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Everything posted by Coasterguy21

  1. ^I think the ProSlide Tornado Wave and White Water West's Boomerangos are different products that rely heavily on the concept of a half-pipe. Boomerangos seem to have the half-pipe as the "grand finale/main attraction". The free-falling half-pipe is at the very end of the ride right before, as White Water West's website states "A reversed free-fall accelerates riders over a 6 ft high transition hump, and then into a splashdown pool". So the "boomerang" is practically the end of the ride. I have yet to see one where it isn't so Tornado Wave uses the half-pipe concept, but they can be placed many places. Look at some of the photos on ProSlide's website. You can be in an enclosed chute, once you pop out into the open, you go up one of the half-pipes and into an open chute (or back into an enclosed one). Therefore, there can be more than one half-pipe during the attraction. In addition, the half-pipes aren't necessarily located at the end of the ride. As for AquaLoops, I have yet to try one. I hear they are quite intense. I guess one of these days I'll find a place to try one at. Go big or go home I guess.
  2. ^Yeah they are. I just counted it as one due to the low height requirement and because kids seem to want to ride it all the time. But yeah, the last few helixes are quite intense. The ride definitely packs a punch.
  3. ^In my post I didn't disagree that it is a clone. My point was this was going along with the complaining that it's a wild mouse coaster. The fact of the matter is, they were complaining that's what it is. Why is it an issue that a park that is over an hour away from another one can get a clone? Especially when their main markets are two separate cities. I think it's a perfect fit. That is exactly what I stated below that quote. And yes, they are confused about the name. Also, I found this while on Cedar Point's FB page- Cedar Point will soon become Swing Ride Capital of the World. The park will also have the tallest in the world and be the only park with two swing rides over 300 feet. I can see it now!
  4. Here's my list. All of these rides have Height Requirements less than 48 inches so families can truly enjoy them together- 1. Iron Dragon (Cedar Point) (46-inch height requirement)-I feel it still gives a modest thrill for us thrill seekers (maybe not a big one, but I enjoy flying through the forest, over the lagoon and near TTD. It also provides a great thrill for the kids. 2. Zach's Zoomer (Michigan's Adventure) (40-inch height requirement to ride with adult. 46-inch to ride alone)-Classic woodie feel, gives a few pops (but mostly the classic woodie feel for us adults) of airtime and kids love it. It's an experience for a family. 3. Scorpion (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay) (42-inch height requirement)- I am over 200 lbs (not by much though) and I can fit in the seats, but they are small. This is a coaster that is the perfect first looper for kids (heck, it was my first back in the day). I still feel it packs quite the punch, but I feel it's great for families to ride together. 4. Any Mad Mouse/Wild Mouse coaster (All over the place) (usually 44 inch height requirement). While it may not count, I think Disaster Transport (right after it was re-themed and up until the late 90s) wasn't a bad family coaster. Kids in coaster training could enjoy it with their families and the seats accommodated. After it began to deteriorate maybe not so much. But I feel it wasn't bad at first. Now Cedar Point has no dark ride (though rumors say soon they may)
  5. The quote "Best Coaster in Mexico so far" Glad you are all having fun. Thanks for the updates. I am really enjoying them.
  6. Knott's Berry Farm posted a photo of "Coast Rider" construction on Facebook. The comments were the true spectacle to behold. How dare a park that is more than an hour away from another park get a coaster just like the one at that park (yeah, I tried to make it confusing) LOL Where are you going to stick all these big coasters in at Knott's buddy? Knott's has more flats and family attractions. I'm not dissing SFMM, but all they really have to draw on is coasters. Too many coasters at Knott's would truly ruin the park You mean rides that didn't have horrible wait/loading/unloading times? Yeah, let's really screw with the capacity of the park. So, while the above were more opinion based I guess, here are the real kickers. The first one was the original comment and the second one was a response to it. Not only have they just insulted Mack Rides....but they obviously don't see this is ORANGE track and all the wild mouse turns at the top. There's one track, not two. Sheesh, how does it even come across looking like Windjammer? This isn't really GP because it is an obvious troll, but I decided it'd be fun to share. I have no comments (apart from some making fun) for these so I just quoted all of them.They're from Cedar Point's Official Magnum XL-200 POV Video. They are all from the same person. Be ready to laugh at the butchering of grammar, spelling and intelligence as well. Behold internet troll- ^Yeah, he said dump. I don't get what he was trying to say here either ^His response when asked about his sources Trolls...making people lose faith in humanity one day at a time.
  7. I can honestly not say what my first coaster for 2013 will be. It will be one in Florida but I can't say for sure. We'll go with Montu, Gwazi or Cheetah Hunt for now.
  8. ^Or they're teasing a new Twister attraction or an upgrade to the present one? In all seriousness, glad that everyone appears to be OK. I heard the area was rocked pretty hard. I called family in the area and they are all good. I know the TICO Airshow was going on this weekend in Titusville and I hear that, although there is damage, everyone is OK.
  9. Hahahahaha. This ride has gone through so many names. Obviously the marketing department started it with YOLO in the video (which lead to it being known as YOLOcoaster here), but now all the other ones are becoming even more hilarious. Of course YOLOcoaster will always be the favorite (and I love that many of us will be out there in line and calling it that as the general public looks at us like we're crazy). So we have 1-YOLOcoaster 2-Ampersand: The Ride 3-Breast Cancer Awareness: The Ride ...I'll make a friendly wager that we'll see at least three more names before the coaster opens. Any takers? Wish I could make it out to the West Coast to ride Full Throttle this year, but that isn't going to happen. Oh well, maybe next year. Looks to be a good ride.
  10. Hi all, I'm Brett and I'm from Michigan. My home park is Michigan's Adventure though sometimes I say Cedar Point is as well (I'm not far from either). I've been an enthusiast for many years now and I have no clue why I never joined Theme Park Review. At any rate, I post on many other sites in my free-time as well, though my name varies from site-to-site. I am very into the business side of park operations. I enjoy everything that makes the park run. Business just interests me. If it weren't for business, parks wouldn't be operating as they are today (I know, everyone knows this). I am also interested in park planning and what thoughts go into planning for the future (once again, related to business). This just makes visiting parks all the more fun for me. I'm one to respect parks wishes, if something is leaked (say a future design plan), I do not "spread it" though if someone else posts, I may engage in some sort of conversation. I do engage in rumor talk because it is fun to speculate but I do not want to infringe on anything the park is doing. I just want to be able to respectable to them because they are running a business. At any rate, I'm glad to be here and I look forward to talking to many of you in the forums. Site is amazing Robb and I enjoy your videos thoroughly. I hope I can settle in here and become a regular. Thanks for having me.
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