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Everything posted by coasterlvr

  1. yeah, i've never used my free ticket. heck, i had another free ticket from a filming thing in the beginning of the year i didn't use. lol
  2. I took a very quick trip to Knott's last night since I haven't been since Scary Farm and at least wanted to see how the park looked at night. Knott's doesn't go crazy on the lighting like Six Flags does in certain areas. More seems like they make sure that there is decoration consistently throughout the park. Tons of garland and reefs all over. Park was pretty quiet this Thursday night before most schools are out. At least Silver Bullet, Hangtime and Xcelerator were total walk ons, and sending half or more empty trains. Anyway, I was only there for about an hour or so. Here's some pics...
  3. seems like it's just to satisfy members and pass holders so they don't ask for a refund.
  4. Here's a few shots of the renovated candy shop near Apocalypse and WCR. The area where they will be making candy will be ready later on. It's just boarded up at the moment. Place looks great. Especially from the last time I saw it during a construction tour where it was totally gutted, walls and all.
  5. Theme Park Review was invited to Six Flags Magic Mountain's media event for Holiday in the Park last night. The focus for this event was food! A number of items were setup in a buffet for us to sample! My favorite we got to try was the Jalapeno Bacon Mac & Cheese. That will be served at the YOLO sports bar. Also there is the Prosciutto & Broccoli Mac & Cheese I plan to try next time I'm at the park. The Maple Cranberry Meatless Meatballs were also great. I had no idea they were meatless, I just saw them, and started eating without realizing. LOL They also served us soft drinks, beer and wine! Of course we were also given a refillable hot chocolate mug. I probably had about 4-5 servings. Once the lights turned on we toured the park to check out the lights. SFMM really looks great in the decorated areas. The projections on the side of the theater is a great touch. Of course it also snows from time to time in all the areas. Now on to some pics! Like last year, if you buy a plush, they will donate a plush as well.
  6. quick shot of West Coast Racers from tonight. this was like a 6-7 second night mode shot with an iphone. it was really dark. so here's WCR, and the coaster that rattled my brain next to it. i guess i missed out on the smooth apocalypse again. wish all that what looks like flat land was actually six flags to expand with their giga coaster some day. Holiday in the Park media post coming soon!
  7. It looks like they're taking the train off now. Damn, I was planning on going today, but now I don't know.... i would guess as soon as they get the train off, they will probably test then open it with the other trains. but how long it's taking to get the train off, could be a while
  8. i don't get the hype over gold striker. i like a smooth apocalypse and ghostrider better that gold striker. but opinions are like...
  9. all but one picture would be pretty much nearly completely dark if not for dark mode on the iphone. or, similar setting on an android phone. if not for dark mode, i wouldn't have posted any pics because they'd look terrible.
  10. Here's a bunch of pictures I took last Sunday from Scary Farm. My buddy's parents live across the street from the parking lot and Knott's gives them a couple tickets to Scary Farm every year, so we took advantage of them.
  11. I rode it once for the passholder preview, then maybe freefall once, then Batman 50 laps without getting off. LOL
  12. Queen Mary's Dark Harbor Fear Lives Here Theme Park Review was invited to media/opening night of Dark Harbor. Personally, I haven't been to Dark Harbor, now celebrating its 10th year. I remember on school field trips to the Queen Mary always being kind of spooked out by the place. Being old and thinking it would sink or something. LOL So I guess I still have some of those memories lingering in the back of my mind while navigating the 3 on board mazes. The Dark Harbor ship mazes, Feast, B340, and Lullaby all make good use of the dark and gloomy parts of the Queen Mary. The soundtracks greatly add to the anticipation of the next scare around the corner. Also in the Queen Mary we sometimes lost which direction to go because of some extreme darkness. What I found great about some areas of the mazes is it felt like there weren't some crazy safety guidelines and that they trusted the guests not to be stupid. Reminded me of Knoebels, where there isn't overbearing safety regulations, and that's a great thing! But with something like 13 bars scattered around the event, I'm sure there had to be some that went home with scrapes, bumps, and bruises. There's a good amount of stuff to do and see besides the mazes. A lot of food options. Again, like 13 bars scattered throughout the area and inside mazes. A swing from Michael Jackson's ranch, and also a few shows, slider, aerial, and fire. Dark Harbor doesn't have that corporate feel of HHN and Fright Fest which I also attended this month, and I think that's great. The scare actors Thursday all seemed really into it and having fun. By far my favorite out of the three events I've gone to this month. This is a great effect with lasers and fog. The scare actors can just sit below the laser line and not be seen at all. One of the few areas where you need to get down on your hands and knees and crawl through. Scare actor that you have to walk under. This hallway is 100% pitch black. Then a strobe light turns on and this is what you see. LOL Random toilet Crawling through the meat grinder. This is a reoccurring theme. Turn into a dark room, or hall and come face to face with a scare actor.
