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Everything posted by Coasterguy21

  1. Market size and attendance figures are way different. Valleyfair may be in a market size of 9 million (which, is absolutely true, its the same size as the market for Canada's Wonderland). However, Valleyfair (along with Worlds of Fun) only pull in around 1 million visitors a year, far less than the 3 million at CW. Basing on facts also doesn't mean basing on history. Truth be told, yes, Valleyfair was the first park acquired to create Cedar Fair. However, when the company was in debt after the Paramount acquisition, it was one of the first parks they tried to sell (along with Worlds of Fun & California's Great America). Profit margin, Adjusted EBITDA and lots of other factors factor in to feeling the need to sell a park. Thankfully, it didn't sell (I didn't want any of them to but I understood why. Was extremely happy when the Apollo merger didn't go through and they announced they wouldn't sell anything). Not trying to be rude here, but this just proves that the history card can't be played because the park could've become an ex-Cedar Fair park just a few years back. Read through some posts and obviously saw a lot of fanboy/its my local park posts. Understandable and I don't usually have a problem with this. But the park needs to operate as a business. They know what to do. If a B&M isn't a part of that equation, then its not. If it is, then it is.
  2. ^Those probably wouldn't have been the names of all of them. Not to mention, many of the Cedar Fair parks above were never Paramount Parks. The only Paramount Parks were -Kings Island -Canada's Wonderland -Great America -Carowinds -Kings Dominion ...all of them had the "Paramount" title before the name. They also ran Star Trek the Experience in Las Vegas, which Cedar Fair kept operating for a short while before closing. Cedar Fair purchased the parks and the other parks listed above were purchased before the Paramount deal. Michigan's Adventure was acquired from Roger Jourden in 2001 and Geagua Lake was acquired from Six Flags in 2004. Paramount never owned any of the other parks except for what is listed above. Six Flags would've never attempted to buy out Cedar Fair (mostly because, at that time, with their debt load, they couldn't) and because they didn't want to mess with Worlds of Adventure again.
  3. GateKeeper is actually fairly well. I know some enthusiasts who like it and the GP eats it up. However, it is definitely doesn't have a "fan club" like you'd find on some of the other major coasters in the park. It isn't the best in the park, but it isn't too bad. Actually, Ninja is not taller or longer than Iron Dragon. It is faster, but Iron Dragon is 76 feet tall whereas Ninja is 60 feet. Iron Dragon is also, wait for it, an entire 100 feet longer than Ninja . I rather enjoy Iron Dragon, I just like the way it runs, but, to me, it was better before TTD was built with a lot of the trees surrounding the swamp still there.
  4. Ya don't say.... ^And then you post that as I post this. Kind of awestruck.
  5. ^That was Bryan that posted that, not Jason. And don't listen to Tarheel's post, he's just goofing and yanking chains. I mean, we can't rule that out necessarily but i have my doubts that it's a Super Loop.
  6. ^^Even if pictures of Scorpion were used, notice under price it lists EUR, so this coaster is in Europe. It is also a 1983 whereas Scorpion opened in 1980.
  7. ^No, I do believe its NOT a typo. There will simply be an update tomorrow, whether it be more teasers or more information about how the announcement will go down. I think it was pretty straightforward... Announcement is Tuesday at Noon.
  8. ^I feel that Thunderhawk at Michigan's Adventure is rather re-rideable. May list it up there with some of the B&Ms that jostle you around a bit. I think it was a fun ride and the upkeep on it is rather good. That's a different model SLC though. I, however, am very excited to see how T3 pans out with the new trains. Hopefully they'll end up on many more SLCs in the future.
  9. ^Still Tuesday. They're probably just going to give some last minute hints and an update on how the announcement is going to go down tomorrow.
  10. ^Generally. I haven't been to the park in September in a few years. Last year I was there on the last day of the operating season and the weather was horrible so the haunted houses had longer lines. The last time I was there on a Sunday in Mid-September, the longest wait I had was Top Thrill Dragster at 30 minutes. Mantis, Magnum & Raptor were walk-ons. Millennium was at 5 minutes. Hopefully it stays the same for you. FOR 2015 Announcement: Update on the announcement coming tomorrow. Will just be a press release, no streaming: (ANNOUNCEMENT STILL SET FOR TUESDAY. THIS WILL JUST BE AN UPDATE ON WHAT TO EXPECT ON TUESDAY)
  11. Answered your own question haha. Someone came along and bought out the park. Private events this kind of the year aren't unheard of. REV3 Triathlon is Sunday, the 7th.
