiling. Similar to Toy Story Mania, Bear-y Tales uses a Knott's Berry Jam jar with berry pull string to fire at the screen, gaining points as you go along. I love these rides, just because it's a game and a ride. Even if you don't care, there's still so much action to watch as you ride along throughout the story. Knott's Bear-y Tales has a much more family friendly theme that I feel fits in great and more families will want to ride than the previous Iron Reef. Of course, there's all new merchandise to go with the ride. A lot of plushies, pins, shirts, etc. Here's a full POV of the attraction:
  15. i remember a few places. at least a couple places near the front somewhere. when they'd stop and drop you off for the special effects stage, and then again at the prop plaza that chuck mentioned. i didn't even really know the name. i just remember it being optional. then under the escalator by E.T. which I guess where Jurassic Park would get in the way.
  16. Universal opened some rides today for taste of universal. that would have been a cool surprise.
  17. hmm, i'm in the same situation. had a cheap gold membership and was upgraded to gold plus. i see the email from september you are talking about. mine doesn't mention being a gold plus at all in the email. for me, i'm happy with gold plus, but will definitely have emails ready and question it when i go to the park.
  18. out of all the trip reports, videos, and chats i've had with people that have gone, the one good thing is they all think superman might actually go 100mph now. thanks to some parts from Dreamworld. lol
  19. I hope something happens to expand the parks, but i'm also old enough to remember WestCot and Disney Sea/Port Disney. I'll have some hope when some dirt is dug somewhere. I do think it's probably a good time to ask Anaheim for some help getting some permits through. Anaheim was begging for Disneyland to be able to open. I'm guessing Disney will be in a better position with Anaheim post pandemic.
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