  13. they are busy on the weekends and a complete ghost town during the week. i'm sure they attendance, while good for weekends, doesn't even come close to the summer months. personally, i'm in no hurry for west coast racers. it can be december for all i care. i just hope it takes away from twisted colossus line. i'm guessing it will be a ride i ride if the line is short, ala yolo coaster. lol
  14. not really answering your question, but in my report, i purposely typed YOLO Plaza. lmao.
  15. Fright Fest Opening Day 2019! SFMM was packed when I got there around 5pm. Parked way back in the gravel lot and cars were still coming in. Oh, and in Santa Clarita fashion, it was hot as hell too. Walked to the front gate for some exercise and still beat the bus. LOL Inside, we checked into the sports bar for some pre haunt treats. Some of the food. Strawberry milk/shake? Churro, Pork and Takis, Sriracha Hot AF Hot Wings, and a chocolate parfait. Monsters Unleashed is fun to watch. Next is a series of shots from inside and outside of the mazes. Again, when it comes to haunts, etc. in coaster dork talk, I'm as GP as they come. I enjoyed all the mazes. We did miss out on Vault 666 Unlocked though. All had some good scares, some missed, etc. Sure, the budget, and themes aren't as cool as Universal, but that doesn't mean Fright Fest isn't as fun. I actually had much more fun at Fright Fest than I did at HHN a couple days before. As a GP haunt guy, different things may make my time fun for me than the hard core haunt enthusiast. On to some pics... Something else that I haven't seen in a while is a hypnotist show. Back in the day, Magic Mountain used to have two shows a day in the small theater near the Batman stage. They were always hilarious. So, we checked out the one that will be there every Saturday thru November 2nd. I also really enjoyed watching and listening to the band at Voodoo Nights at the YOLO Plaza. Anyway, had an awesome time. Thanks to the SFMM team for a great event! Also, I didn't get a chance to ride Apocalypse. I don't trust a SFMM Fright Fest attendees enough to leave Robb's camera and mine somewhere while I ride stuff. LOL I'll maybe hit it up on a Friday day to see for myself how it's running. I've heard and read good, great, better than ever, decent, etc. etc. lol
  16. Halloween Horror Nights Red Carpet, Press and Fan Night was yesterday, September 12th. HHN officially opens today. There was a red carpet event out in front of Universal Cinema AMC. Many people associated with the movies and mazes walked the red carpet. We had our own personal guide thru three mazes, House of 1000 Corpses, Stranger Things, and Ghostbusters. It was nice because for two of the mazes we were able to just walk right in. Especially Stranger Things which had a posted wait time of 200 minutes. Universal was packed, at least imo. I understand it's much worse during other nights of HHN. It seems that even with Universal Express, you'd have to really rush around to experience all the mazes. Personally, they get a little repetitive for me. HHN, is just total sensory overload. Loud music here, chainsaw there, people everywhere, etc. etc. Just a crazy good time. Anyway, on to some pictures. I honestly, don't know all these people I took pictures of on the red carpet. So, if you do, or I'm incorrect, please say so. [fbvideonew] [/fbvideonew] Kelly Osbourne Talia Jackson Eli Roth "Hostel" Seth Green, Actor Pete Wentz Singer, Fall Out Boy Michael Dougherty Director, Godzilla: King of Monsters Grant Cramer "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" Our awesome guide, Joy!
  17. i remember when the slurry seal was done to the first part of the parking lot, many supporters were praising how fast they were starting on the project. lol
  18. the yolo area was so nice before too. nice place to sit in the shade and watch the log jammer.
  19. It sounds like they are not taking out the tram tour from the regular admission, but they are trying to sell the nicer backstage tour that is part of the VIP Experience as a separate add on. depending on price, that's really the part of the vip tour i'm most interested in. getting out and exploring an indoor set, and being able to walk around some areas in the backlot.
  20. which ones are designed like this? i don't think i've ever ridden one.
  21. i bought my food pass earlier. for any other passholder looking to renew now... https://sixflags.com/presale?fbclid=IwAR3bL8Z249_VcNZcUZC5iQUcd5LoTmPeVPJk_CjWUYXG--5YZmIXFy67hqg password: ZOOM2020
  22. What? How do you manage to get hurt on Scream? It's one of the smoothest rides in the park! It's not even in the top 10 smoothest rides in the park, head banging, rattle galore. I'm was dumbfounded when I rode Bizarro at Gradv, butter smooth and enjoyable. Not sure where B&M went wrong with this one... If the train rattles through the track, then that is normally a maintenance issue and not a B&M issue. If you get a shopping cart at the grocery store and the bearings are bad or dirty on one wheel and the whole cart rattles and seizes up when you try to push it straight, you don't blame the ground; you get another cart. I have had many smooth rides on this, so if it was a track issue, the ride would be rough all the time. many do blame b&m track. it's why b%m rattle is a thing after some years. scream today is one of the worst offenders. is it poor maintenance, track, or wheels, who knows, but scream is definitely not opening day smooth anymore. universal didn't just redo the entire track for the incredible hulk for no reason.
  23. a friend of mine saw them working on it a few days ago. supposedly the trains were taken off a bit before that too.
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