  12. Cedar Fair: Cedar Point Disney: Magic Kingdom SeaWorld: Busch Gardens Tampa Six Flags: Six Flags Great America Just based off the past few years. These are ever changing IMO.
  13. -Ron Toomer -Anton Schwarzkopf -Werner Stengel -Walter Bolliger Then some new faces would have to be added: -Alan Schilke -Sandor Kernacs
  14. I would love that. When I rode it last time, I was a bit sad when I realized that the mist and water effects were no longer operating. Hope to see them back sometime. Yeah, agreed. The park has seen so much love the past few seasons. This will be a great season celebrating the nostalgia of the park. Something many parks should do I feel.
  15. ^Yes it could. But I was just going with his "maybe a thrill ride" line. We know it'll be a thrill ride that caters to teenagers. Just remember, WindSeeker is a thrill ride too. I must say that I am afraid of heights and was scared crapless my first time on that ride. But after that I have come to appreciate the view from the top.
  16. ^Well we already know it'll be a thrill ride of some sort: http://www.sanduskyregister.com/blog/reporters-notebook/5839991
  17. ^I do like the position of the webcams today. Looking straight down on Power Tower so you can see the ride operating=AWESOME! Then of course the Millennium Force, Mantis, Iron Dragon, Frontiertown view. Digging it! I still think that third webcam location may be for construction. That's off of Gemini looking back towards the woods/Millennium Island/Frontiertown. But who knows, it could just be a "third webcam" too
  18. ^^Must have found that somewhere else. I have been following this since the very beginning and that was definitely NOT one of his tweets. I'm going to keep my predictions fairly realistic (they get more out of hand as they get down . But like the weather forecast, anything past Day Three is a Crap Shoot). It'll be a great next few years at the park as the 150th Anniversary Season is worked towards. My official prediction(s) for 2015: -Major Flat Ride Addition (Don't know what, but something of that sort) OR -Dark Ride Themed to the Old West (though, unless they really upped this, I feel this would be more of a family ride than a thrill ride. See WMG) OR -GCI Wooden Coaster (fairly cheap and can be built in a smaller time frame) OR -Another S&S 4D Free Spin with higher capacity (can also be built in a smaller time frame) We already know that they are pumping lots of money into the Hotel Breakers renovation (which is extremely exciting). Last year's additions and changes were also great. I'm sure we'll see much more in the way of park improvements as well. We may also, as long as the behind the scenes work went well, see a coaster renamed King James. Whether it be temporarily or permanently, we'll soon see. I'm excited no matter what is announced next season. Anything for a park is exciting to me because they always seem to be good moves, no matter what the general consensus is otherwise. Whatever it is...High Noon to me screams out Frontier Trail/Frontiertown.
  19. You do realize they aren't the only ones right? Halloween events, as pointed out, are very successful at parks, especially BGW. HalloWeekends begins at Cedar Point on September 12th as well.
  20. ^Many thought that this would, indeed, be the 4D Free Spin. So I don't know what "clueless" things you are stating. When the Batman: The Ride name was leaked, that kind of caught everyone off guard I think. But overall, it fits and will be fine.
  21. ^ http://rcdb.com/12282.htm 4,990 feet in length 121 feet tall 128 foot drop 57 miles per hour
  22. ^Don't really think they'll care. Truth be told, I enjoy that they are refurbishing Carousel Plaza and doing some work/celebrating their 40th Anniversary. Two big coasters in three years is good for any park. Now is time for them to kind of lay back and continue riding the Goliath train (seriously, wait was up to three hours when I was there last Wednesday and never dipped below 2).
  23. Three. Don't forget Wildfire. Wildfire will open in 2016. So it's technically a 2016 project. At any rate, something tells me this won't be a coaster at all. The only clues we "may" have are -High Noon (indicating old west) -Camp Rou (indicating Rougarou which has nothing to do with the Old West) The only clue we REALLY have is Jason McClure releasing to the press back in July that the 2015 addition will be aimed towards Teens and Thrill Seekers. Doesn't mean its a coaster or anything of that sort. Then there are all of Tony's posts that went right in line with speculation on PointBuzz (Pirate Ride building, Blue Streak Midway, the bayou area, Mantis & Mean Streak). He's been having fun and playing lots of jokes to get people to throw out crazy ideas.
  24. What? ^Yes, but there is a third camera presently being installed. This is the one that everyone is assuming will be used for construction. It was this third cam that Tony tweeted about in the tweet that I linked.
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