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Everything posted by coasterlvr

  1. same with superman at sfmm. supposed to open in 1996, but opened in 1997. pass holders did get to ride it in 1996 since it was a benefit advertised for buying a pass. i forget how high it went, but it wasn't full power for sure. hell, i have a hard time believing it went 100mph until the latest incarnation.
  2. i agree. but i don't know the demographics. maybe people who've never been would think it's worth it. for me, so much was lost when all the original buildings burned down. i remember going thru when back to the future 2 and 3 were full on hot sets. the only thing i think left from then is the concrete. if you do at least a watered down vip tour, seeing a set, or checking out the props warehouse, i guess that would be cool for $10. lol but maybe as universal becomes more theme park than movie studio, it's an option.
  3. the membership lounge is going to be the last building. the one you used to exit from apocalypse through. i forget if they said anything about that building being anything different than what it is now.
  4. it's not showing right now, which is good, but, often ghostrider goes down right after labor day. so hopefully, they changed it this year and it's staying open. pretty sure they would have had it posted already. i'd definitely do both parks on weekdays. sfmm can bust out one train ops anytime. doesn't matter how crowded or not it is. but weekdays after labor day are dead.
  5. having finally started going back to disneyland after not for something like 4-5 years, i forgot how different the consumer make up is. disney brings in a completely different crowd. i'd be interested to see some real data about this. i bet it would be something like 5% or less that make their way to magic mountain.
  6. where does this come from? besides the weekends, the park is a complete ghost town during this time. i've heard people say this before. it makes no sense to me from someone who waits until that time of the year to go to the park to avoid the crowds.
  7. it's been closed since they started construction on west coast racers. there is no date when it will reopen. imo, it had been running as it has for the past few years, rough. they re tracked a couple spots, so we'll see how it runs when it reopens.
  8. Here's the closest i have to that one with the overbearing obnoxious advertisement magnet in the picture.
  9. Umm, the epicenter was like 120 miles from the park yeah, that was a pretty stupid example. LOL
  10. West Coast Racers Construction Update! Robb asked me if I wanted to go to the construction tour and of course I said yes. So, here's some of what we got to look and hear about today. First question many wanted to know, when will it open? From the pictures you will see, it's obvious there is still a lot to do. The official answer is, 2019. The Fright Fest maze in the back is returning and will be open. So, at the least, it's believed that the maze and Apocalypse will be open by the start of Fright Fest. Just a guess would be that the path will be complete, and maybe some testing will be going on. A few facts about the construction. There's a total of 273 footings. Some go as deep as 35-40 feet. A lot of ground work needed to be sorted out before they could pour footers. Even remnants of an old train track was buried under ground on site. 8000 yards of concrete for the ride. I'm sure there will be even more as it seems part of the pathway is concrete as well as asphalt. 1.159 million pounds of rebar used in the footings, walls and foundations. WCR will use two, 690 volt transformers to power the 4 launches. The electrical in the area will all be upgraded and even Jet Stream was getting new power when we were there today. It will open back up Monday just in time for the 100 degree days next week. 4000 feet of track. The track is manufactured in Italy. The columns are made in two places. Some nearby in Lancaster, Ca. and the rest in China. Bet you didn't see that coming. The buildings are all being renovated or torn down. The small arcade building is gone. Boo to no arcade. The old Epic Rides building will become a Membership Lounge. Where you can chill out and charge your phones. The candy store will return. The old ice cream building will become a Taco Stand serving street tacos. The first building will become a chicken food place named the Chicken Coop. The old Boneless Wings stand will become a snack and retail location. The old restrooms have been leveled and will be rebuilt larger and completely new. On to some pictures! A couple workers tightening up some fasteners. The entryway you will walk under to enter "The Underground". There's a good amount of adjustment available on each column base. Into the station. Big mess of support structure for the "spaghetti bowl". Big mess of support structure for the "spaghetti bowl". Launch section into the high five. Second and fourth launches. With the mess of structure, there should be a few good head choppers. Final inversion on the yellow track. Candy store is gutted for an all new interior. A lot of electrical to be wired. A lot of electrical to be wired. Exiting the high five and over the midway in two spots here. Small drop before the drop down into the launches. TPR hanging out near the high five. Neal wrapping up the tour. A big thanks goes out to Neal, Tim and everyone at SFMM for allowing us behind the wall to see the progress of WCR!
  11. stopped by Knott's earlier to pickup the free button they are giving away today. also, ended up buying a 50th anniversary log ride t-shirt and magnet. a few pictures...
  12. You find it mediocre? Why? What do you consider a good drop tower? Not trolling, genuinely curious. i think the tight restraints have a lot to do with this being said very often. overall, i really like drop of doom. but the actual drop might be the worst part of it.
  13. so i read somewhere that there are special ada pods for smuggler's run. you know you've been in that one because the only way to exit is an elevator. i was in one on my very first ride. i honestly thought after my first ride, that was pretty lame, there wasn't much movement. hyperspace was super lame. since then, i've been on a few more times, and i felt the ride had way more movement with more violent movements. does anyone happen to know if there is a toned down ride cycle for these supposed ada pods? is there even such a thing? we definitely had no way out but the elevator on my first ride. all others there was no elevator to be seen. also, after about 5-6 years away from disneyland, i finally purchased a pass. i have to reset my expectations of what a dead disneyland park is. all i keep reading is how dead it's been. even on days i've been there. i'm scared to when people start saying it's busy what it's going to be like. LOL
  14. No. It's not even my first visit to one this month. But it is perhaps the first time that, as the user above notes, that I've noticed the ticket booths entirely replaced by a makeshift will-call station. It makes me wonder if they are going to decide to remove the ticket booths at some point? hopefully just plow the entire front area and redo it all.
  15. Ha! I did the same thing today. The park was pretty quiet, but there was some tween convention taking place, so the shriek factor was kind of high. My ears are still ringing. First time trying the app, but figured I'd give it a shot and report back the results. The phone app isn't working for me either (it just crashes and shuts down), so here are the watch screen grabs compiled. Some interesting results. [attachment=0]Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at 4.45.13 PM.png[/attachment] yeah, yours is kind of all over the place like mine. i dunno, maybe something got messed up with the recent update. my sfmm rides i thought were pretty good with few questionable data points.
  16. did a quick run through Knott's today. the data seems a little less impressive today. also, i again cannot open the new rides transferred to the phone from my watch. but, the old rides still open up fine. so here are some watch screenshots.
  17. i only know of them saying west coast racers will open in summer. sept 23rd is the last day of summer. lol
  18. I do think they'll be finished before September 23rd. but man, that area is just trashed right now. i'm probably dumb for doing so, but i'd assume all the buildings will be refreshed, and even the go kart pit painted as well. although the more days that go by without seeing any kind of work done on the buildings make me think nothing will be done to them. hopefully they'll do a construction tour soon and we can find out more information.
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